CP Spring Final Review Study Guide

  1. What do the coefficients in a balanced chemical equation represent?
  2. Stoichiometry is based on the conservation of mass. True or false?
  3. In a balanced chemical equation, what number represents the numbers of individual particles and the numbers of moles of particles.
  4. How do you get a mole ratio?
  5. Balance the following equation. Cr(s) + H3PO4(aq) --> H2(g) + CrPO4(s)
  6. How many moles of carbon dioxide are produced when 6.50 mol of propane (C3H8) is burned in excess of oxygen?

C3H8 + 5O2 --> 3CO2 + 4H2O.

  1. How many grams of water are produced when 6.73 mol of oxygen reacts with hydrogen?

2H2 + O2 --> 2H2O

  1. What is the mass of potassium chloride when 9.44g of potassium reacts with excess chlorine gas? 2K + Cl2 --> 2KCl
  2. How many moles of carbon dioxide are produced when 5.21 mol of ethanol (C2H5OH) reacts with an excess of oxygen?

C2H5OH + 3O2 --> 2CO2 + 3H2O

  1. Name five statements about the kinetic molecular theory (KMT).
  2. What are the units for pressure?
  3. What does the constant bombardment of gas molecules against the inside walls of a container produce?
  4. What is STP in degrees Celsius and kilopascals?
  5. Convert 356 mmHg into atm.
  6. Convert 1.34 atm into mmHg.
  7. How does the atmospheric pressure at altitudes below sea level compare with atmospheric pressure at sea level?
  8. What is the temperature where all molecular motion theoretically stops?
  9. What happens to the average kinetic energy as the temperature decreases?
  10. If the volume of the container is reduced, what will happen to the pressure inside the container?
  11. If a balloon is heated, what happens to the pressure of the air inside the balloon if the volume remains constant?
  12. A sample of gas occupies 53 mL at 35C. What volume does the sample occupy at 75C?
  13. What three things does the combined gas law relate?
  14. A 785 mL sample of gas is collected at 920. mm Hg. If the temperature remains constant and the pressure falls to120 mm Hg, what is the new volume?
  15. The pressure of a sample of gas at a constant volume is 4.5 atm at 35.ºC. What is the pressure at 75.ºC?
  16. The volume of a sample of oxygen is 225.0 mL when the pressure is 4.56 atm and the temperature is 56.0ºC. At what temperature is the volume 2.50 L and the pressure 6.73 atm?
  17. How would you describe weak electrolytes in water?
  18. What happens to the solute-solvent collisions when the temperature is raised?
  19. What decreases the average speed of solvent molecules?
  20. What happens to the rate of dissolving when you increase the surface area of the solute?
  21. What will dissolve more quickly sugar cubes or powdered sugar?
  22. What must a solution contain in order to conduct an electric current?
  23. What does not increase the rate of dissolving in water?
  24. What makes a solute dissolve faster in a solvent?
  25. Will large or small crystals dissolve more slowly?
  26. What is the molarity of a solution that contains 5.0 moles of solute in 4.5 L of solution?
  27. What is the molarity of a solution that contains 4.5 moles of solute in 525 mL of solution?
  28. How many moles are in 456 mL of a 6.7 M solution?
  29. A piece of metal is heated and submerged in cold water. What happens to the temperature of the metal and the water?
  30. How does a calorie compare to a Joule?
  31. What would likely happen if you were to touch the flask in which an endothermic reaction was occurring?
  32. What is transferred due to temperature difference?
  33. What is an endothermic process?
  34. What is specific heat?
  35. How many Joules are in 445 calories? (1 calorie = 4.184 Joules)
  36. What is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 355.0 g of aluminum by 75.0C? (specific heat of aluminum = 0.21 )
  37. What is the specific heat of a substance if 2570 cal are required to raise the temperature of a 525-g sample by 25C?
  38. How many kilocalories of heat are required to raise the temperature of 125 g of aluminum from 15C to 115C?

(specific heat of aluminum = 0.21 )

  1. The specific heat of silver is 0.24 . How many joules of energy are needed to warm 45.0 g of silver from 35.0C to 90.5C?
  2. What would the change in temperature be if a 115 g sample of copper absorbed 3240 J of heat and has a specific heat of 0.387 J/goC?
  3. What principle does calorimetry depend upon?
  1. During a phase change, the temperature of a substance does what?
  2. The rate of a chemical reaction is defined as what?
  3. Another name for the activated complex is what?
  4. At what stage of a reaction do atoms have the highest energy?
  5. If potential energy of the product is less than that of the reactants, the reaction will be what?
  6. What is activation energy?
  7. Why does a catalyst cause a reaction to proceed faster?
  8. What is the minimum amount of energy needed by the reactant to form the activated complex and lead to a reaction called?
  9. If the temperature of the reactants is increased, what will happen to the rate of the reaction?
  10. Which factors affect the rate of reaction?
  11. What does a catalyst do?
  12. Does decreasing the concentration of the reactants increase or decrease the collision frequency between particles?
  13. What does increasing the surface area of a reactant doe?
  14. What three things must occur according to collision theory?
  15. What does raising the temperature do to the rate of the reaction?
  16. What happens to a catalyst in a reaction?
  17. At equilibrium, what is the rate of production of reactants compared with the rate of production of products?
  18. What does it mean if the equilibrium constant is less than one?
  19. When is the value of any equilibrium constant correctly measured?
  20. What is indicated by a large value for Keq?
  21. What will be the result if the volume of the reaction is decreased for the reaction

H2(g) + I2(g) 2HI(g)

  1. Consider the reaction N(g) 3H(g)  2NH(g).

What is the effect of decreasing the volume on the contained gases?

  1. What happens to a reaction at equilibrium when more reactant is added to the system?
  2. In an endothermic reaction at equilibrium, what is the effect of raising the temperature?
  3. Given Keq = 0.44 and the reaction H2O(g) + CO(g)  H2(g) + CO2(g). What is the concentration of CO2 gas, if [H2O] = 0.16 mol/L, [CO] = 0.15 mol/L and [H2] = 0.14 mol/L?
  4. What change in pressure would shift the following reaction to the right?

4HCl(g) + O(g)  2Cl(g) + 2HO(g)

  1. When an acid reacts with a base, what compounds are formed?
  2. List some properties of an acid?
  3. What is a property of a base?
  4. What are the acids in the following equilibrium reaction?

CN + HO  HCN + OH

  1. What is the best description for a solution with a hydroxide-ion concentration of 1 10M?
  2. Which type of solution is one with a pH of 8?
  3. What characterizes a strong acid or base?
  4. If [H+] of a solution is greater than [OH–], acidic or basic?
  5. If [H+] = 1.7 x 10–3 M, what is the pH of the solution?
  6. What is the hydrogen ion concentration of a solution whose pH is 4.12?
  7. What quantity is directly measured in a titration?
  8. If an atom is reduced in a redox reaction, what must happen to another atom in the system?
  9. In which type of reaction are electrons gained?
  10. What is oxidation?
  11. What is the reducing agent in the following reaction?

2Na + S --> Na2S

  1. What is the oxidizing agent in the following reaction?

CH4 + 2O2 --> CO2 + H2O

  1. What is the oxidation number for each atom in NH4Cl?
  2. Identify the atom that increases in oxidation number in the following redox reaction.

2MnO2 + 2K2CO3 + O2 --> 2KMnO4 + 2CO2

  1. Redox reactions are characterized by what?
  2. If a calcium atom loses two electrons, it becomes what?
  3. In a redox reaction, an oxidizing agent is oxidized or reduced?
  4. What is the number of electrons lost by an element when it forms ions called?
  5. What is the oxidation number of calcium in CaCl2?
  6. When an atom is oxidized in a redox reaction, does its oxidation number increase or decrease?