Ronald L. Jones

State Deputy

Bill A. Chrisman Jr.

State Secretary

Don Remer

State Treasurer

Jeff Gibson

State Advocate

Fred R. Schurman

State Warden

Rev. Patrick D. Brosamer

State Chaplain

Immediate Past State Deputy

Ronald L. Reinhardt

Knights of Columbus

Alaska State Council

2201 East 53rd Avenue
Anchorage, AK 99507-1633


March 13, 2018

The 25th Annual State Meeting of the Alaska State

Council of the Knights of Columbus will take place in

Juneau, Alaska

Dates: Friday, April 27th – Sunday, April 29th, 2018

Location: Westmark Baranof Hotel and Convention Center

127 North Franklin Street

Juneau, Alaska 99801


This year the Alaska State Council will celebrate

“Convinced of God’s Love and Power”

Council delegates can only attend the business meeting if their Council is current with their per capita payment to the Supreme Council, the Alaska State Counciland the Convention Assessment Fee of $450.

All Councils are encouraged to invite their Chaplains to attend the convention. The council will need to pay for his attendance.

The Ladies Schedule is being prepared and will be sent out soon.


Anyone having questions about reporting requirements can contact the State Secretary for guidance.

Tentative Schedule

Friday, April 27th

10:00 am-4:30 pm Registration Receive packet with directions andmeal tickets.

11:00am-12:00noon State Officer and District Deputy meeting

12:00-1:00 pm Opening Mass at Cathedral

1:00-1:10 pm Transportation to Hotel

1:10-2:00 pm Lunch (Buffet-New York Deli)

2:00-4:00 pm Committee meetings

4:30-6:30 pm Third Degree Exemplification

6:30-Dinner on your own (delegates keep receipts for submission with expense

voucher to State Secretary)

7:00-9:00pm Tentative Target Shoot

7:00pm-12:00 midnight Hospitality room available.

Saturday, April 28th

7:30-8:00 am Rosary/Adoration

7:30 - 9:00 am Breakfast on your own (delegates keep receipts for submission with

expense voucher to State Secretary)

9:00 am - 12:00 pm Business meeting, morning session

12:00 - 1:00 pm Knight's luncheon. (Buffet Wraps)

12:00 - 2:30 pm Ladies luncheon

1:00 - 4:00 pm Business meeting, afternoon session

4:30 - 6:30 pm Hospitality

5:00 - 5:15 pm mass transportation

5:30 - 6:30 pm mass at Cathedral

6:30 - 6:45 pm return to Hotel

7:00 - 7:30 pm Pre-banquet social. No host bar

7:30 - 10:30pm Banquet, guest speaker, award presentation, bison drawing (Beef, Chicken, Fish)

10:30 - 1:30 am Hospitality room open

Sunday, April 29th

7:30am Transportation to St. Therese’s Shrine

8:30-9:30 Divine Mercy and visitation to Shrine sites

09:30- 10:30 Buffet

11:00am Transportation to Airport or Hotel as needed


Councils are expected to send two delegates to the convention. Council delegates and alternates must be Third Degree members in good standing. Provide your Council Credential Certification to the State Secretary no later than March 20, 2018.

Convention Fee ‐the convention fee this year is $450 per council. Submit the fee to the State Secretary by March 27, 2018. This is a mandatory assessment for all councils.

The State Council will pay for delegates’ convention meals beginning with Friday Lunch through Sunday Brunch; however, delegates must submit receipts for their Friday evening and Saturday Breakfast with their expense voucher. Each council or delegate will be responsible for other meals not indicated on the tentative timeline provided. The State council will not pay for non-delegate meals and non-delegate lodging.

The State Council will cover rooms for two nights for all councils (Fri. & Sat.) an exception for council delegates needing another hotel night stay (Ketchikan, Sitka) will be discussed on an individual basis. Room nights are one room per council per night. Any additional rooms are at council or personal expense. Council Delegates are required to reserve their rooms. Delegates willsubmit their receipts to the State Secretary prior to departure at the end of the convention for reimbursement.


Rooms will be at the Westmark, Baranof Hotel, 127 North Franklin Street, Juneau, Alaska 99801. The Standard room rate for the convention is $99.00 per night. This room rate applies to April 27-29, 2018. Members will make their own reservation at 1-(800)-544-0970 or at: group name “Knights of Columbus. Deadline for reservations is March 30, 2018.

(After this date attendees can book rooms the corporate rate, provided there are rooms available in the hotel)

If you want to upgrade to a Premium King $119.00 or King suite rate $129.00 you or your council will be responsible for the difference above the $99.00 standard rate.

Check in time is 11:00 a.m. Check out time is 12:00 noon; however the hotel said that they will be flexible with checkout. All reservations must be accompanied by a first night room deposit or guaranteed with a major credit card.


We encourage all Knights and their guests to attend the convention functions and open sessions. The Saturday Convention meal package for non-delegatesis $101.00per person inclusive of all meals.There is a breakdown of charges for meals listed on the REGISTRATION FORM which must be completed by ALL individuals wishing to eat so that we have a head count to prepare an adequate number of meals. Checks need to be made payable to the Knights of Columbus. Send completed registration forms and checks to: Bill A. Chrisman, State Secretary,1122 O’Neal Road, North Pole, AK 99705-5934.Council delegates meals are included as part of the council convention fee.


Convention delegates are requested to purchase their Airline tickets as soon as possible to reduce the purchase price and lesson the cost to the State Council. Travel arrival and departures time need to be indicated on the registration form to help the transportation committee coordinate transportation in Juneau.


The State Advocate is the Chairman of the Committee on Resolutions and Laws. Resolutions received by the State Advocate will be circulated to the delegates by March 27, 2018.


Council Service Program Nominations ‐ State Service Program Awards nominations received by March 13th will be reviewed by committee members and will to be submitted to the State Deputy by March 27, 2018. Service programs include Church, Community, Family, Youth, Council and Pro‐Life. Late entries will not be considered.

The State ProgramChairman: Tim Dorval. .

Grand Knight of the Year, Knight of the Year and Family of the Year nominations need to be submitted to the State Deputy by March 27, 2018.

Responsibilities of the Grand Knight:

Confidential Report - Each Grand Knight shall submit a confidential report on the operation and status of his Council to the State Deputy postmarked NLT March 15, 2019.

Responsibilities of the Financial Secretary

Necrology - Submit a typed report on council letterhead, giving the name, degree, date of death and office held at time of death for all deceased members of your council during the current fraternal year. If your council did not experience any losses since the last report submit a negative report. Send the necrology report to the State Secretary by April 1st, 2018.

New Member & First Degree Exemplification Report - Submit a report of the number of First Degree exemplifications conducted by your council from July 1, 2017to the present. List the date and number of candidates inducted each time. If there were no degrees during this period, please submit a negative report. Submit report to the State Secretary by March 27, 2018.

Responsibility of District Deputies:

Grand Knight of the Year Nomination - All District Deputies will submit a written narrative recommending one or more of the Grand Knights in their district for the award of “Grand Knight of the Year”. If there are no nominations from a district then a negative report is required and must state the reason. District Deputies are also encouraged to submit a nomination for Knight of the Year. Submit all nominations to the State Deputy postmarked NLT March 27, 2018.

Responsibility of State Officers:

Annual Report of Officers - All officers, except the Treasurer, are required to submit a report to the State Secretary by March 27, 2018. The officers’ reports must be on State Council letterhead for reprinting in the convention minutes. The State Treasurer will submit his report at the annual business meeting with current financial data, also on State Council letterhead.

Budget: - The State Treasurer will prepare a recommended budget based upon current expenditures and income by category. Submit a draft of the proposed annual budget to the State Deputy and State Secretary by April 1, 2018. The Finance Committee will review and/or modify the recommended budget prior to the annual business meeting.

General Responsibilities of All Delegates, District Deputies and State Officers:

Rules of Order and Protocol‐ The State Advocate is the parliamentarian during the business meeting. He is also responsible for proper protocol at both the business meeting and the State banquet. The State business meeting and banquet are open to all Knights in good standing. Knights who are not delegates may not actively participate (join in debate) in the business proceedings unless invited to do so by the State Deputy. Guests may be invited to the State banquet.

Attendance‐ Delegates, State Officers, and District Deputies are to attend the entire business meeting, degree ceremonies, and the state banquet. Please invite all your council members to attend the business meeting and/or the banquet.

Dress Code

Business meeting – Coat, tie, name tag and jewel of office are required.

Saturday Night Banquet – The State Council banquet is in the Third Degree. Basic dress is coat and tie and appropriate council jewel of office, wearing of tuxedo is optional. Fourth Degree Knights should not wear their social baldric or jewels of office to a Third Degree function.


Bill A. Chrisman Jr.

State Secretary

Attachments: Registration Form

Distribution by e-mail:

State Officers (7)Financial Secretaries (19)Past State Deputies (6)

District Deputies (4)State Program Chairman (1)MPC Patrick Maloney

Grand Knights (19)State Pro-Life Chairman (1)

Please ensure that the Financial Secretary and Delegates receive a copy of this letter.

Ronald L. Jones State Deputy / Bill A. Chrisman State Secretary
2410 San Augustin Drive / 1122 O’Neal Road
North Pole, AK 99705- / North Pole, AK 99705-5934
(907) 488-3579 / (907) 488-8693
(907) 488-4018 / (907) 590-0338
ald /
Don Remer State Treasurer / Jeff Gibson State Advocate
18323 Kantishna Dr. / 131 Little Fox Trail
Eagle River, AK 99577 / Fairbanks, AK 99712-1823
(907) 717-5495 / (907) 457-3290 (Hm)
/ (907) 378-3290 (Wk)
Fred R. Schurman, State Warden
1514 Wintergreen Street
Anchorage, AK 99508
(907) 240-8135