June 2007 Newsletter


Thank you to all those who came along to our AGM in May. We took the opportunity to say a big thank you to Gill and Ian Spears for their involvement and help with the scout group over many years. Thanks also go to retiring executive committee member Jane Orrells. We do now have two vacancies on the executive. Meetings are twice a term. We help with fund raising and running and maintaining the building If you would like to be involved please telephone me on 01923 283745 for more information. (Pat Cunnings exec Chair and newsletter editor)

Well done to everyone who took part in the centenary camp the last weekend of May. Everyone managed to have a great time in spite of the weather. We need to get you all to start practising your sun dances as we have some exciting events coming up this summer. Please look out for letters coming home and/or emails from section leaders.

1st Chorleywood Birthday Barbecue Sunday 1st July 4-6pm

All Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Explorers and their families are invited to come along and help us celebrate 1st Chorleywood’s 60th birthday. This will take place at Chorleywood campsite on Sunday 1st July between 4-6pm. Food will be provided but you should bring your own drinks. Your invitation should be arriving by email. We need to know what size birthday cake to order so please reply asap to or let your child’s section leader know.

Village Day Saturday 14th July

Once again the scouts will be busy preparing and selling their famous bacon rolls at Village Day. Please come along and enjoy. Catherine Harer has kindly agreed to help organise the scouts’ stall again. If you can help for any length of time, with setting up, cooking and serving or clearing up please ring her on 01923 282228 .

Murder Mystery Evening Saturday 13th October

Due to popular request we are holding another murder mystery evening on Saturday 13th October. More details to follow but put the date in your diary and book your babysitter now.

Dates for your Diary

Sunday 1st July Birthday Barbecue Chorleywood Campsite 4-6pm

Saturday 14th July Village Day

31st July/1st August Sunrise Ceremony

Saturday 13th October Murder Mystery Evening