AP Spanish
Summer, 2017
¡Felicitaciones! It is commendable that you have chosen to continue your study of Spanish through the AP level. I am very excited for next year’s Spanish AP class. I am very happy that you will be my student and I hope you enjoy and learn in my class. As you know, the purpose of this course is to have you ready to excel on the AP Spanish Language Exam, whichwill be administered May2018. The AP Spanish Language Exam is designed to test your skills in order to see how well they meet the skill levelsthat one would expect to find in a third year college class. The exam will test all of the major language skills: reading comprehension, writing skills, speaking ability, and listening comprehension, in addition to general culturalknowledge of the Hispanic world. THE PURPOSE OF THESE ASSIGNMENTS IS TO KEEP YOU IN SPANISH ALL SUMMER SO THAT YOUR TRANSITION TO SPANISH 4 WILL BE SMOOTHER. Do not do them all at once. Spread them out over the summer to expose yourself topractice throughout your break.
ASSIGNMENTS: Each type of assignments will count as a MAJOR grade during the first 6 weeks. ALL ASSIGNMENTS ARE DUE NO LATER THAN September 8, 2017.*Please join my class REMIND *
Informal Writing:
Thisassignmentshould be e-mailed No email? Bring it to school and ask the front office person to put it in my box.
- Write a 10 sentence email to me in Spanish telling meabout how your summer is/was different or the same to when you were a kid (compare and contrast). Pay attention to the use of thepreterite and imperfect. Be sure to use appropriate expressions, courtesy, andemail format. Including the appropriate greetings and farewells.
- Read “Don Quijote y losmolinos de viento” (it’s attached here). Read and answer comprehension questions using complete sentences.
- Search for and read 4 news articles from the Spanish speaking world. You must read and write a 4-5 sentence summary about each plus I need the article details.Please follow format on the back of this page. When you finish all 4, you can e-mailme or you drop the assignment at school.
You are expected to watch 4 sessions of 30 minutes each for a total of 120 minutes of Spanish TV. (2 hours) You can watch videos and DVD’s set to the Spanish language, as well as Univision, Telemundo, telenovelas, Netflix, Hulu, YouTube, news programs, etc… Just make sure it is in Spanish. You may use English subtitles when watching the show. Please follow format on the back of this page and tell me in 2-3 sentences what was it about.
These sites provide direct links to television, radio, and newspapers from many locations throughout the Spanish-speaking world. Some look just like newspapers but if you scroll down you will find some videos. These are just options, there is so much more out there.
Please follow this format for your 4 news articles.
Article Extract Form: (Please do not use a translator, you may use a dictionary)
Title of article: ______
Date of publication: ______
Link to the article: ______
8-10 new phrases or words learned in Spanish / English
In 4- 5 sentences (in Spanish) write the main ideas and supporting facts of the article.
TV Journal Entry Form:
Title of Program / Movie: ______
Date you watched program: ______Time you watched program: (ex: 2- 2:30p.m.) ______
8-10 new phrases or words heard in the program and their translation: (Spanish / English)
Esta película/programa/noticia/ etc... es sobre: ______
Honor Code: College students are required to abide by an honor code that forbids them from cheating, lying and stealing, bothwithin the academic world and as members of the college community. I expect the same commitment and honorfrom you, as a member of a college-level course. What this means is that you are expected to complete allassignments on your own, without consulting native-speakers or translation devices of any kind. Your workshould represent what you are capable of doing, using as resources your mind, grammar books, or notes and adictionary. I do not expect your production of Spanish to be without error at this level. Translation devices areprohibited at all times. No one may EVER proof-read your work, suggest changes to your work, or make changesto your work unless I have specified these activities within the parameters of peer evaluation. You are to do your summer work independently.
Success on the AP Spanish Exam: The AP Spanish Language Exam is a skill-based exam testing your abilities and proficiency in Spanish. It is not a knowledge-based exam like most other AP exams. You will be expected to integrate all four of yourskills in listening, speaking, reading and writing. Familiarize yourself with the AP Spanish Language Exam Formatincluded in this packet. The AP Spanish Language class is a demanding course. The goal is for you to receive a 3 or above on the exam. Now that you have decided to take the course, here are some recommendations for things to do over the summerand during the school year to help prepare you. These are in addition to your assignments and school activities.
- Subscribe to or borrow a Spanish publication and read it as much as possible. Some possible choices includePeople Magazine enEspañol, Reader’s Digest enEspañol, Hola, or other such publications. I often see these atWalmart or HEB and are available at local bookstores/magazine shops. It is essential to do some reading and to be exposed to Spanishpublications.
- You can also go on the internet and read articles in Spanish such as on-line newspapers, magazines, and websites. Many search engines are available in Spanish. If you click on or type “video” at or you can find videos in Spanish that will help with visual, audio and gestures in Spanish.
- Have some regular contact with Univisión, Telemundo, or other Spanish programming on television or video. I recommendwatching news programs such as “Primer Impacto,” or “Noticiero.” You will see and hear speakers from all of theSpanish-speaking countries. “TuDesayuno Alegre,” is a morning talk show with music videos. There are soapoperas, “Telenovelas,” if that interests you. You will needfrequent contact over the summer with Spanish language and cultures.
- Netflix and DVDs are excellent resources, too, for listening to Spanish. While watching your favorite DVD thissummer, select to hear or watch your DVD in the Spanish language. Watch the program and jot down somewords or things you don’t understand or want to learn then. You probably will not understand everything, but overtime your understanding will increase. Another option is to tape a show, then pick a 3-5 minute segment and keeprewinding it, working with it until you get most of what is going on. You might like working with music videos orcommercials when you do this at first.
- Listen to Spanish music. Visit local music shops, department stores or download songs from the internet.You may even want to consider podcasts available in Spanish. There aresome designed to teach Spanish as well as some for entertainment.
Need extra grammar practice? An AP Spanish student should be familiar with the tenses listed below. He/she should know how to form eachtense as well as when to use each one. You may find the following web site helpful to practice these grammar points. This is not a required assignment. Go to and enter the web-code for the following grammarpoints.
Grammar Point Web-code
- present tense jkd-0002
- preterit tense jkd-0003
- imperfect tense jkd-0006
- present perfect/pluperfect jkd-0007
- ser vs. estar jkd-0008
- progressive tenses (present/imperfect/future) jkd-0027
- present subjunctive jkd-0014
- present perfect subjunctive jkd-0015
- imperfect subjunctive jkd-0021
- pluperfect subjunctive jkd-0022
- commands jkd-0024
- other uses of subjunctive jkd-0025, jkd-0033
- future/future perfect jkd-0017
- conditional/conditional perfect jkd-0018
- por vs. para jkd-0029
- words that confuse jkd-0031
General Grammar and Vocabulary sites
¡Have fun and buenasuerte!
AP Spanish Agreement: Please read, initial each line, and then complete the information below and turn this in with your assignments.
_____I have read and understand the assigned summer assignments for the AP SpanishLanguage and Culture Course.
_____I understand the Honor Policy as described on the Summer Assignment Handout and Iagree to abide by its terms for the summer assignments and during the 2017-2018 schoolyear.
_____I understand that this class moves at a quick pace and if I am in need of extra help, I willtake responsibility for my learning by speaking with Sra. Parton and coming for tutoring.
Your name:______
Your signature:______
Email address: ______
Cell Phone #:______
Date: ______
Parent’s name: ______
Parent’s signature: ______
Date: ______