Summary of CSI Map Humboldt School

School: Grade: Kindergarten Time Frame/Year: Fall 2008

Recommend / Participation in Core
Curriculum: / Supplemental & Intervention Programs/Strategies: / Determining
Subgroup 1:
n= 16 / Whole
Scott Foresman / Small / IW / Curriculum 1:
Language for Learning / Curriculum 2: / Curriculum 3: / Curriculum 4: / Independent
Work: / Out-of-Program Testing
Dibels benchmark assesments
Meskimen / Instructor: / Instructor:
Meskimen, Reddekopp or Green / Instructor: / Instructor: / Students Served: / Test #1:
Dibels benchmark assessments ISF, PSF, NWF)
3 times/year
Group Size:
16 / Group Size: / Students Served: 26 / Students Served: / Students Served:
Group Size:
12, 11` & 12 / Group Size: / Group Size:
Scott Foresman (Oral Language & Vocabulary, Comprehension, & Word Work Sections) / Activities: / Activities: / Activities:
Lesson + Workbook / Activities: / Activities: / Activities: / Activities: / Test #2:
PPS district Literacy assessments including phonics screener
3 times/year
_X_ w/in reading block
_X_in addition to reading block / _w/in reading block
__ in addition to reading block / __w/in reading block
__in addition to reading block / __w/in reading block
__in addition to reading block
80 minutes / Minutes: / Minutes: / Minutes: 40
Days Per Week: 5 / Minutes:
Days Per Week: / Minutes:
Days Per Week: / Minutes:
Days Per Week: / Minutes: / Test #3:
In-Program Tests:
End of Unit Tests / In-Program Tests: placement / In-Program Tests: / In-Program Tests: / In-Program Tests:
Recommend / Participation in Core
Curriculum: / Supplemental & Intervention Programs/Strategies: / Determining
Subgroup 2:
n= 5 / Whole / Small
Scott Foresman /


/ Curriculum 1:
ERI / Curriculum 2:
Language for Learning / Curriculum 3: / Curriculum 4: / Independent
Work: / Out-of-Program Testing
Instructor: / Instructor:
Gast / Instructor:
Green / Instructor:
Meskimen, Reddekopp or Green / Instructor: / Students Served: / Test #1: DIBELS benchmark assessments ISF, PSF, NWF)
3 times/year
Group Size: / Group Size:
10 / Students Served: 5 / Students Served:
26 / Students Served:
Group Size:
5 / Group Size:
12, 11 & 12 / Group Size:
Activities: / Activities:
Scott Forsman Language Development and Comprehension Sections / Activities: / Activities: ERI intervention curriculum / Activities:
Lessons & Workbook / Activities: / Activities: / Activities: / Test #2:
ISF, PSF Progress Monitoring
2 times/month
_X_ w/in reading block
__in addition to reading block / _Xw/in reading block
__X in addition to reading block / __w/in reading block
__in addition to reading block / __w/in reading block
__in addition to reading block
Minutes: / Minutes:
40 / Minutes: / Minutes: 40
Days Per Week: 5 / Minutes: 40
Days Per Week: 5 / Minutes:
Days Per Week: / Minutes:
Days Per Week: / Minutes: / Test #3:
PPS district Literacy assessments including phonics screener
3 times/year
In-Program Tests: / In-Program Tests:
Placement & end of unit tests / In-Program Tests: placement / In-Program Tests: / In-Program Tests:
Recommend / Participation in Core
Curriculum: / Supplemental & Intervention Programs/Strategies: / Determining
Strategic & Intensive*
Subgroup 1:
n= 15
(*14 are strategic and 1 is intensive) / Whole / Small
Scott Foresman / IW / Curriculum 1:
ERI / Curriculum 2:
Language for Learning / Curriculum 3: / Curriculum 4: / Independent
Work: / Out-of-Program Testing
Instructor: / Instructor:
Gast / Instructor:
Reddekopp or Green / Instructor:
Meskimen, Reddekopp or Green / Instructor: / Students Served: / Test #1:
DIBELS benchmark assessments ISF, PSF, NWF)
3 times/year
Group Size: / Group Size:
10 / Students Served: 15 / Students Served: 26 / Students Served:
Group Size:
5 / Group Size:
12, 11 or 12 / Group Size:
Activities: / Activities:
Scott Forsman Language Development and Comprehension Sections / Activities: / Activities:
ERI intervention curriculum / Activities:
Lessons & workbook / Activities: / Activities: / Activities: / Test #2:
ISF, PSF Progress Monitoring
2 times/month
_X_ w/in reading block
__in addition to reading block / X_w/in reading block
_X_ in addition to reading block / __w/in reading block
__in addition to reading block / __w/in reading block
__in addition to reading block
Minutes: / Minutes: 40 / Minutes: / Minutes: 40
Days Per Week: 5 / Minutes: 40
Days Per Week: 5 / Minutes:
Days Per Week: / Minutes:
Days Per Week: / Minutes: / Test #3:
PPS district Literacy assessments including phonics screener
3 times/year
In-Program Tests: / In-Program Tests:
Placement & end of unit / In-Program Tests:
placement / In-Program Tests: / In-Program Tests: