Embedded Credit – Content Standards and Objectives Alignment Template
Course Name_Early Childhood Education WVEIS # ___1003, 1004, 1008, 1009,____
Teachers and Administrators who completed the template: Alyssa Hamilton, Brenda Fisher, Carolyn Baldwin, Connie Ewing,
M’lyn Gibson, Susan Sweat
Recommendation that embedded credit be awarded: Yes X No □ Provide rationale for decision:
“Students will receive high-quality instruction that will allow them to work toward mastery on 100% of the content standards and objectives for all embedded credit courses approved by the county and submitted for approval to the WVDE.”
Embedded Credit Course Standards and Objectives (Transition English Language Arts for Seniors) / Alignment to Host Course Standards and Objectives / Content Alignment / How Standards and/or objectives that do not have strong alignment will be deliveredStrong Alignment / Moderate Alignment / Weak or No Alignment
ELA.T.1 Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the literary text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text, including determining where the literary text leaves matters uncertain. / 1003.37-- discover ways of building positive relationships with children
1003.38-- explore environments that support social emotional behavior,
1004.12-- discuss methods to effectively and appropriately communicate needs, wants and feelings.
1004.20— Students will demonstrate knowledge of:
- Standards for Speaking and Listening.
- the stages of Language Development.
- language and literacy integration throughout the classroom.
- language and literacy program planning.
- vocabulary building strategies.
- functional print environment strategies.
- assessment of language and literacy development.
- listening and speaking including receptive and expressive language.
- comprehension and collaboration.
- print concepts.
- phonological awareness.
- word recognition.
- literature and writing.
- using and generating graphic images.
1004.17-- describe the interactive roles and relationships among family members.
1009.13-- plan for intentional readings through selection of books. / X / Instructor incorporates the study of various novels, dramas, and short stories as part of the curriculum.
ELA.T.2 Determine two or more themes or central ideas of a literary text and analyze their development over the course of the text, including how they interact and build on one another to produce a complex account; provide an objective summary of the literary text. / 1004.8--analyze factors relevant to physical development at various stages from newborn to adolescence.
1004.9--Students will demonstrate knowledge of:
- development of self-concept.
- development of self-expression and self-awareness.
- development of social relationships including pro-social behaviors and cooperation.
- roles of family and community in social and emotional development.
- dispositions to and motivations for learning.
- issues relating to trust, security, autonomy, separation and attachment.
1004.17-- describe the interactive roles and relationships among family members.
1004.18-- describe roles and relationships of community members.
1004.19-- compare and contrast differences among people such as genders, race, special needs, cultures, language and family structures.
1004.20--examine roles for children of different ages within communities.
1004.20— Students will demonstrate knowledge of:
- Standards for Speaking and Listening.
- the stages of Language Development.
- language and literacy integration throughout the classroom.
- language and literacy program planning.
- vocabulary building strategies.
- functional print environment strategies.
- assessment of language and literacy development.
- listening and speaking including receptive and expressive language.
- comprehension and collaboration.
- print concepts.
- phonological awareness.
- word recognition.
- literature and writing.
- using and generating graphic images.
1009.13-- plan for intentional readings through selection of books. / X / Instructor incorporates the study of various novels, dramas, and short stories as part of the curriculum; includes a synthesis project with a thematic approach.
ELA.T.3 Analyze the impact of the author's choices regarding how to develop and relate elements of a story or drama (e.g., where a story is set, how the action is ordered, and how the characters are introduced and developed). / 1003.15Students will demonstrate knowledge of:
- positive nurturing relationships and communication.
- cultural and environmental influences on child development.
1004.17-- describe the interactive roles and relationships among family members.
1004.20-- examine roles for children of different ages within communities.
1004.21--analyze the importance of identifying as a member of a group within a community.
1004.45— Students will demonstrate knowledge of:
- the impact of language and literacy standards in the mathematic domain
- the importance of creative expression and aesthetic appreciation to human growth and development in every domain.
- music and movement.
- visual art.
- dramatic play.
1009.13-- plan for intentional readings through selection of books. / X / Instructor incorporates the study of various novels, dramas, and short stories as part of the curriculum.
ELA.T.4Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the informational text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text, including determining where the informational text leaves matters uncertain. / 1003.3-- examine WVDE Policies 2520.15 and 2530.02 and discuss curriculum requirements.
1003.5--analyze WV DHHR Legislative Rules regulatory requirements for child day care centers, out-of-school time child care centers, family day care facilities, and informal and relative family child care home registration.
1003.12-- examine the economic and other benefits of universal
1003.35-- analyze the impact of the use of structured movement experiences as they are intentionally facilitated in the classroom environment.
1003.49-- investigate work settings within ECE and the application of
1003.56--analyze needs for safety, health and comfort and convenience.
1003.58--identify warning signs for problematic physical environments.
1004.3-- analyze programs to ensure that the significant physical domain competencies to acquire in early childhood (body awareness, attitudes toward food, nutritional habits, body image and physical mastery) are present.
1004.5-- examine the roles of biology and experience in brain development.
1004.8-- analyze factors relevant to physical development at various stages from newborn to adolescence.
1004.16-- explain the acquisition of the following skills related to cooperation: developing and sustaining friendships with peers; managing transitions and adapting to change in routines; initiating or joining classroom activities; experiencing cooperative group play; sharing materials and experiences and for taking turns; negotiating, compromising and discussion skills required for conflict resolution; and accepting guidance and directions from familiar adults.
1004.20-- examine roles for children of different ages within communities.
1004.21-- analyze the importance of identifying as a member of a group within a community.
1004.22-- explain methods for increasing participation in classroom activities and tasks.
1008.24-- review the Division for Early Childhood (DEC) and the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) joint definition on inclusion and become aware of legal requirements.
1008.43--examine organizational structures including policies and procedures of various industry settings.
1009.42--examine organizational structures including policies and procedures of various industry settings.
1009.47-- apply research-based knowledge to practice situations.
1009.48-- examine methods of giving and receiving supervision. / X
ELA.T.5 Determine two or more central ideas of an informational text and analyze their development over the course of the text, including how they interact and build on one another to provide a complex analysis; provide an objective summary of the informational text. / 1003.2--determine requirements for chosen avenue(s) of certification including ACDS, CDA and/or ECE Pre-Pac.
1003.6-- describe components of WV ELSF Domain Areas.
1003.7-- explain WV STARS.
1003.16-- describe the fundamental principles of DAP as catalogued by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAYEC).
1003.20-- describe principles of observation and assessment of children.
1003.33--identify signs of emotional or developmental problems in children and discuss them within an appropriate forum.
1003.45--identify strategies to promote children’s communication and oral language development,
1003.52-- describe the importance of aesthetics, flexibility and organization to effective childhood settings.
1003.53-- describe visual cues that promote independence and decision making.
1003.63--identify conceptual frameworks applied in various settings
1004.2-- describe concepts relating to health and physical development such as fine motor development, gross motor development, brain development and health and safety development including food choices, exercise, health routines and hygiene and personal care habits, apparel needs and safety.
1004.9-- Students will demonstrate knowledge of:
- development of self-concept.
- issues relating to trust, security, autonomy, separation and attachment.
- development of social relationships including pro-social behaviors and cooperation.
- roles of family and community in social and emotional development.
- dispositions to and motivations for learning.
- issues relating to trust, security, autonomy, separation and attachment.
1004.11-- explain methods for fostering independence in a range of activities, routines and tasks.
1004.16-- explain the acquisition of the following skills related to cooperation: developing and sustaining friendships with peers; managing transitions and adapting to change in routines; initiating or joining classroom activities; experiencing cooperative group play; sharing materials and experiences and for taking turns; negotiating, compromising and discussion skills required for conflict resolution; and accepting guidance and directions from familiar adults.
1004.17-- describe the interactive roles and relationships among family members.
1004.18-- describe roles and relationships of community members.
1004.19--compare and contrast differences among people such as genders, race, special needs, cultures, language and family structures.
1004.46-- describe how the arts supports language development.
1008.2-- explain the concept of theory and describe how child care practices develop from theory.
1008.4--analyze the values and limits of various theories in relationship to outcomes of child development.
1008.23--identify strategies to create and support collaborative services in inclusive preschool environments.
1008.36--identify how inclusion can be supported through the IEP process with adaptations and modifications when needed.
1008.24-- review the Division for Early Childhood (DEC) and the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) joint definition on inclusion and become aware of legal requirements.
1009.18-- describe how language development impacts literacy development.
1009.49--explain requirements and competencies for various positions within the field. / X
ELA.T.6Analyze a complex set of ideas or sequence of events and explain how specific individuals, ideas, or events interact and develop over the course of the informational text and media. / 1003.3-- examine WVDE Policies 2520.15 and 2530.02 and discuss curriculum requirements.
1003.5-- analyze WV DHHR Legislative Rules regulatory requirements for child day care centers, out-of-school time child care centers, family day care facilities, and informal and relative family child care home registration.
1003.19-- examine introductory theoretical principles.
1003.33-- identify signs of emotional or developmental problems in children and discuss them within an appropriate forum.
1003.35-- analyze the impact of the use of structured movement experiences as they are intentionally facilitated in the classroom environment.
1003.50— Students will demonstrate knowledge of:
- standard elements in early childhood program design.
- fundamentals of environmental planning for both indoor and outdoor activities.
- equipping early childhood classrooms.
- signs that a physical environment is not working for both children and adults.
1003.62-- compare organizational mission statements to organizational performance.
1003.63--identify conceptual frameworks applied in various settings
1003.67-- examine methods of giving and receiving supervision.
1004.3--analyze programs to ensure that the significant physical domain competencies to acquire in early childhood (body awareness, attitudes toward food, nutritional habits, body image and physical mastery) are present.
1004.4--analyze basic principles of neuroscience.
1004.8--analyze factors relevant to physical development at various stages from newborn to adolescence.
1004.13--analyze factors that promote positive relationships between adults and children.
1004.20-- examine roles for children of different ages within communities.
1004.21--analyze the importance of identifying as a member of a group within a community.
1004.47--analyze the contribution of imagination and creativity to the development of new ideas and skills needed for problem solving, conflict resolution and lifelong learning.
1008.4—analyze the values and limits of various theories in relationship to outcomes of child development.
1008.11-- identify strategies to create and support collaborative services in inclusive preschool environments.
1008.23--identify strategies to create and support collaborative services in inclusive preschool environments.
1008.36--identify how inclusion can be supported through the IEP process with adaptations and modifications when needed.
1008.38-- evaluate the role of schools in supporting a comprehensive school readiness system.
1008.45--identify conceptual frameworks applied in various settings.
1009.5--identify strategies that prompt developmentally appropriate activities in the classroom.
1009.37--analyze the contribution of imagination and creativity to the development of new ideas and skills needed for problem solving, conflict resolution and lifelong learning.
1009.42--examine organizational structures including policies and procedures of various industry settings. / X
ELA.T.7Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a variety of literary texts, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the impact of specific word choices on meaning and tone, including words with multiple meanings or language that is particularly fresh, engaging, or beautiful. (Include Shakespeare as well as other authors.) / 1003.46--develop an awareness of how utilizing literature can impact children’s vocabulary,
1004.20—Students will demonstrate knowledge of:
- Standards for Speaking and Listening.
- the stages of Language Development.
- language and literacy integration throughout the classroom.
- language and literacy program planning.
- vocabulary building strategies.
- functional print environment strategies.
- assessment of language and literacy development.
- listening and speaking including receptive and expressive language.
- comprehension and collaboration.
- print concepts.
- phonological awareness.
- word recognition.
- literature and writing.
- using and generating graphic images.
1004.49--develop strategies for self-expression through a variety of activities in techniques in the domain areas of music and movement, visual art and dramatic play.
1009.17-- describe how to develop awareness of letters and words.
1009.18-- describe how language development impacts literacy development. / X / While standards do not expressly address studying Shakespeare specifically, they do address narratives and dramatic plays.
Instructors could be persuaded to use Shakespeare with easy incorporation.
ELA.T.8Analyze how an author's choices concerning how to structure specific parts of a literary text (e.g., the choice of where to begin or end a story, and the choice to provide a comedic or tragic resolution) contribute to its overall structure and meaning as well as its aesthetic impact. / 1003.46--develop an awareness of how utilizing literature can impact children’s vocabulary,
1009.39--develop strategies for self-expression through a variety of activities in techniques in the domain areas of music and movement, visual art and dramatic play. / X / Standards do not directly address literary text structure and aesthetics, though they do address the inclusion of literature, stories, and dramas. Incorporation of the study of the elements of a short story, for instance, would move this alignment from weak to strong.
ELA.T.9Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in an informational text, including figurative, connotative, and technical meanings; analyze how an author uses and refines the meaning of a key term or terms over the course of a text (e.g., how Madison defines faction in Federalist No. 10). / 1003.3-- examine WVDE Policies 2520.15 and 2530.02 and discuss curriculum requirements.
1003.5-- analyze WV DHHR Legislative Rules regulatory requirements for child day care centers, out-of-school time child care centers, family day care facilities, and informal and relative family child care home registration.
1003.16--describe the fundamental principles of DAP as catalogued by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAYEC).
1003.19-- examine introductory theoretical principles.
1003.42--understand that cognitive skills develop through processes as assimilation and accommodation,
1003.47--utilize the knowledge gained from each domain of child development to describe a comprehensive approach to an early childhood program, and
1004.3--analyze programs to ensure that the significant physical domain competencies to acquire in early childhood (body awareness, attitudes toward food, nutritional habits, body image and physical mastery) are present.
1004.4--analyze basic principles of neuroscience.
1004.5--examine the roles of biology and experience in brain development.
1004.13--analyze factors that promote positive relationships between adults and children.
1008.3--outline the major concepts of various theories listed above.
1008.7--explain multiple intelligences and construct DAP’s that address the needs of different multiple intelligence.
1008.12--review the Division for Early Childhood (DEC) and the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) joint definition on inclusion and become aware of legal requirements.
1008.15--identify strategies that prompt successful inclusion of children in early care and education environments.
1008.24-- review the Division for Early Childhood (DEC) and the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) joint definition on inclusion and become aware of legal requirements.
1008.45-- identify conceptual frameworks applied in various settings.
1009.2--identify strategies for setting up and maintaining a quality classroom environment.
1009.5--identify strategies that prompt developmentally appropriate activities in the classroom. / X