Exploratory Spanish

Course Syllabus

Teacher: Mrs. Christina Ballard

Contact information: Ph.624-3381 Voicemail: ext. 4001

Welcome to Spring View Middle School and to Exploratory Spanish. Exploratory Spanish is a one-semester course. This course will focus on basic Spanish grammar and vocabulary development. We are excited to be able to offer you a curriculum which will include the use of the internet and an on-line textbook for: tutoring, activities, and projects.


Our curriculum will follow the 5 national standards for foreign language instruction: Communication, Culture, Connections, Comparisons, and Communities. Each of these national standards will be addressed through various types of in class and at home activities and assignments.

Grading Method

Students will be graded on the following:

30% of the grade: Participation Homework / Classwork Projects

70% of the grade: Unit Quizzes & Tests

All Foreign Language students will earn Semester grades based on the following percentages distribution:

A = 100%-90%; B = 89%-80%; C = 79-70%; D = 69%-60% F = 59% & below

Assessment Policy:

All tests/quizzes will be cumulative in nature. These assessments may include: reading, writing, speaking and listening. There is 1 quiz and 1 test per unit. There are 5 units.

Materials for Success !!

Ø  A Spanish folder for all Spanish handouts, etc.

Ø  4 - 5 packs of small 3” x 5” index cards. Any color is fine.

Ø  Binder paper, pencil, pen.

Ø  Set of colored markers or pencils.


Homework in Exploratory Spanish will include daily vocabulary flashcard practice. You may also have 2-3 workbook pages to complete during the week. The homework in any foreign language is the key to gaining competency and mastery of that language. At-home practice is vital for all students and may not be substituted by anything else. Most of us learn by doing, and that is exactly what at-home practice provides. Form a “habit” of about 5-10 minutes of review on a daily basis. You will retain and learn the information versus cramming for memorization which is not learned but short term knowledge.


There are 5 vocabulary units that we will cover. Every student will receive the unit vocabulary list for the current unit and must bring it to class every day along with their other Spanish work. Students will be required to make flashcards for every unit and it is very important to study the flashcards on a daily basis.


Any missed assignments attributed to an excused absence may be completed by the end of the next class after a student returns from that absence. Students have one week to make up any quiz or test missed attributed to an excused absence.

Student Behavior / Dress Code / Food & Drink / Electronic Devices

Please follow the standards of student behavior and school dress code that is listed in the school handbook.

Water only is allowed in class unless we have a special occasion or Fiesta planned.

Gum is not allowed. Be smart, don’t chew it in class.

Cell phones must be turned off. You must keep them in your back packs, not in your pants pockets. If I see them or hear them they will be confiscated.

Please sign below that you have read the syllabus and understand the expectations of this class. Also, please have your parents/guardians sign and include their email address and/or phone number for contact information. If you need to get in touch with me, please email me at the address or phone number on the front page of this course syllabus.

Student Name(PRINT) ______Period____ID#______

Student signature______

Parent/Guardian signature______

Parent/Guardian Email #1 ______

Email #2 ______

(I will email weekly progress reports so please include as many emails as necessary)