Provider agreement 2014-2015
Free Early Education for Two year olds (FEET)
Surrey County Council is committed to providing good quality early education and childcare provision to improve the outcomes of children in Surrey. By accepting the conditions set out in this agreement you are accepting the criteria in the Early Education and Childcare Statutory Guidance for Local Authoritiesand theLocal Code of Practice and are making a commitment to making sure you are a high quality setting.
You must return this form to us by23 July 2014.
Provider information
Setting nameFree Early Education URN
Ofsted number
Registered person
Contribution to Local Offer (provider to fill in this section)
Please answer all of the following questions and don’t leave any blank.
- If you only open term time hours, please give the dates when you offer FEET below:
Septemberto October. This is weeks (maximum eight weeks).
November to December. This is weeks (maximum seven weeks).
The total weeks for autumn term cannot be more than 14 weeks
January to February. This is weeks (maximum six weeks).
February to March. This is weeks (maximum five weeks).
April to May. This is weeks (maximum six weeks).
June to July. This is weeks (maximum seven weeks).
If you can offer FEET hours flexibly (fewer hours a week across 52 weeks a year) please tick here
- Please fill in the table below to give us a full picture ofyour FEET offer. Don’t leave any of the boxes blank. For example, if your setting does not offer FEET in the afternoons, write “0” (zero) in the appropriate FEET hours box.
/Free early education hours
Write the time of the free sessions, these may or may not be the same as your opening hours. / Maximum number of free early education hours a child can access in a day / Can a child access fewer free early education hours per day than your specified maximum?Answer Yes or No. / Additional information
Monday / Day session
AM session
PM session
Tuesday / Day session
AM session
PM session
Wednesday / Day session
AM session
PM session
Thursday / Day session
AM session
PM session
Friday / Day session
AM session
PM session
Provider agreement
As a provider registered on the List of FEET Providers to claim FEET funding I agree to:
- Read the Local Code of Practice and meet its criteria.
- Record data accurately for all children.
- Send headcount and registration forms to Surrey County Council fully and accurately filled in and in line with the schedule on the back page of the Local Code of Practice.
- Tell Surrey County Council immediately of any changes in circumstances that may affect our registration on the List of FEET Providers.
- Give parents information onFEET and run a clear invoice system, which does not show a charge for the free entitlement.
- Make a copy of the Local Code of Practice available to parents who are taking upFEET.
- Comply with the statutory framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage.
- Work with staff from Surrey County Council’s Early Years and Childcare Service, take advice and support where needed and have an annual review with the service.
- Promote equality and inclusion, particularly for disadvantaged families, looked-after children, children in need and children with disabilities or special educational needs by removing barriers of access to free early education and working with parents to give each child support to fulfil their potential.
Local authority agreement
Surrey County Council agrees to:
- Make payments to you if we’ve got your headcount and registration forms on time (in line with the schedule in the Local Code of Practice) and they are fully and accurately filled in.
- Advise you quickly of any potential changes to the funding criteria.
- Work with newly registered providers and providers undergoing re-registration for FEET.
- Advise and support you to comply with the statutory framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage and raise the quality of your provision.
- Provide a training programme that meets the need for ongoing professional development of all providers.
- Support providers to include all children within the setting and offer support to help providers meet the Code of Practice for Special Educational Needs.
- Promote equality and inclusion, particularly for disadvantaged families, looked-after children, children in need and children with disabilities or special educational needs by removing barriers of access to free early education and working with parents to give each child support to fulfil their potential.
Joint agreement
We agree to:
- Work together at all times to promote high quality early education and childcare provision.
- Work together to carry out the Early Education and Childcare Statutory Guidance for Local Authorities, the Local Code of Practice, and the funding criteria.
- Explore options to allow flexible delivery of the free entitlement to meet the needs of parents wherever possible.
- Make sure that eligible families in the local community are encouraged to use FEET.
Provider declaration
I understand that if I fail to meet the conditions set out in this agreement and in the Local Code of Practice, Surrey County Council may need my setting to repay all or part of the funding paid to it and may withdraw my setting from the List of FEET Providers meaning that I will not be able to claim FEET. I will make sure that all my staff understand the implications of not following the Local Code of Practice.
Nominated person’s signature …………………………………………………………………………
(For example chair or owner)
Name (printed) …………………………………………………………………………………………
Date ……………………………………………………
Surrey County Council declaration
The local authority agrees to support providers to deliver FEET and to work with them to make sure high quality early education and childcare provision is given to all eligible children.
Signed for and on behalf of Surrey County Council
Name (printed) Phil Osborne
Job title Head of Service, Early Years and Childcare
Date16 June 2014
Please email one completed copy of this agreement to the email address below by
23July2014. You also need to send a copy of the Early Years Providers Partnership Policy making sure that you have added the required details to page 2.
Or post to Fairmount House, Bull Hill, Leatherhead, Surrey KT22 7AH
Helping parents find places
To help parents find a FEET place we will use the following information either verbally, in writing or on the internet:
- Setting address (we will not use this informationfor childminders)
- Setting email
- Setting telephone number
- Website
- Facilities
- Opening times
- Age range of children accepted
- Ofsted inspection outcome
- Ofsted registration details.
If you do not want your details to be shared with families or people working with families tick here.