The Beeches

Birch Court



NG22 0NF

Tel: 01777 870192



To:All Tuxford Town Councillors 8th March 2018

Dear Councillor,

You are hereby summoned to attend the Meeting of Tuxford Town Council to be held atThe Beeches, Birch Court, Tuxford at 7.00pm on Thursday 15th March 2018.

Yours sincerely,


Mrs. L.Holland

Clerk to the Council

Meeting of Tuxford Town Council to be held atThe Beeches, Birch Court, Tuxford

at 7.00pm on Thursday 15th March 2018


1.Apologies for absence

2.Declarations of Interest

3. Minutes of the previous meeting held 15th February2018 (folio ref 2018/013-016)

4.Matters arising from the minutes

5.District Councillor and County Councillor reports

The meeting will adjourn to allow for questions from the public and then re-convene for the following items

6. Finance:

6.1 To approve invoices for payment

6.2 To approve budget monitoring as at 28th February including year to date income & expenditure (if available).

7. Planning Matters

7.01 To consider following Planning Applications:

Ref. Number / Address / Details / TTC Decision
18/00142/FUL / Plumtree Cottage, Great North Road / Demolition existing single storey dwelling & erection of another etc.
18/00188/HSE / 2 Lexington Gardens / Proposed 2 storey side ext. & porch
18/00224/FUL / Land adj. Hope Cottage, Blenheim Ave. / Erect one dwelling
18/00250/CAT / St. Nicholas Church, Lincoln Road / Remove dead wood & reduce by 2 mtres.

7.02Planning decisions received (if any)

7.03Appeal decision APP.A30A0/W/173183650 Land at St. John’s College Farm

  1. Update on recent Data Protection Seminar & duties of the Council if further information available.
  2. To consider Town maintenance & plant/equipment requirements.
  3. To consider further quotes re Clark Lane Play Area upgrade.
  4. To consider quotes for floral displays for 2018
  5. To consider entering Best Kept Village Competition.
  6. To consider quotes for replacement CCTV recorder for depot.
  7. To consider response from Police re speeding & request for 30mph signs.
  8. To consider website including addition of a twitter feed to current website.
  9. To consider Read Building.
  10. To consider lighting for the main car park.
  11. To receive reports from Working Groups: (if any)

01Traffic & Highways

02Community Facility

03Christmas Fair

  1. To consider request for dog bin on Capps Place.
  2. To receive items for information and future agenda items:
  • BDC Consultation re Review of Polling Districts & Polling Places (closing date 29th March 2018)
  • BDC – Support required to tackle issue of quad bikes which are causing a problem.

20. Date of next meeting 19th April 2018


Review of Clerk’s hours

Review of Job Descriptions

Review of Staff salaries

Members of the Public have a right to attend Council meetings but not an automatic right of speech