FRIDAY, MAY 1, 2015

5:30 P.M.


Deputy City Manager/ Community Development Director Truszkowski called the meeting to order at 5:33p.m.


The flag salute was resided by all present.



City Council Pro Tem, Liz Silva; City Council Member Scott Funk; David Mancera; Gary Robinson; and Lorraine Worthy.

Candice Mcfarland excused absence.


City Manager René L. Mendez, Deputy City Manager/ Community Development Director Thomas Truszkowski and Administrative Assistant Roxanna Heredia.


  1. Deputy City Manager/ Community Development Director Truszkowski asked the Committee to nominate and elect one member to serve as Chairperson and another to serve as Vice-Chairperson.

Staff Report: Deputy City Manager/ Community Development Director Truszkowski presented the staff report.

Public Comment:There was none.

Committee Member Discussion:There was none.

Committee Action:City Council Pro Tem Silva nominated Committee Member Gary Robinson as Chairperson. Committee Member Worthy seconded the motion. Approved by vote: City Council Pro Tem Silva, City Council Member Funk, Committee Member Mancera, Chair Pro Tem Worthy and Chairperson Robinson, ayes. Absent: Candice Mcfarland.

City Council Pro Tem Silva nominated Committee Member Lorrain Worthy as Vice-Chairperson. Committee Member Mancera seconded the motion. Approved by vote: City Council Pro Tem Silva, City Council Member Funk, Committee Member Mancera, Chair Pro Tem Worthy and Chairperson Robinson, ayes. Absent: Candice Mcfarland.


  1. Presentation given by City Manager René L. Mendez welcoming the Oversight Board Committee Members and Discussing their Role in Providing Recommendations to the City Council of how the Measure ‘K’ Transaction and Use Tax Proceeds are allocated in Support of the City’s Mission and Vision Statements.


  1. Presentation given by City Manager Mendez regarding the City of Gonzales Budget and Budget Process.

Staff Report:City Manager Mendez presented the staff report.

Public Comment:There was none.

Committee Member Discussion:Chairperson Robinson asked if the Committee Members can be given a short list of Council priorities of programs and services that potentially can be funded by tax revenue. City Manager Mendez mentioned this is possible and further suggested the Committee address the City Council asking them tofacilitate this list.

City Council Pro Tem Silva, asked if Committee Members will have to attend training with regard to Brown Act and ethics.City Manager Mendez mentioned they will not, because they are an advisory Committee.

City Council Pro Tem Silva, asked how many members will comprise the Measure K Oversight Committee. City Manager Mendez stated there will be seven members and the City is currently accepting applications to fill the remaining open position.

Committee Action:Received and Filed.

  1. Deputy City Manager/ Community Development Director Truszkowski made presentation providing an Overview of Sales, Use and Transaction Taxes.

Staff Report: Deputy City Manager/ Community Development Director Truszkowski presented the staff report.

Public Comment:There was none.

Committee Member Discussion:City Council Pro Tem Silva asked if the Transaction and Use Tax includes those people who live outside the City limits. Deputy City Manager/ Community Development Director Truszkowski mentioned they are excluded; the tax is applicable to those who reside within the City limits.

Committee Action:Received and Filed.

  1. Establish Future Meeting Schedule for Measure ‘K’ Oversight Committee.

Staff Report:Deputy City Manager/ Community Development Director Truszkowski presented the staff report.

Public Comment:There was none.

Committee Member Discussion:Committee Members crossed referenced their schedules. Administrative Assistant Heredia informed the Committee Members present of absent Committee Member Mcfarland’s schedule. Committee Members determined the day and time for future meetings will be the third Tuesday of every month at 6:00p.m.

Committee Action:Chair Pro Tem Worth motioned to meet every third Tuesday of the month at 6:00p.m. City Council Pro Tem Silva second. Approved by vote: City Council Pro Tem Silva, City Council Member Funk, Committee Member Mancera, Chair Pro Tem Worthy and Chairperson Robinson, ayes. Absent: Candice Mcfarland.

Note: The matter was continued until the Committee’s next meeting for formal action.


  1. There was none.


  1. City Council Pro Tem Silva, invited all present to attend their City Council Meetings.

Chairperson Robinson asked if as Chairperson he was to attend all City Council Meetings. He was addressed by Deputy City Manager/ Community Development Director Truszkowski. No, he is simply to represent the Measure ‘K’ Oversight Committee to the City Council.

Chair Pro Tem Worthy thanked the staff for their efficiency in coordinating and managing their first meeting.

Chairperson Robinson asked to receive an agenda for every City Council Meeting. Deputy City Manager/ Community Development Director Truszkowski mentioned all agendas are available on our City website; however agendas could be emailed to him.

Chairperson Robinson asked if staff could compile a list of all Measure ‘K’ Oversight Committee member names and contact information.Deputy City Manager/ Community Development Director Truszkowski said staff would work on the list and email it to all Committee Members.

Chairperson Robinson asked if they will be supplied with the literature to review prior to their meetings. Deputy City Manager/ Community Development Director Truszkowski answered, stating they will receive the staff report the Friday prior to the Tuesday they meet unless there is a lot to review the materials will be sent out sooner.


9. There was none.


City Council Pro Tem Silva made a motion to adjourn. City Council Member Funk seconded the motion. Approved by vote: City Council Pro Tem Silva, City Council Member Funk, Committee Member Mancera, Chair Pro Tem Worthy and Chairperson Robinson, ayes. Absent: Candice Mcfarland.

The Measure K Oversight Committee Meeting was adjourned at 6:41p.m.

Gary Robinson, Chairperson


René L. Mendez, City Clerk

In compliance with the American with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the City Clerk at (831) 675-5000. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. (CFR 35.102-35.104 ADA Title II).

Any writing or documents provided to a majority of the Oversight Committee regarding any item on this agenda will be make available for public inspection at City Hall located at 147 Fourth Street, Gonzales, California, during normal business hours.

Page 1 of 4 Measure “K” Oversight Committee Minutes 05-01-15