“Be yourself. Above all, let who you are, what you are, what you believe, shine through every sentence you write, every piece you finish.” - John Jakes
IB CWL Writing Assignment 1

Due: Thursday, February 11, 2010

Length: 600-800 words

For your first formal writing assignment, you will be choosing one of the prompts below (directly and modified from the Writing Wednesday prompts) and writing a 600-800 word essay response:

·  How does Suskind construct the first chapter of Perfume to draw the reader in and/or establish character?

·  Discuss Suskind’s style as a writer, specifically what he does to either establish scent or create sympathy/empathy for Grenouille.

·  Discuss the role of secondary characters in Perfume. What might Suskind be saying about society, in general, through these characters? What role, then, does Grenouille play in your interpretation of the social commentary?

·  Compare either the openings or endings of Chronicle of a Death Foretold and Perfume. Reflect on their similarities and differences, and construct an argument detailing how a re-reading of them reflects the primary concerns of each work.

·  So what? How so? and How do you know? (the Build-Your-Own-Question)


ü  Choose the prompt about which you are most curious. If writing your own question, ask yourself what struck you in Perfume that deserves further exploration.

ü  Complete a second “reading” of Perfume with your prompt in mind (even #1). Take copious notes.

ü  Your essay must be typed and edited.

ü  Write your question or prompt at the top of the first page.

ü  Review the IB CWL Essay Rubric carefully. This will be used for grading.

ü  Use textual support (MLA style of citations – see the Wiki for support)

ü  Aim for clarity, organization, originality, and depth of analysis.

ü  Show a deep understanding of the work(s) through your writing, and don’t leave arguments unfinished.

ü  Stay within the word count. This is a challenge in and of itself, and forces you to get to the point.