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Meeting of the Justice Advisory Council

March 10, 2017

8:30 am-10:00 am

118 North Clark Street 4th Floor Conference Room B

Chicago, IL 60602

Call to Order and Roll Call

The Justice Advisory Council met on March 10, 2017 at 118 N. Clark, 4th Floor

Conference Room B, in Chicago, Illinois. Justice Advisory Council MemberJustice Burke called the meeting to order at 8:40a.m.

JAC Council Board Member Attendance / Present / Absent
Honorable Justice Ann Burke / x
Honorable William H. Hooks / x
Judge (ret) Rhoda Sweeney / x
Dia S. Weil / x
Edith Crigler / x
Lisa S. Stephens / x
Victor Henderson, Esq / x
Anna Lusero / x
Ed. Tivador / x
County Staff Present / Present / Absent
President Toni Preckwinkle / x
Lanetta Haynes Turner, JAC / x
Rebecca Janowitz, JAC / x
Patrick McPhilimy, JAC / x
Ali Abid, JAC / x
LaToscha Hoover, JAC / x
Floyd Stafford, JAC / x
Wynetta Scales, JAC / x

Members of the Public: JoAnn Becker, Ryan Keesling (Free Write Arts & Literacy), Chuck Dobson, Judy King, Laurie Cohen and Annie McGowan (Civic Federation).

  1. Call to Order:JAC Chair Burke called the meeting to order at 8:40 a.m.
  1. Remarks: Chair Burke welcomed everyone and introduced Lori Lightfoot from the Department of Justice Findings.
  1. Review of Minutes: Chair Burke asked Council Members to review the minutes from January 19, 2017. One change was suggested to be made in a statement by a member of the public Judy King.
  1. Review of JAC Staff Report (previously circulated): Executive Director Lanetta Haynes Turner spoke about the two automatic Juvenile Expungement Bills that we are hopeful that it passes the Senate and House of Representatives. Rebecca Janowitz (Special Assistant Legal Affairs) spoke about the employment program for 16-24 year olds for the South Suburban, Back of the Yards and Austin neighboring areas.

V.Council Discussion:Lori Lightfoot brought handouts and presented information on Broken Trust, Poor or No Training, Bad Tactics/Serious Mistakes, Death or Great Bodily Injuries to Public and Police, No Accountability, No Regard for the Public and Unreasonable Use of Force Tolerated. The Data working group has been turned over to Laurie Cohen,

Ed Tivador and Dia Weil. The Civic Federation will do their own report and move forward.

VI.New Business: The Council Members will discuss their plans for the rest of the year and possibly invite Sharon Farley from IPRA. Lanetta mentioned opportunities for additional areas to learn can be set up through the JAC office for Council Members. Rebecca Janowitz and Lanetta Haynes Turner will do a presentation on Criminal Justice Reformat the next JAC Council meeting set for May 12th.

VII.Public Comments: Ryan Keesling (Free Write Arts & Literacy) invited everyone to visit the Bound by Sister Hood exhibit.

VIII.Adjournment:Chair Burke adjourned the meeting at 10:02 a.m. The next meeting is scheduled for May 12, 2017.

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