<TI>Appendix—Alphabetic list and selected information of wild vegetable species collected from five locations in Makawanpur district, Central Nepal (species names according to http://www.theplantlist.org/, accessed 12 March 2015) (Electronic Supplementary Material)

<TH>Scientific name / Family / Local name in Nepali, Newar (Ne), Tamang (Ta) or Bankaria (Ba) / Life form / Altitude (masl) / Plant part used / Market availability
<TB>Abelmoschus moschatus (L.) Medik. / Malvaceae / Latakasturi / Herb / 500 / Young fruit / No
Allium wallichii Kunth / Amaryllidaceae / Dundu, Banlasun / Herb / 2,200 / Leaves / No
Alternanthera sessilis (L.) R.Br. ex DC. / Amaranthaceae / Saranchisag / Herb / 500 / Leaves / No
Amaranthus blitum L. / Amaranthaceae / Lattesag, Bankan (Ne) / Herb / 500 / Leaves / Yes
Amaranthus spinosus L. / Amaranthaceae / Kande latte, Kan bankan (Ne) / Herb / 500 / Leaves / No
Amaranthus viridis L. / Amaranthaceae / Latte, Nhagubanka (Ne) / Herb / 500 / Leaves / Yes
Anagallis arvensis L. / Primulaceae / Armale / Herb / 2,200 / Leaves / No
Arisaema tortuosum (Wall.) Schott / Araceae / Banko / Herb / 2,200 / Leaves / No
Artocarpus lacucha Buch.–Ham. / Moraceae / Badahar / Tree / 500 / Young fruit / No
Asparagus filicinus Buch.–Ham. ex D. Don / Asparagaceae / Kurilo / Herb / 1,800 / Tender shoot / No
Asparagus racemosus Willd. / Asparagaceae / Kurilo / Herb / 500–2,200 / Tender shoot / Yes
Bambusa tulda Roxb. / Poaceae / Nigalotusa / Shrub / 500–2,200 / Tender shoot / Yes
Basella alba L. / Basellaceae / Poisag / Climber / 500 / Tender shoot / No
Bauhinia purpurea L. / Leguminosae / Tanki / Tree / 600 / Tender shoot / No
Bauhinia vahlii Wight & Arn. / Leguminosae / Bhorla / Climber / 500 / Young pod / No
Bauhinia variegata L. / Leguminosae / Koiralo, Kunabu (Ne), Ambumendo (Ta) / Tree / 500–2,200 / Flower / Yes
Bidens pilosa L. / Compositae / Kuro / Herb / 500 / Leaves / No
Blumea lacera (Burm. f.) DC. / Compositae / Khichabhwatha (Ne) / Herb / 1,800 / Leaves / No
Boehmeria macrophylla Hornem. / Urticaceae / Kamle / Herb / 500–2,200 / Leaves / No
Boehmeria ternifolia D. Don / Urticaceae / Chalnusisnu / Herb / 2,200 / Leaves / No
Boerhavia diffusa L. / Nyctaginaceae / Punarva / Herb / 500 / Tender shoot / No
Bombax ceiba L. / Malvaceae / Simal, Simbasi (Ne) / Tree / 500–2,200 / Flower / Yes
Chenopodium album L. / Chenopodiaceae / Bethe, Ikacha (Ne) / Herb / 500–2,200 / Leaves / Yes
Chenopodium ambrosioides L. / Chenopodiaceae / Rato latte / Herb / 500 / Tender shoot / No
Chlorophytum nepalense (Lindl.) Baker / Asparagaceae / Chalidhap (Ta) / Herb / 1,800–2,200 / Leaves / No
Cirsium wallichii DC. / Compositae / Thakal, Chwakan (Ne) / Herb / 1,800 / Stem pith / No
Clematis buchananiana DC. / Ranunculaceae / Jungelahara / Climber / 2,200 / Leaves / No
Cleome viscosa L. / Cleomaceae / Bantori, Swibamo (Ne) / Herb / 500 / Leaves / No
Commelina benghalensis L. / Commelinaceae / Kanesag / Herb / 500–600 / Tender shoot / No
Crateva unilocularis Buch.–Ham. / Capparaceae / Sipligan, Khaeelcho (Ne) / Tree / 500 / Leaves / Yes
Crotalaria alata D. Don / Leguminosae / Chhinchhine / Herb / 500–600 / Young pod / No
Crotalaria albida Roth / Leguminosae / Bhediphul / Herb / 500–600 / Young pod / No
Crotalaria pallida Aiton / Leguminosae / Bakhreghans / Herb / 500–600 / Young pod / No
Crotalaria sessiliflora L. / Leguminosae / Keraughans / Herb / 500 / Young pod / No
Cycas pectinata Buch.–Ham. / Cycadaceae / Jagar / Shrub / 500–600 / Tender shoot / No
Dendrocalamus hamiltonii Nees & Arn. ex Munro / Poaceae / Tamabans / Shrub / 500–2,200 / Tender shoot / Yes
Diplazium esculentum (Retz.) Sw. / Athyriaceae / Neuro / Herb / 500–2,200 / Tender shoot / Yes
Dryopteris cochleata (D. Don) C. Chr. / Dryopteridaceae / Neuro, Danke (Ne) / Herb / 500–2,200 / Tender shoot / Yes
Eclipta prostrata (L.) L. / Compositae / Bhringiraj / Herb / 500–1,800 / Leaves / Yes
Emilia sonchifolia (L.) DC. ex DC. / Compositae / Dudhe / Herb / 500–600 / Leaves / No
Euphorbia hirta L. / Euphorbiaceae / Dudhejhar / Herb / 500 / Leaves / No
Fagopyrum acutatum(Lehm.) Mansf. ex K. Hammer / Polygonaceae / Titefaper / Herb / 500–2,200 / Leaves / Yes
Fagopyrum esculentum Moench. / Polygonaceae / Mithefaper, Kalancha (Ne) / Herb / 500–2,200 / Leaves / Yes
Ficus hispida L.f. / Moraceae / Khassreto / Tree / 500 / Young fruit / No
Ficus lacor Buch.–Ham. ex D. Don / Moraceae / Kavro / Tree / 500–1,800 / Tender shoot / No
Girardinia diversifolia (Link) Friis / Urticaceae / Allosag, Panchepolo (Ta) / Herb / 2,200 / Leaves / No
Herpetospermum pedunculosum (Ser.) C.B. Clarke / Cucurbitaceae / Murmure / Climber / 2,200 / Fruits / No
Holarrhena pubescens Wall. ex G. Don / Apocynaceae / Kurchi / Shrub / 500 / Leaves / No
Houttuynia cordata Thunb. / Saururaceae / Gane / Herb / 1,800–2,200 / Leaves / Yes
Impatiens bicornuta Wall. / Balsaminaceae / Tiuri / Herb / 2,200 / Leaves / No
Indigofera cassioides DC. / Leguminosae / Sagino / Herb / 500–600 / Flower / No
Ipomoea aquatica Forssk. / Convolvulaceae / Karmisag / Herb / 500–600 / Leaves / Yes
Lathyrus aphaca L. / Leguminosae / Bankhesari / Herb / 500 / Leaves / No
Lilium nepalense D. Don / Liliaceae / Khiraula / Herb / 1,800–2,200 / Leaves / No
Lygodium japonicum (Thunb) Sw. / Lygodiaceae / Parewavuri (Ba) / Climber / 500–600 / Tender shoot / No
Macropanax dispermus (Blume) Kuntze / Araliaceae / Chinia, Hampaha (Ne) / Tree / 500–2,200 / Tender shoot/leaves / Yes
Malva verticillata L. / Malvaceae / Lafesag / Herb / 500–600 / Tender shoot / Yes
Moringa oleifera Lam. / Moringaceae / Sajiwan / Tree / 500–600 / Young fruit / Yes
Mucuna pruriens (L.) DC. / Leguminosae / Kauso, Chhyakisime (Ne) / Climber / 1,800–2,200 / Young fruit / No
Nasturtium officinale R. Br. / Brassicaceae / Kholesag, Khusike (Ne) / Herb / 500–1,800 / Leaves / Yes
Natsiatum herpeticum Buch.–Ham. ex Arn. / Icacinaceae / Kalilahara / Climber / 500 / Tender shoot / No
Oenanthe javanica (Blume) DC. / Apiaceae / Chanati (Ne) / Herb / 1,800 / Leaves / No
Ophioglossum nudicaule L. f. / Ophioglossaceae / Jibresag / Herb / 500–600 / Leaves / Yes
Phoenix loureiroi Kunth / Arecaceae / Thakal / Shrub / 500–600 / Tender shoot / No
Phytolacca acinosa Roxb. / Phytolaccaceae / Jaringosag, Thusa (Ne) / Herb / 500–2,200 / Tender shoot/leaves / Yes
Plantago asiaticasubsp.erosa(Wall.) Z.Yu Li / Plantaginaceae / Churnajhar, Nyamnyung (Ta) / Herb / 500–600 / Leaves / No
Polygonum molle D. Don / Polygonaceae / Thotne, Pathu (Ne) / Herb / 1,800–2,200 / Tender shoot / Yes
Polygonumruncinatum Buch.–Ham. ex D. Don / Polygonaceae / Amilobethe / Herb / 2,200 / Leaves / No
Portulaca oleracea L. / Portulacaceae / Kulfasag / Herb / 500 / Tender shoot / No
Pouzolzia zeylanica (L.) Benn.. / Urticaceae / Nichasag / Herb / 500–2,200 / Leaves / No
Pteris biaurita L. / Pteridaceae / Dantheneuro, Daunthi (Ne) / Herb / 500–2,200 / Leaves / No
Rohdea nepalensis (Raf.) N. Tanaka / Asparagaceae / Chwolacha (Ne) / Herb / 1,800 / Leaves / No
Rorippa indica (L.) Hiern / Brassicaceae / Pahelejhar, Bunke (Ne) / Herb / 1,800 / Leaves / No
Rumex nepalensis Spreng. / Polygonaceae / Halhale, Haleto (Ta) / Herb / 500–1,800 / Leaves / No
Senna tora (L.) Roxb. / Leguminosae / Tapre / Herb / 500 / Young pod / No
Smilax lanceifolia Roxb. / Smilacaceae / Kukurdaino / Climber / 500–2,200 / Tender shoot / No
Smilax ovalifolia Roxb. ex D. Don / Smilacaceae / Kukurdaino, Nagrikhe (Ta) / Climber / 500–2,200 / Tender shoot / No
Solanum americanum Mill. / Solanaceae / Kalobihi / Herb / 500 / Leaves / No
Sonchus arvensis L. / Compositae / Dudhejhar, Khaeke (Ne) / Herb / 1,800 / Leaves / No
Sonchus oleraceus (L.) L. / Compositae / Dudhejhar / Herb / 500–600 / Leaves / No
Stellaria media (L.) Vill. / Caryophyllaceae / Armalejhar / Herb / 500–2,200 / Leaves / No
Stellaria monosperma Buch.–Ham. ex D. Don / Caryophyllaceae / Jethimadhu, Banmran (Ta) / Herb / 2,200 / Leaves / No
Talinum portulacifolium (Forssk.) Asch. ex Schweinf. / Talinaceae / Chiniasag / Herb / 500 / Leaves / Yes
Tectaria gemmifera (Fée) Alston / Tectariaceae / Danthe/Kalineuro / Herb / 500–2,200 / Tender shoot / Yes
Tragopogon gracilis D. Don / Compositae / Dowacha (Ne) / Herb / 1,800 / Leaves / No
Urtica dioica L. / Urticaceae / Sisnu, Nhyaka (Ne), Polo (Ta) / Herb / 500–2,200 / Leaves / Yes
Vicia angustifolia L. / Leguminosae / Kutalikosa / Herb / 500 / Tender shoot / No
Vicia hirsuta (L.) Gray / Leguminosae / Kutalikosa / Herb / 500 / Tender shoot / No
Youngia japonica (L.) DC. / Compositae / – / Herb / 500 / Leaves / No