P & C Minutes

General Meeting 8th March, 2012

Meeting Opened / 7.40pm
Attendance: / Atul Bhargava, Rochelle Speldewinde, Daniel Zatz, Natasha Barfield, Philomena Brandt, Amanda Ford, Tim Ford, Alisoun Garrard, Tim Haddow, Fiona Harper, Julie Wilks, Charlie Powell, Greg Lill, Jill McClintock, Penny Morris, Robert Quinn, George Rench, Michelle Carmody
Apologies: / Graeme Steverson, Shana Hennessey, Samantha Hellen, Kathleen Harris, Melinda Stewart, Jane Sloan, Sandy Small, Deborah Kellahan, Tony Re, Viv Rayner,
New Members: / Jacqui Floyd, Alexandra Malcolm


  • Move to accept the Minutes of the General Meeting on 9th February, 2012

Proposed / Philomena Brandt
Seconded / Fiona Harper
Carried / Yes

Matters Arising from previous minutes:

(Matters to be resolved from previous meetings Minutes)


  • NSW Federation meeting in June – if anyone is interested in attending please let Julie Wilks know.



Tim Haddow

  • Please see attachment for audit certificate and annual accounts for P&C 2011.
  • Mark Muller is the new auditor.


Sean Moran

Removal of Demountable Classrooms/Grounds clean-up

  • Demountable classrooms were removed from Addison block on Saturday.
  • Asset Management Unit has informed me that the final clean-up will commence on Saturday (10/03/12) and hopefully conclude on Monday (12/03/12).
  • Further information will be provided during the Grounds report.

Highlights of the past month/Upcoming events

  • All school routines are well established, including the weekly K-2 Assembly and 3-6 Assembly, band rehearsals, Scripture, PSSA and school sport programs for Yrs 4-6 and the Roseville ‘Respect & Regard’ program (as per Parent Bulletin).
  • There was a high level of student participation recorded at last week’s Yrs 3-6 Swimming Carnival. Many thanks to, Mr Connolly the carnival coordinator and to all parents and staff who were involved. The carnival was fantastic and it couldn’t have been so successful without so many volunteers.
  • Excursions have commenced and others will be occurring throughout the term. They include: Year 5 to CARES (Bike Education), Year 1 and Year 2 to West Head and Year 3 and Year 4 to the Chinese Gardens. Year 2 will also be participating in the ‘Learn to Swim’ program in Weeks 9 and 10.
  • Focus for weekly after school Teacher Professional Learning this term is Mathematics, specifically Patterns & Algebraand Writing during which time assessment results are analysed and tailored teaching and learning programs are then developed. Staff will also participate in specialised Interactive Whiteboard training this term.
  • Zone swimming carnival is being held this Friday at Lane Cove and the Area carnival is on Monday at Homebush. There were some excellent qualifying times recorded last week.
  • Local Youth Liaison Officer, Constable Michelle Hurley has committed to assisting us in our road safety efforts as have the Ku-ring-gai council.
  • Mrs Bottomley, our teacher librarian for 2012 is coordinating our involvement in the Premiers Reading Challenge. Interest levels are high.
  • Technology for Learning (T4L) computers have been delivered and are being installed in various locations throughout the school by our technology team. They will be replacing older models.
  • Clean Up RPS Day was postponed last Friday and will be held tomorrow, weather permitting. Student interest is very high and there has been extensive background information provided.
  • Mrs Ipsen has been coordinating an Orientation program for all teachers who are new to Roseville Public School in 2012.
  • I have received a lot of positive feedback regarding the P&C Welcome BBQ which was held in February. Many thanks to all of the people who volunteered their time to ensure it was successful.
  • The RPS Cross Country event will be held on Tuesday 20 March, weather dependent. Information has been communicated to students, parents and staff and a training guide has been included in the school bulletin. Students will be practising their cross country running skills during fitness lessons.
  • Grandparents will also be visiting Kindergarten tomorrow (09/03/12).

‘Sister School’ project with Bourke Public School update

  • Mrs Gatt has taken over coordination of the project from Mrs Vula for 2012.
  • Bourke PS has asked me to pass on their sincere thanks for past efforts, including the Coles vouchers as it meant they could order all the sports kits they were needing plus a multitude of other sports and games equipment. Both schools are looking forward to continuing to strengthen and develop relationships and educational experiences.
  • Selected classes from Bourke PS are being matched with an RPS class and class teachers will begin the process of planning what this year’s link will be, eg letters, email, video conferencing. This planning will be conducted in conjunction with Mrs Bottomley who will be incorporating elements of the ‘Sister School’ project into her library program.
  • We’ve organised our School Captains and Vice Captains to join the four school student leaders (Captains and Vice Captains) from Bourke PS at the National Leadership Conference Day on March 26 2012. Many thanks to the parents of our school leaders for offering to ‘host’ the Bourke students and their accompanying teacher.
  • There will be a whole school assembly on Tuesday March 27 where we will be joined by the Bourke PS student leaders and their accompanying teacher.

School Council

Charlie Powell

  • There were no matters arising at last meeting of School Council.

Grounds Report

Sean Moran

The Grounds Committee met last Friday (02/03/12) and the discussions held during that meeting form the basis of this report.

Removal of Demountable classrooms/Clean-up

  • As per my Principal’s report, the demountable classrooms were removed from Addison Block on Saturday.
  • Final clean-up is due to commence this Saturday (10/03/12) and then conclude on Monday (12/03/12). This will be weather dependent.
  • I would like to, once again, thank all of the RPS community in being so patient in regards to this process.

Opening Duntroon Block for use

  • Once the clean-up has occurred I will assess the safety of the Duntroon block with a representative from the Regional Asset Management Unit.
  • If it’s deemed safe then we’ll re-configure the fence and open up the space as soon as possible.
  • If remedial works are required then we’ll prioritise those, ask for assistance if required and open the block up when the work is complete.
  • The same may apply for the Addison block depending on timeframes regarding landscaping etc, which I’ll detail presently.

Departmental funding to make the grounds good

  • Asset Management Unit have requested that Spotless ( an external organisation contracted by the DEC) provide a quote to make both Addison and Duntroon blocks good.
  • I have received the Spotless Quote, via AMU and it has totalled just under $39 657.75 An increase of nearly $10 000 compared to the initial estimation. The BER office are currently reviewing this quote and in addition, as discussed during the last meeting, they will provide a further $15 000 as an enhancement grant. This potentially brings the total to $54 657.75. The temporary fencing will also remain for as long as is required at no cost to the school.
  • I have a breakdown of the quote however I have requested a meeting with AMU to, amongst other things, further discuss this with members of the Grounds Committee.

Landscaping works for the Duntroon/Addison Blocks

  • Our next step is to finalise a scope of works for both of these projects. A lot of work has already been completed in regards to this, which should minimise the amount of time it will take however in order to complete this process members of the Grounds Committee will be required to work in conjunction with the Regional AMU as well as some expert advisors.
  • We will also need to ascertain our available budget.
  • Once a scope of work has been formulated then I am required to obtain 3 quotes or possibly call for tender depending on the pricing estimations. These can be external to departmental contractors. Myself and members of the Grounds Committee need to continue to liaise with the AMU in regards to this process. I have requested a meeting as soon as possible so that this can occur.
  • A review committee needs to be formed, including myself, a representative from AMU and representatives from the P&C/Grounds Committee.
  • Once a decision has been made in regards to choosing the quote that is best for the school then work can commence. Consensus is that the Addison block would start first, followed by the Duntroon block.

Scope of works – Addison/Duntroon blocks

  • I am aware of various previous motions/discussions etc that have been put forward in regards to this however I would like to clarify where I believe we stand.
  • The proposal for Addison Block involves some landscaping, drainage and irrigation works and then laying natural grass on the vast majority of the area and some soft-fall on a small, high traffic area which leads to the basketball court. I am happy for this to proceed and I am confident that we can proceed in formulating a scope of works and obtaining the quotes as soon as possible.
  • In regards to the Duntroon block I know that, whilst an agreement has been passed there are conflicting opinions/views as to the use of natural grass or artificial turf and that people would like the chance to present new information.
  • I feel that we need to finalise this decision quickly however we do have a little time to clarify due to the fact that the Addison block project will need to be completed first.
  • I would like to ask all parents and community members with opinions regarding this issue to contact me throughout the next three weeks so that they can present their information. I already have spoken to a number of people and I will take all views into account. I have also been conducting extensive research of my own. This will include visiting other sites.
  • I am very confident that I will be able to inform you, at the next P&C meeting of the direction we will take. We can then start the process of obtaining quotes at this time.

Implementation of a Master Plan

  • In accordance with previous P&C discussions the Grounds Committee which includes myself, agree that the development of a Master Plan regarding long term works to be conducted at RPS is an excellent idea and would be beneficial.
  • This Master Plan will not include the works associated with the Addison and the Duntroon blocks.
  • Extensive work has already been completed in this area. We are in a strong position to commence the process of obtaining quotes, in conjunction with the AMU and finalise the plan. The quotes will be discussed with the P&C.

Minor Works

  • The grounds committee have discussed a range of minor works that need to be completed. Various methods of completing these have also been discussed.
  • A list of required works from previous years has been presented to me and this will be discussed/modified at the next Grounds Committee meeting.
  • In the short term, the need for extensive mulching has been identified and this will commence as soon as possible.
  • A working bee will also be organised.

Clothing Pool

Penny Morris

  • No report


Alisoun Garrard

  • The canteen is ticking along nicely although we have had an issue with one of our newish fridges at the end of the bench last Friday. The fridge manufacturer was coming in to look at the fridge yesterday to ensure it is all OK.
  • Roster Co-ordinator and Volunteers: We have nearly filled the roster for Term 1. No doubt, Cathie will be looking for Term 2 volunteers very soon!
  • Dad’s Day: Monday 26th March. Please come along to help out!
  • Special Day: Sushi and Ice cream Day on Thursday 22nd March. Orders are coming in via the website which is great! Thank you to Viv Rayner for all her hard work to make this happen! A reminder has gone out to class and it will go into next week’s bulleting for the last time on Wednesday next week. We must close orders a week in advance as we have to pre-order the sushi!
  • Further canteen fundraising: We are currently looking into the feasibility of doing a Hot Cross Bun drive in the lead up to Easter. The ladies rostered onto canteen duty tomorrow will be taste testing Hot Cross Buns from two potential suppliers. Both suppliers will charge the same amount to us to purchase the buns and have advised the same sell price so it will come down to taste as to which supplier we go with! Stay tuned!


  • I had a meeting with Rob Ward last night and am very pleased to report progress. I have today received draft tender documents and will be placing a notice in the bulletin soon calling for any suitably qualified people to tender for the job of refurbishing the canteen.
  • We will then convene a Tender Evaluation Team early in Term 2 to make a decision with a view to presenting the winning tender at the next P&C Meeting on the 10th May and requesting a motion at same to spend the appropriate funds for the refurbishment of the canteen. The Tender Evaluation Team will comprise Rob Ward as a parent representative, myself as the Convenor of the Canteen committee, a teacher – thank you Mr Moran for volunteering to do this and a member of the P&C executive – thank you Michelle Carmody. Assuming we gain approval at the May P&C Meeting we would move to commence work in the last week of Term2 which would require the canteen to be shut during that week with a view to reopen in Week 2 of Term 3 to allow the builders four weeks to complete the work. Given the small nature of the work and considering the considerable number of trades involved in such a refurbishment it is Rob Ward’s opinion that calling for suitable businesses that may be interested in the work is the way to approach this job. We will also be forwarding letters to several industrial kitchen companies requesting them to tender for the work also, if interested. I would like to thank Rob Ward for the time that he has already put into this process – including drawing up all the plans for the refurbishment on a pro bono basis. Thank you!

Things I am seeking approval for tonight

  1. The scope of works as previously advised by Sam Beard and detailed on the drawings.
  2. Tender the works to a “Principal contractor” which takes the entire OHS obligation for these works and allows them to have full control of all the trades and programme of works.
  3. Approval in principal to follow the tender process and type the contract.
  4. Approval for the tender evaluation process as documented.
  5. Select the members to the tender evaluation committee.
  6. Once the Drawings and specification have been finalized a QS will review and give a pretender estimate for the scope of works. This will determine the funding required and be used when reviewing the tenders. (Nil cost to the school Rob will arrange this.)
  7. Get approval in regards to the timing of the works closing the canteen for the last week of term 2 and the first week of term 3.
  8. Ask the P&C members to nominate any one they would like to tender for these works. They will require Public liability insurance $10million, workers compensation insurance and act as the principal contractor carrying all risks in regards to OHS.

If anyone would like a copy of all the draft tender documents please contact me for a copy!

P&C Note: Approval was given unanimously for the above list of items.


Michelle Carmody

  • Still searching for a fundraiser co-ordinator – please let Michelle Carmody know if they are aware of anyone that can fulfill this role.
  • This position would require someone to oversee the fundraising activities organised by each school year.
  • 2 people have volunteered to organise the Entertainment books
  • Woolworths dockets program will be administered by Jill McClintock this year
  • Maths and literacy tools that were awarded last year from Woolworths dockets have recently arrived at Roseville PS.
  • Year 3 function is being organised by Sue Byrne and an email has been sent to all class parents to ask for volunteers.
  • Spring Fair – at the last P&C meeting, we agreed that rides were an important part of the Fair and based on the uncertainty surrounding the grounds it is felt that it is too difficult to hold the Fair in 2012.
  • In the budget we had allowed for $10,000 for the Chocolate drive – this will not be held this year.
  • This had been built into the budget and an alternative is an ongoing fundraising activity for year 1 for some sort of drive – ie chocolate, sunscreen or walkathon or spellathon.
  • Email will be sent from Executive to Year 1 parents to determine co-ordinators for the fundraising activity.

Year 6 Report