Sociology Postgraduate Achievements
Sociology at Edinburgh is home to a thriving and diverse postgraduate community. They are involved in a range of innovative and original research projects. They co-ordinate a lively staff-student work-in-progress seminar series and also contribute in other ways. In 2012/13 we have seen:
- 9 successful doctoral completions
- 2 successful grant applications
- 19 articles published
- 9 book reviews published
Recent Completions
In January 2013, 2 of our students successfully defended their theses in viva voce examinations.
- Tzu-Yuan Lin: When traditional values and imported concepts collide in Taiwan: How does the grandparent-grandchild relationship change?
- Liapeng Matsau: Race and Gender Equity in South African Higher Education: An Institutional Ethnography.
Huge congratulations to both of them for two fine pieces of work. As we move into 2013 it is also worth reflecting back. 2012 saw another cohort of Graduate Students complete their doctoral research:
- Heather Blenkinsop: Stories from the Wall: The Making and Remaking of Localism in Rural Northumberland
- Christoforos Bouzanis: For a Social Ontology with a Self-Reflective Knowing Subject
- Hung-Chieh (Jessica) Chang: Equal Education, Unequal Identities: Children's Construction of Identities and Taiwanese Nationalism in Education
- Jan Eichhorn: Well-being beyond utility – Contextualising the effect of unemployment on life-satisfaction using social capital
- Gotz Fromholz: The Labour Market Perspectives of The Kitchen-Furniture Industry in East Westphalia
- Tracy Ostertag: Natalist policies and nationalism in Quebec
- Miriam Snellgrove: The House that Camphill Built: Identity, Self and Other
Grant Successes
Despite just finishing, one of our postgraduates has already enjoyed success in terms of bidding for grants. Jan Eichhorn has been central to two bids looking ahead to the Scottish referendum on Independence:
- ‘Young persons’ attitudes towards Scottish Independence – A survey analysis of 14-17 year olds’. Award from the Economic and Social Research Council (£ 183,067) | Role: Coordinator of bid and co-investigator [Jan - Dec 2013]
- ‘Understanding views on Scottish Independence – An extension of the Scottish Social Attitudes Survey’. Award from the Economic and Social Research Council (£ 197,647) | Role: Co-investigator [Jan - Dec 2013]
Recent Publications
Sociology post-graduates are active in disseminating knowledge at conferences, events and through publications. Recent peer-reviewed publications include:
- Bhatti, Feyza and the RECOUP team 2012.‘RECOUP Household Surveys’.Pp.195-207 in C. Colclough (ed.) Education Outcomes and Poverty in the South: A Reassessment. Routledge, London
- Bhatti, Feyza and Roger Jeffery 2012. 'Girls' schooling and transition to marriage and motherhood: exploring the pathways to young women's reproductive agency in Pakistan.' Comparative Education, 48, 2: 149-166.
- Cameron S, Glasier A, Chen Z, Johnstone A, Dunlop C, Heller R 2012. ‘Effect of contraception provided at termination of pregnancy and incidence of subsequent termination of pregnancy’, BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, 119:1074–1080.
- Driver, S., Hensby, A. and Sibthorpe, J. (2012) 'The Shock of the New? Democratic Narratives and Political Agency', in Policy Studies 3(2): 159-172.
- Eichhorn, Jan 2012. ‘Happiness for Believers. Contextualising the Effects of Religiosity on Life-Satisfaction’. European Sociological Review28(5):583-593.
- Eichhorn, Jan 2012. ‘Unemployment needs context: How societal differences between countries moderate the loss in life-satisfaction for theunemployed’, Journal of Happiness Studies Online First: doi: 10.1007/s10902-012-9402-y.
- Eichhorn, Jan 2012. ‘Context matters: The effect of national-level factors on the relationship between socio-demographic characteristics ofindividuals on their life-satisfaction’, World Values Research 5(2): 27-48.
- Frankish, J., Roberts, R. G., Coad, A., Spears, T. C., Storey, D.J. (2012). ‘Do entrepreneursreally learn? Or do they just tell us that they do?’Industrial and Corporate Change
- Hensby, A. and O'Byrne, D.J. (2012) 'Global Civil Society and the Cosmopolitan Ideal' in G. Delanty (ed.) Routledge Handbook of Cosmopolitanism Studies. London: Routledge.
- Jeffery, Roger; Feyza Bhatti, Patricia Jeffery & Claire Noronha 2012.‘Girls' schooling and women's autonomy in South Asia: revisiting old debates with new data from India and Pakistan’. Pp.16-35 in C. Colclough (ed.) Education Outcomes and Poverty in the South: A Reassessment. Routledge, London.
- Kasselstrand, Isabella and Mor Kandlik Eltanani. 2013. ‘Church Affiliation and Trust in the State: Survey Data Evidence from Four Nordic Countries’. Nordic Journal of Religion and Society, 26(2): TBC.
- Kominou, Margarita & Hartwig Pautz (forthcoming) , 'Collective expropriation in Supermarkets', in Myrto Tsilimpounidi's and Aylwyn Walsh's(ed.) Re-mapping ‘Crisis’: A Guide to Athens, Zero Books Publications.
- Krasniqi, Gezim 2012. ‘Overlapping jurisdictions, disputed territory, unsettled state: the perplexing case of citizenship in Kosovo’, Citizenship Studies Special Issue: Citizenship in the New States of South Eastern Europe, 16 (3-4): 353-366.
- Krasniqi, Gezim 2012. ‘“For Democracy - Against Violence”: A Kosovar Alternative’ in Bojan Bilic and Vesna Jankovic (eds) Resisting the Evil: [Post-]Yugoslav Anti-War Contention (Nomos, 2012) 83-103
- Hartwig Pautz & Margarita Kominou (2012) , 'Reacting to ‘Austerity Politics’: The Tactic of Collective Expropriation in Greece' , Social Movement Studies: Journal of Social, Cultural and Political Protest, 11 (3): 103-110
- Paulos, Margarida & Moniz, Antonio 2013. 'Knowledge workers in a traditional sector: the case of fashion designers', Sociologia, Problemas e Praticas, 71
- Singal, Nidhi;Feyza Bhatti, Shehryar Janjua, with Neeru Sood 2012. ‘Outcomes for young people with disabilities: Increased expectations but unrealised gains in South Asia’. Pp.55-73 in C. Colclough (ed.) Education Outcomes and Poverty in the South: A Reassessment. Routledge, London
- Voiculescu, Cerasela 2012. ‘To whom God speaks? Struggles for individual authority through self-reflexivity and performativity within a Gypsy Pentecostal church’. Sociological Research Online 17(2)10
- Watson, Julie 2013. ‘What is Dementia? Implications for care at the end of life’,End of Life Journal3(1)
All first years are encouraged to start publishing. The Writing Workshop aims to get all students to publish a book review by the end of their first year. Recent book reviews include:
- Dunne, Nikki2013.‘Book Review: Feminism and Migration: Cross-Cultural Engagements’, Gender and Development, 20 (3) pp.TBD
- Kandlik Eltanani, Mor 2012.'The Temp Economy: From Kelly Girls to Permatemps in Postwar America', by Erin Hatton.Work, Employment and Society, 26(5): 884-886
- Kasselstrand, Isabella. 2012. Book Review: “Secularization and Its Discontents,” by Rob Warner. Secularism and Nonreligion, 1:iii-iv
- Schneider, Anna 2012. ‘Consumer Culture by Celia Lury’, in Sociological Review Online 17/1.
- Sengul, Ceren 2012. ‘Book Review of Robert Olson, the Kurdish Nationalist Movement in Turkey, 1980 to 2011: Oppression, Resistance, War, Education in the Mother Tongue and Relations with the Kurdish Regional Government (Mazda Publishers Inc.: California), 2011’, Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism (SEN), 12 (3), pp. 553-555.
- Sereva, Emilia 2013.‘Emotion, identity & death: Mortality across disciplines’.Mortality18 (1). pp TBD.
- Tindal, Scott 2012. Book Review: Habiter La Ville: Evolution démographique et attractivité résidentielle d'une ville-centre' by Patrick Rérate. Population, Space and Place 18 (3) p.403.
- Twist, Benjamin 2012. ‘John Urry's: Climate Change and Society’, British Journal of Sociology
- Yuan, Mengyao 2012.‘Book review: A private sphere: democracy in a digital age’ Democratization 19(3):pp606-609