Application for a determination allowing provision of collective worship that is other than “wholly or mainly of a broadly Christian character”
Name of school:Position and contact details for member of school staff dealing with this application (if not the headteacher)
Reason(s) for seeking a determination (If this is a first application for a determination these should be given in a letter attached to this application. As part of your process, please specify whether the governing body consulted parents in relation to collective worship as SACRE will take this into account when considering the determination. Where this is an application for a renewal of a previously granted determination a letter is unnecessary, if the religious make-up of the school population is relatively unchanged and you are proposing to continue with unchanged arrangements you can confirm are working well. However, please note here if parents have been advised of the proposal to continue with the existing collective worship policy.)
Please confirm that the decision to apply for a determination has been considered at a governors’ meeting and the minutes of the meeting record the governors’ agreement to this application. Give the date of the relevant governors’ meeting
What is the current pattern of collective worship in the school - please attach current school policy documents relating to collective worship, and plans and records kept of recent acts of collective worship.
Has any evaluation of the effectiveness of current collective worship been undertaken within the school? - Have pupils been consulted on, or expressed opinions about, collective worship
How many pupils are currently withdrawn from participation in collective worship? Where the information is available please specify their religious / belief affiliations.
Please explain how the proposed arrangements for collective worship ensure that the religious or non-religious beliefs of all pupils are respected.
Please complete the following table in relation to the religious make-up of the population of the school
Religious or belief affiliation of families of pupils / students at the school
Religious or belief affiliation / Number of pupils / students / % of school populationBahá’í
Atheist / Agnostic / no religion
Other (please specify where this information is available)
Unknown, or any other category not otherwise provided for
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