/ Pastor Allen Howlett, Superintendent
6508 East Crossroads Blvd
Loveland, CO 80538
(970)612-0975 fax

November 19, 2014

Resurrection Christian School

State of the School Letter 2014-15

If we don’t, who will? The RCS staff is committed to giving your child/children the highest level of education and spiritual upbringing with a true desire to raise up Christian leaders. We don't just use this mission statement as a marketing campaign; rather, we believe in the challenge set before us to impact the atmosphere of our homes, our churches, our towns, and our countryfor Christ. Everything we do highlights our aspiration to raise up Christian leaders. I feel it is necessary for us to continue seeking and receiving your input and feedback concerning our vision, how we are doing, what we can do to improve, and anything else that will make us better.

The leadership of RCS has been in prayer and is in agreement that sharing the celebrations and challenges of our school will help keep you not only informed but will also allow prayer and ideas to come forth. It is with that in mind that I have framed this letter.

  1. Get involved

Please getinvolved in your son/daughter’s classroom and school. We love having parents in our building so you can witness first-hand what is happening on a daily basis. Come and join in the conversation at "Table Talk" with Patty Hoppe, our elementary principal or attend any of our evening meetings with principals. Board meetings are every first Wednesday of the month starting at 12noon, and we will have overviews of board meetings for your access on our website and newsletters. Anyone who would like to address or ask questions of the Board can contact Pam Gonzales in advance to be put on the agenda. All teachers, administrators, and myself would love to hear from you on voicemail, email, or in person. We desire to meet the needs of our kids and families, to honor God, and to GET BETTER. We have booster clubs, classroom helpers, prayer groups, lunch and playground helpers, and field trip volunteers. Finally, please take all opportunities to fill out survey information when we send them home; we take your feedback very seriously and use it to make future decisions and goals.

Recently I shared a devotion with the entire staff, and we had a good time of encouragement and prayer. I would ask you and your family to keep praying for RCS – for the Board, administration, and especially the teachers who personally impact your kids every day. God has blessed our school, and it is very easy to become complacent when everything is going so well. RCS has experienced healthy growth, great staff, incredible students, supportive families, and adequate finances to meet our current bills. We have had exceptional success in athletics, academics, and the arts in the past few years. We have a beautiful building, and I am so delighted that my two boys get to be in the school with the best atmosphere of excellence in Colorado. With that said, we must stay humble, continue to press in and rely on God's provision and direction, and GET BETTER. Galatians 6:9-10 says, "Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers." Pray for RCS.

  1. From whence have we come?

This is the middle of my ninth year at RCS, and in that time we have gone from 425 students in the K-12 school to over 925 students this year. Additionally, when you include RCS Pre-School, we have almost 1200 students. What an incredible blessing and challenge to meet the needs of the growth over the past years. Our growth has been consistent and amazing and it stems from the aspiration to have a place for every child and family that wishes to have a quality Christian education.

  1. Budget: Below you will see an overview of the 2014-2015 budget allocation.

RCS Projected Budget Summary 2014-2015

924 Students





Tuition Designated to pay Debt$371,145

Donations - other/fundraisers$133,500

(Note: $100,000 from RCS Foundation)



Teacher salaries$2,167,443

Admin & Support Staff Salaries$662,897

Payroll overhead & benefits$726,123.00



Net income or loss$455,353.6

Capital Expenditures and Debt Payment$374,248.40


Working income/possible carry over$81,105.20

Average Salaries:

The average salary for a teacher at RCS is $34,000/year.

The average salary for a principal or director at RCS is $55,000/year.

The average support staff at RCS makes $21,000/year.

  1. Celebrate

In the past year, we have been able to re-carpet much of the elementary school, purchase an all-weather 60 yard track for athletics, cover start-up costs to establish a wrestling team in middle school, and continue to update our technology; we have also been able to fund $10,000 worth of roof repairs to the middle school, and we have been able to give over $500,000 in tuition assistance in the last nine years for families going through life changes and crises. This is truly something to celebrate!

  1. Challenges Ahead

We have an incredible building addition that was finished over a year ago and has allowed us to meet the needs of the RCS students and families. It was the first time the school stepped out on its own to raise money for building. We were able to raise and pay from cash reserve almost $2.5 million of the project and are now left with a $5 million debt on the building and a bond that comes due in 5 ½ years. We are currently able to pay the interest on the bond; however we have not been able to significantly reduce the principal.

Our staff is invested and has chosen to lead the charge in getting this debt paid by investing their own money. Their efforts combined with the amazing generosity of all who have or are currently giving is truly amazing. Pastor John and Linda Stocker also recently met with me and wanted to start the charge as well and wrote a personal check for $10,000 towards paying off this debt. Additionally, a family has stepped forward with a commitment of $25,000 per year for three years if three other individuals or families commit to this as well.

All of these acts of generosity are an amazing display of unity, and we ask that you also invest in RCS. Recognizingwe all have different financial means, we would ask you to pray and consider what you can give. It would be the desire of RCS that 100% of our families would give to reduce the debt. Whether $5 dollars or $500,000, we encourage you to participate. You can give monthly or do a one-time gift. We can also coordinate the gifts of stocks and other financial exchanges. Most importantly, I ask all of you to be involved in some way.

As the School Board and I plan future budgets for the school, we acknowledge that we may have to increase tuition and fees. It is our hearts’ desire to be transparent about the financial situation at RCS. With this full information, we ask you to pray about your commitment to invest in RCS. (With that in mind, the board is waiting until mid-January to determine the new tuition rates for the 2015-2016 school year.)

Donations are tax deductible. To give, go online to there you can choose to give a one-time gift or a reoccurring monthly gift. You can also call or email Abby Murrah at 970.612.0674, or email her at . To mail a gift, send it to:


Attn: Abby Murrah

6508 E Crossroads Blvd.

Loveland, CO 80538

Thank you for your support and being a part of RCS.

Allen Howlett
