At Wallace Fields Infant School, we believe P.E. & Sport plays an important role in making our vision statement a reality for every pupil, with the potential to change young people’s lives for the better.

We are committed to using this resource in developing high quality PE lessons, alongside greater opportunities for sporting competitions and clubs for all our young people.

Sport Premium Grant:

Funding for schools will be calculated by the number of primary aged pupils between the ages of 5 and 11.

WFIS funding:

Total no. of infant aged pupils between the ages of 5 -7 (2016): 120

Total amount of Sport Premium Grant received (2016): £8,600

Wallace Fields Infant School- PE & Sports Premium Action Plan 2016-2017

Key Priority:
“To raise awareness of PE and enhance the quality of provision of PE and school sport for all young people both during curriculum time and during extra-curricular activities” / Relevant Priorities Identified:
·  Increase the number of high quality PE lessons delivered in curriculum time
·  Develop Inter School Competitions
·  Raise awareness and profile of PE within the school.
·  Develop staff confidence when teaching PE.
Objective / Actions / Person Responsible / Cost (inc training) / Success criteria / Date and time scales
To increase the number of high quality PE lessons delivered in curriculum time / ·  Invest in PE scheme of work (Real PE) and staff training, 3 days training.
·  Produce a long term PE plan for Reception, Year1 and Year 2 to reflect indoor and outdoor PE for each ½ term.
·  PE lead to observe PE lessons every term across EYFS and KS1 & give feedback to teachers.
·  PE lead to create a clear overview to include MOTD and Real PE coverage each half term / Subject Lead
Subject Lead
Subject Lead
Subject Lead / £1750
£800 release time for subject lead
Included in cost noted above / Scheme of Work will be used every week by teachers for planning and assessment to ensure high quality PE lessons.
Real PE will provide consistency of PE teaching across year groups throughout the year.
Children will be well prepared for sports competitions in Year One and Two as they will have been taught the relevant skills.
Teacher’s subject knowledge and confidence in PE will significantly improve quality of teaching and learning. Teachers will consistently deliver good to outstanding PE lessons.
Teachers will have a clear overview and vision of the PE coverage every half term / By end of Autumn term
Ongoing throughout 2016-17
To teach the Year Two children the required skills for inter school competitions (Level 2) / ·  Organise children to attend at least 3 inter school competitions over the year (Tag rugby at The Priory, Scatterball and District Sports at Meadow Primary.)
·  Teachers will ensure that there is an increase in the number of children taking part in competitions.
·  Subject lead will effectively plan and organise competition events / Subject Lead
Subject Lead / Cost of coach hire for 38 children to attend District Sports or Epsom College provide minibus &/or parents to take children
Release time for Subject lead to be determined by Finance team / Children will take part in competitions that foster sportsmanship and determination.
Children will participate in meaningful sporting opportunities where they can apply their PE lesson skills.
The profile of PE will be raised and achievements celebrated / Ongoing throughout 2016-17
To raise the importance and profile of PE within the school.
To provide differentiated PE lessons to challenge all pupils. / ·  Create a PE notice board to showcase inter school competitions and the lessons being implemented as a result of Real PE
·  Display / share PE achievements on website and newsletters.
·  Teachers will plan weekly differentiated PE lessons
·  PE lead will monitor planning on a termly basis to ensure effective differentiation is in place in every class / Subject lead
Subject lead/SBM
Class Teachers
Subject Lead / No cost
£200 PE lead release time / Staff will have a better understanding of PE coverage and differentiated PE learning opportunities
Staff will have an increased knowledge and understanding of PE and it’s raised profile at WFIS
PE will be a celebrated area of the curriculum including rewards for children’s achievement in this area (golden ticket, head teachers awards, superstar stickers, etc.)
Case studies will show clear differentiation across the school, challenging all abilities in PE. / Ongoing throughout 2016-2017
To enhance cross curricular links with maths and PE / ·  Subscribe to Maths of the Day (MOTD) for active Maths and PE lesson plans and resources (January renewal date)
·  Monitor the use and effectiveness of MOTD. Determine the impact this is having on the children’s learning? / Subject lead / £450
(reduced price for KS1) / Children’s attainment in Maths will improve as a result of MOTD
Children will enjoy active learning opportunities and will be engaged in the MOTD lessons
Planning will clearly show strong cross curricular links in line with the National Curriculum requirements / By December 2016 for a January 2017 renewal date.
To achieve the Active Surrey Key Stage 1 Star Mark / ·  Complete star mark audit with Flaminia Martin in Autumn Term 2016.
·  To celebrate our PE provision from 2015-2016 and identify areas for development in 2016-17 for further improvement / Subject lead / £100 for award. / The School will achieve a Bronze, Silver or Gold star mark award that recognises the high quality PE provision at WFIS.
The Star Mark award will celebrate the staff and children’s achievements and efforts in PE. / April 2017
To increase the quality of Gymnastics lessons delivered in class. / ·  Invest in Real Gym (gymnastics) scheme of work and 2 staff training twilights, 1 day training for PE lead.
·  PE lead to observe and provide detailed feedback on the quality of gymnastics lessons being taught across EYFS and KS1
·  PE lead to use gymnastics questionnaire, on a termly basis, to baseline then monitor the pupils and teachers perception of gymnastics throughout the year / Subject lead / £1450 / The gymnastics Scheme of Work will enhance teacher’s confidence, resulting in high quality PE planning and learning.
Observations will show an increase in the quality of PE being delivered
The Scheme of work will show consistency across the school.
Teacher’s subject knowledge and confidence in PE will significantly improve. Teachers will deliver good to outstanding PE lessons.
Teachers will adopt the scheme of work assessment tool and use it routinely to ensure effective coverage and continuity. / Summer Term 2017
To raise the profile of an active and healthy lifestyle during playtimes. / ·  Active playtime equipment will be bought for the Active Zones in the playground.
·  Playtime pals will be trained on how to set out equipment and adults to play with the children.
·  A teaching assistant/teacher will be identified as the ‘playtime lead’ to ensure that equipment is organised and used on a daily basis
·  PE lead to monitor activities at playtimes / Subject lead
TA playtime representative / £1000
PE lead / Playtimes will adhere to the Playtime and Playground Policy.
Zones will be clearly set out so that these can be easily accessed by all the children
Children will develop and apply their PE skills from lessons into real life play and movement.
Children will be active for a sustained period of the day. / Ongoing through 2016-2017
To encourage all children to be active during the school day. / ·  Invest in school membership of ‘5-a-day’
·  Every class will participate in ‘5 a day’ session on a daily basis / 240Subject lead / £20 per month
20 x 12 £ / Children will participate in low impact high energy 5 minute activities each day.
Children will have boosted concentration skills and improved co-ordination as a result. / Ongoing through 2016-2017
To gain an insight into teachers perception of PE / ·  PE lead to use PE questionnaire, on a termly basis, to baseline and monitor the teachers perception of PE throughout the year
·  PE lead will provide case studies to show the impact training has had on their practice / Subject lead / Teachers confidence and subject knowledge will improve the quality of PE lessons / Ongoing through 2016-2017
To gain an insight into pupils perception of PE / ·  PE lead and School Council lead to devise a simple questionnaire to gauge class thoughts and opinions of PE / Subject lead / Children will share their perceptions of PE which will help to determine future planning / Ongoing through 2016-2017
To ensure all PE lessons are well equipped for every child. / ·  PE lead to audit equipment.
·  PE lead to purchase all needed resources to support Scheme of Work. / Subject lead / £2210 / All PE lessons will have the equipment desired and needed.
Children with additional needs will have equipment that will support their needs and access to the curriculum. / Ongoing through 2016-2017
Approx. total spend: £8600

P:\PE 2016-2017\WFIS PE School Development Plan -2016-2017.doc