Application for The FirstChurch Service Scholarship


  1. Applicant must be a member of First Church.
  2. Applicants will be considered on the basis of service to the church (70%) and financial need (30%).
  3. Applications must be thoroughly completed to be considered
  4. Applications must be received by First Church no later than April 15, 2017.
  5. Applicants must consent to a personal interview by members of the committee, if requested to do so.
  6. Scholarship recipients are responsible for notifying FirstChurch immediately if changes affecting information in the application occur prior to beginning of the academic year.
  7. Scholarship funds will be paid directly to the awardees.
  8. All information in the application will be maintained as personal and confidential except for the non-financial information that may be shared during awards presentations
  9. You may refer any questions regarding the program to Diane Matthes or any other member of the Scholarship Committee listed below:

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Rev: 10-Jan-2007

Application for The FirstChurch Service Scholarship

  • Stacey Plummer, Chair
  • Marty Guild
  • Dick Young
  • Roy Rumbaugh, Treasurer
  • Wendy Brown

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Rev: 23-May-2013

Application for The FirstChurch Service Scholarship

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Rev: 23-May-2013

Application for The FirstChurch Service Scholarship

Application for

The FirstChurch Service Scholarship

(For High School Seniors)

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Rev: 23-May-2013

Application for The FirstChurch Service Scholarship


  • Please type your answers in the form fields provided. Use the “Tab” key to move from one form field to the next.
  • You cannot use spell check within the form field, so you might want to type your essay responses in another document first, spell check and then copy and paste the text into the appropriate form field.

Part I: General Information

Name in Full:Type your full name here.

Home Address:Type your address here.

Home Phone Number:Type your phone number here.

Name of High School currently attending:Type your school name here.

What college/university will you be attending?Type the name of your college here.

When will you begin to attendthis institution?Type the date here.

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Rev: 23-May-2013

Application for The FirstChurch Service Scholarship

What is your intended major(s) and minor(s)?Type the name of your program here.

Please insert a digital photograph here. Click on the photo insert and you will be able to browse your computer and choose a saved photo.

Part II:Church Service

1. When did you first begin attending First Church? Type date here.

2. Please list ALL church activities in which you have participated at First Church.
Include all activities you were associated with at any age, e.g. drama, music, teaching / assisting in the Sunday school/nursery programs, senior high youth group, mission trips, boards you have served on, ushering, etc.

Name of Activity / Time spent per week / Comments / Dates of Participation
For example:
Sunday School Assistant / 2 hours / I have assisted in a 3rd Grade class every other Sunday for 3 years. / Sept, 2013 –

3. Do you attend church services and/or activities on a regular basis?

Yes No

Please elaborate:

Describe your church attendance here.

4. Share with us significant steps of Christian growth that you have experienced.

Describe the significant steps in your Christian growth here.

Part III: Outside Activities

Please attach a copy of your resume OR complete the table below by listing any non-church related activities in which you participate (e.g. clubs, National Honor Society, after school employment, athletics and volunteer work). Please list the number of hours (on average) you spend each week at these activities and the years in which you have participated.

Name of Activity / Time spent per week / Comments / Dates of Participation
NashuaHigh School Concert Band / 2.5 hours / We practice 2x weekly & have concerts. / Sept, 2013 –

Part IV: Please write a short essay telling the scholarship committee about you as an individual. What do you like to do? Where/How do you spend your free time? What or where would you like to go and why? Use this space to paint the picture that is you.

Please write your essay here.

Part V:Financial Overview

** The Scholarship Committee will keep the following information strictly confidential. **

1) Sibling Information:

Sibling name / Age / School Attending / Year in school

2) What scholarships, grants, financial aid, and/or loans have you been awarded so far?

Name of Scholarship/Sponsor / Amount of award / Is this a continuing award or a one year award?

3) What OTHER scholarships, grants, financial aid, and/or loans have you applied for?

Name of Scholarship/Sponsor / Amount of award / Is this a continuing award or a one year award?

Part VI:

List any factors - financial or otherwise - that you feel should be taken into account by

the committee reviewing this request. Attach a separate document if necessary.

Please explain any additional factors the committee should take into account here.

I have read and understand the guidelines for eligibility and receiving an award. To the best of my knowledge the information I have provided is true and accurate. I authorize the release of this information to the members of the Scholarship Committee.
** Understand that your typed name below will constitute a legal signature.

Print Name:Type your full name here.

Date: Type today's date here.

When you have completed the application, please email the application as an attachment to Stacey Plummer at .

If you have not received a confirmation email from Stacey within 2 days of submitting your application, please resubmit.

The entire completed scholarship application (the student application and the parents’ financial information)

must be received by noon on:

April 15, 2017


First Church
Scholarship Committee

If you have any questions please contact Diane Matthes at (603)882-4861

or Stacey Plummer at .

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Rev: 23-May-2013