Purpose: Students will determine the costs associated with teenage pregnancy and childbirth through age 1 of the child. By showing teens the high costs involved, they may make better decisions about becoming sexually active.

MATERIALS NEEDED: The materials needed depend on how the student chooses to present the final project. Eachstudent will give a full report of thefindings using the following medium of choice: PowerPoint Presentations (must contain digital photos from different stores, or a baby book,

DESCRIPTION:Students will discover the cost of raising a child from conception through the first 12 months of life by:

1) making phone calls to the doctors’ billing departments

2) either visitingstores or using online sites,(3 minimum)

3) interviewing a relative or friend that is pregnant or has just given birth, to get comparisons of prices. Ex: Wal-Mart, Target, Babies R Us

  1. Prenatal Care including tests, diagnostic ultrasound, and doctor charges for the 9 months of pregnancy. (Suggestion - call a physician’s office)
  2. Hospital charges – labor/delivery and anesthesia charges (suggestion - call hospital)
  3. Pediatrician charges – well/sick visits, all immunizations – check with Health Department and compare prices to doctor’s office price.
  4. Diaper costs for one year –Cost of diapers must reflect a minimum of 3 sizes during the year. Compare a couple of brands at different stores.
  5. Food costs for one year (formula, baby fruit, vegetables, cereal) NO BREAST FEEDING!
  6. Cost of furnishing a nursery – at least 3 estimates – one can be online
  7. Childcare costs for 9 months so the mother can return to school/work. (Minimum of 3 day cares) Family members cannot keep the child for you.
  8. Essential items such as stroller, car seat, high chair, etc. (price items from 3 different stores)
  9. Infant and toddler clothing costs for the year. Need clothes from the time baby is taken home until 1 year old. Number of changes per day is up to you – try to find out how many changes of clothes you went through each day as a infant.
  10. Miscellaneous items that you feel are needed or wanted. These items are based what you would desire your own child to have, but remember, you are a Teen parent and still in high school.
  11. Each student will design a birth certificate for the child. BC must be in a flyer form, have a birth date, a birth weight, a mother and father’s maiden name, and a hospital.Student will introduce his/her child to the class on Dec 14. Students will make a “SOCK” baby to bring to school on the day they introduce

the baby to the class.

12. Write a 2 – 3 page paper on the impact the child would have on your life as a “Teenparent”. Paper must be typed, using 12 fonts, with l ½ line spacing

Project Due Date: Friday, December 14,2012


Birth Certificate/SOCK baby ...... 100pts.

Impact Paper...... 100pts.

Project Grade ...... 200 pts

TOTAL 400 pts