Teacher(s): Lucy Jones Dept: Foreign Language Subject: Spanish V AP/Honors

Week(s) of: April 21-25;28-May 2, 2014 PDAS Admin: Patrick Harvell Approved by Dept. Chair?

TEKS Objectives / Unit / Materials / Lesson Overview / Assessment (Q&A, Lab, Quiz, Test, BM)
Monday / 2A, 2B; 3A, 3B / Las sociedades en contacto / Azulejo / Read “Lazarillo de Tormes” Tratado 7; write summary; quiz
Tuesday / Same as above / Las sociedades en contacto / Azulejo / Same as above
Wednesday / 1B, 1C, 4C / Las sociedades en contacto / Azulejo / Listening Comprehension Long Dialogue 7; Read Rdg Comprehension 17-18 orally and give students 2 minutes to answer questions. Discuss “Lazarillo de Tormes” analyze each chapter for satire, social commentary, and codigos geograficos/historicos / Daily
Thursday / Same as above / Las sociedades en contacto / Azulejo / Same as above (A day Listening Comprehension); / Daily
Friday / 1B, 1C, 4C / Las sociedades en contacto / Azulejo / Take AP Spanish Literature Practice Exam (2 days)

Teacher(s): Lucy Jones Dept: Foreign Language Subject: Spanish V Honors/AP

Week(s) of: April 28-May 2, 2014 PDAS Admin: Patrick Harvell Approved by Dept. Chair?

TEKS Objectives / Unit / Materials / Lesson Overview / Assessment (Q&A, Lab, Quiz, Test, BM)
Monday / Same as above / Las sociedades en contacto / Azulejo / Same as above (2 days)
Tuesday / 2A, 2B, 3A,3B / Las sociedades en contacto / Azulejo / Finish AP Spanish Literature Practice Exam / TEST
Wednesday / Same as above / Las sociedades en contacto / Azulejo / Same as above / TEST
Thursday / 1B, 1C, 3C / Las sociedades en contacto / Azulejo / Cinco de Mayo Celebration / Test
Friday / Same as above / Las sociedades en contacto / Azulejo / Cinco de Mayo Celebration / Test