Arbed Phase 2 ERDF Project

Expression of interest for year 3 schemes

Welsh Government will assess and select schemes using fair and transparent criteria. The criteria are based on arbed’s critical success factors and are designed to ensure that:

·  hard-to-treat homes are targeted;

·  low-income households are targeted;

·  private-sector households are targeted;

·  schemes align with strategic regeneration areas.

Please complete the following information and the spreadsheet then forward your completed expressions of interest to;

by Midday 13 December 2013.

Name of Local Authority
(Each local authority may submit up to two project proposals)
Name and contact details of arbed 2 ERDF Responsible Officer;
Name/Area where improvement is to take place;
(This information should be provided in brief here but completed in detail in the accompanying arbed 2 ERDF project spreadsheet)
Street names;
Total Number of Properties;
LSOA code(s) and names(s);
Number of Properties;
Please provide details of the number of properties in each LSOA included in the project area.
Is project within a singular definable community?
(if the project area is rural and forms 2/3 clusters of properties please provide details of the number of properties in each cluster and the distance / nature of the links between them) Isolated individual or small numbers of properties are not suitable for arbed 2 ERDF

The following information will be assessed and scored in line with the guidance provided

A / PLEASE ANSWER EITHER A1 OR A2 / Points Available / WG use only
A1 / Total number of properties included in the project:
(Not the total number in LSOA)
Proportion of properties within an LSOA in the bottom 10% of the income domain of WIMD 2011:
Proportion of properties within an LSOA in the bottom 20% of the income domain of WIMD 2011:
Proportion of properties within an LSOA in the bottom 30% of the income domain of WIMD 2011:
Proportion of properties within an LSOA in the bottom 40% of the income domain of WIMD 2011:
(if you require any further information please contact ) / 6
A2 / Total number of properties included in the project:
(Not the total number in LSOA)
Estimated number (and percent) of households in the project area on means tested benefits:
Details of how this has been estimated:
(e.g. is it based on the proportion on means tested benefits in each LSOA?)
90% households on mean-tested benefits
80% households on mean-tested benefits
70% households on mean-tested benefits
60% households on mean-tested benefits
As these results are self certified please provide;
Name and role of verifying officer
Name and role of approving officer / 6
SECTIONS B TO E NEED TO BE COMPLETED / Points Available / WG use only
Total number (and percent) of private sector households (owner occupied or privately rented):
Where possible, please give number of properties by tenure:
Owner occupied:
Privately rented:
Local authority housing:
Housing association properties:
Above 40% households in private-sector
Above 25% households in private-sector
Please indicate the details of RSL owned stock included in the project in the accompanying arbed 2 ERDF project spreadsheet / 2
Total number of properties:
Estimated number (and percent) of households not connected to the mains gas grid:
Please provide details of how this estimate has been produced:
e.g. Onsite survey or stock database (if database was not updated recently, please state how you have confirmed accuracy of data)
Please provide any information available on the proximity of the unconnected households to the existing network:
Please provide details of how this information has been obtained:
Have you had any conversations with the gas distribution network operator or the energy companies regarding potential connection of any properties in close proximity to the existing grid?
75% off-gas
50% off-gas
25% off-gas / 3
Total number of properties:
Estimated number (and percent) of homes of solid wall / non-traditional construction:
Please provide details of how this estimate has been produced
e.g. Onsite survey or stock database (if database is not recent, please state how you have confirmed accuracy of data)
75% hard to treat
50% hard to treat
25% hard to treat
Please note that while cavities not suitable for cavity wall insulation may be considered, independent verification for lack of suitability for cavity wall insulation should be provided with your submission. Welsh Government reserves the right to make additional assessments of proposed properties and to prioritise projects with poorer wall U values. / 3
Total number (and percent) of properties in a Welsh Government strategic regeneration area:
(Please provide details including the names of the strategic regeneration area in the accompanying arbed 2 ERDF spreadsheet)
Total number of properties in a renewal and communities first area
(Please provide details including the names of the renewal areas/Community First groups in the accompanying arbed 2 ERDF spreadsheet)
(you can receive up to 3 points if properties are contained in a WG regeneration area AND a renewal or communities first area):
80% majority of properties included in a WG regeneration area?
80% majority of properties included in a renewal or communities first area?
In addition, please provide details of any other relevant WG or LA regeneration schemes in the area of this proposed scheme – this will not be scored but may be used as a deciding factor where scheme scores are tied. / 2
Total score (WG use only)

The following is not scored this is for information purposes only

Please provide information on any discussions you have had with energy suppliers regarding external funding (ECO, Green Deal etc)

Please provide information on any discussions you have had with housing associations, your own social housing team or your private housing team about aligning other works with the proposed arbed 2 ERDF project

Please give details of any early discussions you may have had with independent experts on the viability of particular measures e.g. structural surveys

Please give details of discussions with planning officers/conservation officer that you have discussed these areas with, giving names of officers involved in these discussions