Date: XXXX

Dear Sir or Madam


OJEU Contract Notice Reference Number [TBC] dated [TBC]

Evaluated on 60% Quality 40% Cost

You are invited to submit a Fixed Price Tender for the above named Legal Services and I therefore attach:

(a) The Service Requirement consisting of:

·  Service Requirement

·  Appendix A – Pricing Schedule

·  Appendix B – Form of Agreement

·  Appendix C – Employee Profile Form

·  Appendix D – Data Protection Risk Assessment

(b) Quality Questionnaire and Scoring Guide

(c) Form of Tender

(d) Collusive Tendering Certificate

(e) Declaration of Interest

(f) Receipt of Tender Documents form

Your Receipt of Tender Documents form should be completed and returned immediately please to .

The deadline for raising any queries on the Tender documents is 00:00:00 hours on Thursday 1st March 2017. Please address queries to

The deadline for Tender returns is 15:00:00 hours on Thursday 15th March 2018.

Your completed Tender Submission must be received electronically by emailing to [TBC] and consist of the following documents:

·  Completed Declaration of Interest Statement; and

·  Collusive Tendering Certificate; and

·  Completed Form of Tender; and

·  Completed Pricing Schedule; and

·  Completed Quality Questionnaire and any supporting documentation

On receipt of your electronic submission, you should receive an automatically generated email receipt. Please let us know immediately if you do not receive this receipt.

No Tender received after the date and time indicated above for receipt of Tenders, nor any Tender delivered to any email address other than that stated shall be accepted or considered as part of this tender process.

We look forward to receiving your Receipt of Tender documents form in due course.

Yours Faithfully

Debra McLean

Procurement Manager

Telephone: 0300 330 0900 Website: www.havebury.com

Havebury House, Western Way, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP33 3SP

The Havebury Housing Partnership is a charitable registered society under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014 (7648)

Regulated by the Homes & Communities Agency (LH4339)