Adult Diagnostic Assessment Update

Client Name: (First, MI, Last) / Client #: / Date:
[ ] Readmission [ ] Update of New Information / Date of Most Recent Assessment:
Adult Diagnostic Assessment Section
Check the box(es) next to the section(s) of the assessment which you are updating. Be sure to label all additional / updated information in your narrative with the number of the section of the assessment being updated.
[ ] 1. Presenting Problem / [ ] 11. Other Cultural/Ethnic Concerns / [ ] 21. Alcohol/Drug Treatment
[ ] 2. Living Situation / [ ] 12. Developmental Issues / [ ] 22. Legal Issues
[ ] 3. Social Information / [ ] 13. Sexual History/Concerns / [ ] 23. Abuse History
[ ] 4. Primary Family/marital
Support System / [ ] 14. Education History / [ ] 24. Problem Checklist/Skills
[ ] 5. Pertinent Family History / [ ] 15. Employment History / [ ] 25. Ohio MH Consumer Outcomes
[ ] 6. Strengths/Capabilities/
Limitations / [ ] 16. Employment Interest/Skills / [ ] 26. Mental Status Summary
[ ] 7. Friendship/Social Peer Support / [ ] 17. Mental Health Treatment Hx / [ ] 27. Client Family
[ ] 8. Meaningful Activities / [ ] 18. Current Medication Infromation / [ ] 28. Health Issues
[ ] 9. Community Supports / [ ] 19. Past Psychotropic Medications / [ ] 29. Other Information
[ ] 10. Religious / Spirituality / [ ] 20. Alcohol/Drug History / [ ] 30. Others:
Update Narrative:List each assessment section being updated with narrative explanation below it.
Client Name: (First, MI, Last) / Client #:
Diagnosis [ ] No Change [ ] Change Indicated Below [ ] DSM-IV Codes (or successor) [ ] IC-9 CM (or successor)
Primary / Axis / Code / Narrative Description
[ ]
[ ] Axis I
[ ]
[ ] Axis II
[ ]
Axis III
Axis IV / Describe, if Yes:
Problems with primary support groups [ ] Yes [ ] No
Problems related to the social environment [ ] Yes [ ] No
Educational problems [ ] Yes [ ] No
Occupational problems [ ] Yes [ ] No
Housing problems [ ] Yes [ ] No
Economic problems [ ] Yes [ ] No
Problems with access to health care services [ ] Yes [ ] No
Problems with interaction with legal system/crime [ ] Yes [ ] No
Other psychosocial and environmental problems [ ] Yes [ ] No
Axis V / Current GAF: [ ] / Highest GAF in Past Year (if known): [ ]
Ohio Mental Health Consumer Outcomes
Provider Signature/Credentials / Date / Supervisor Signature/Credentials (if Applicable) / Date
Provider Signature/Credentials Rendering Diagnosis if Different Than Above (ODADAS Only) / Date / Physician Signature/Credentials (if Applicable) / Date
Date of Service / Staff ID No. / Loc. Code / Prcdr Code / Mod
1 / Mod
2 / Mod
3 / Mod
4 / Start Time / Stop Time / Total Time / Diagnostic