The Greensville County Planning Commission meeting was held Tuesday, January 14, 2014, 7:30 P.M., at the Greensville County Government Building, 1781 Greensville County Circle, Emporia, Virginia.


Malcolm King, Chairman

Lofton Allen

Joe Antorn

Dianne Barnes-Rhoades

Len Hobbs

Joey Jones

Walter Robinson

James Tucker

Peggy R. Wiley


Linwood E. Pope, Jr.

Susan D. Conwell


Estelle Walker


The Chairman called the meeting to order. The secretary called the roll.



Chairman King relinquished the chair to Mr. Pope to receive nominations for chairman.

Mr. Pope called for nominations for the office of Chairman. Commissioner Robinson moved to nominate Mr. King as Chairman. Commissioner Hobbs seconded the motion. Commissioner Tucker moved to close nominations for Chairman. Commissioner Allen seconded the motion to close nominations for Chairman. All voted aye to elect Malcolm King as Chairman of the Greensville County Planning Commission.

Chairman King called for nominations for the office of Vice-Chairman. Commissioner Wiley moved to nominate Joey Jones. Commissioner Allen seconded the motion. Commissioner Robinson moved to close nominations for Vice-Chairman. Commissioner Antorn seconded the motion. All voted aye to elect Joey Jones as Vice-Chairman of the Greensville County Planning Commission.

Chairman King called for nominations for the office of Secretary noting that it was customary for the Planning Director to fill this position. Commissioner Allen moved to nominate Linwood E. Pope, Jr. as secretary. Commissioner Tucker seconded the motion. Commissioner Antorn moved to close nominations. Commissioner Wiley seconded the motion. All voted aye to elect Linwood E. Pope, Jr. as Secretary of the Greensville County Planning Commission.



Commissioner Robinson moved to approve the Agenda. Commissioner Jones seconded the motion. All voted aye to approve the Agenda.


In Re: APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES – September 10, 2013

Commissioner Tucker moved to approve the minutes of September 10, 2013. Commissioner Jones seconded the motion. All voted aye to approve the minutes of September 10, 2013.



Commissioner Jones moved to go into Public Hearing. Commissioner Wiley seconded the motion. All voted aye to go into Public Hearing.


In Re: SP-7-13 Estelle Walker

Mr. Pope reviewed the staff report with the commission members stating that the applicant’s request is to establish a daycare service for more than five (5) children. Staff recommends approval with the following conditions:

  1. A Special Use Permit is granted to Ms. Estelle Walker, hereinafter operator, for a child day care for more than five (5) children to be established at her residence known as 455 Reigel Road.
  1. At all times be in compliance with all local, state and federal rules, regulations, laws, statutes, and ordinances with special attention given to the following:

a)  The Virginia Department of Social Services Rules and Regulations.

b)  The Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code.

c)  The Virginia Department of Health Rules and Regulations.

  1. The operator is responsible for securing all permits for all aspects of the activity and is responsible for adhering to all terms and conditions imposed by this permit.
  1. Provide documentation from the Department of Social Services and the Department of Health that the operator has satisfied each department’s requirements to operate a child day care.
  1. No parking is to occur within the right-of-way of any public road.
  1. Children may not be dropped off or picked up within the right-of-way of any road, with the exception of the children that will be dropped off by the school bus.
  1. Adult supervision shall be provided for all children that will be boarding or exiting the school bus at operator’s residence.
  1. A sign no larger than four (4) square feet which identifies the property may be installed upon the property. The sign must be set back a minimum of five (5) feet from the right-of-way of the road.
  1. Utilizing the permit issuance date as the annual date, if the activity is not established within two (2) years or is not utilized for a two (2) year period, the activity will be deemed abandoned and this permit terminated.
  1. Failure to abide by the above conditions may result in the immediate revocation of the Special Use Permit.

Chairman King asked if there were other questions or comments from the commissioners. Mr. Hobbs asked if the sign no larger than four square feet was small. Mr. Pope advised a larger sign was possible with the completion of a sign permit in the Building Department. Mr. King asked if there were any comments from the applicant. Ms. Walker stated her husband passed and keeping children was an opportunity to be involved with children, their welfare and school studies. Mr. King asked if there were any comments from those in favor of or opposed the case. There were none.



Commissioner Tucker moved to go into Regular Session. Commissioner Wiley seconded the motion. All voted aye to go into Regular Session.


In Re: SP-7-13 Estelle Walker

Commissioner Wiley moved to approve SP-7-13 with conditions and forward the decision to the Board of Supervisors. Commissioner Barnes-Rhoades seconded the motion. All voted aye to approve SP-7-13 with conditions and forward the decision to the Board of Supervisors for consideration.



In Re: Courtesy copy of BZA case, V-1-13 Russell Lee Gillus, Sr.

Mr. Pope provided each of the commissioners a courtesy copy of the approved Board of Zoning Appeals case V-1-13.


Commissioner Tucker moved to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Jones seconded the motion. All voted aye to adjourn the meeting. Meeting was adjourned at 7:40 p.m.


Malcolm King, Chairman