U.S. Navy Recipients of the Navy Cross in World War I

Foreign Recipients
of the
Distinguished Service Cross

World War I

164 Awards

World War I
Australian / 9
British / 12
French / 133
North Russia
British / 3
French / 7

Compiled and Edited


C. Douglas Sterner

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Distinguished Service Cross Awards
Australian, British, & French Fighters
For Actions In Cooperation with the U.S. Army

World War I & North Russia

Compiled & Edited

C. Douglas Sterner

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Index of Recipients

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Australian Recipients 1

Brady, Vincent J. 1

Caddy, Thomas E. 1

Errington, Arthur 1

Hill, John H. 1

Morisset, Vaux L. 2

Padgett, John R. 2

Parkes, Thomas 2

Rodakis, Nicholas 2

Trewarn, Frederick 2

British Recipients 3

Auty, Edward W. 3

Birkinshaw, Robert S. 3

Cameron, Charles 3

Dodwell, Thomas B. 3

Foster, Peter 3

Kessler, Albert E. 4

Little, William B. 4

McNamee, John T. 4

Munday, William T. J. 4

Rice, Wilfred 4

Underwood, Albert T. 5

Woodcock, Hugh 5

French 6

*Andral, Louis 6

Armengaud, Paul F. M. 6

Artoni, Charles 6

Aschliman, Paul 6

Bardou, Henri 6

Barre, Marcel 7

Baurin, Albert 7

Becquart, Henri 7

Bercerot, Jacques 7

*Bertrand 7

Boglione 7

Bonnard, Emile 8

Bourdu, Joseph 8

Bredin, Andre E. 8

Brelier, Francois 8

Brelivet, Herve M. 8

Buchet, Xavier 8

Buisson 9

Burel, Michel 9

Carrere, Jean B. 9

Chanoine, Charles M. M. 9

Chanoine, Charles M. M. 9

Charron, Jean M. H. 10

Chataigneau, Yves 10

Chevalier, Oliver 10

Compana, Antoine 10

Connelly, James A. 10

Corbabon, Benigme V. M. J. 10

Costa De Beauregard, Robert 11

Courtois, Andre 11

Dano, Robert 11

Daune, Charles Emile 11

De Boulancy, D'escayarac M. 11

De Froissard-Broissis, Michel Marie Ferdinand 12

*De Guiroye 12

De Jacquelot De Boisrouvay, Aalain 12

De Lesseps, Jacques B. M. 12

*De Mandat, Grancey 12

De Pavant, Francois 12

Debrut, F. O. 13

Diot, Lucien 13

Dormoy, Georges 13

Drouhin, Maurice 13

Drouhin, Robert G. 13

Du Bois, Alfred 14

Dubet, Jean Olinde 14

Durand, Leon 14

Ehrhardt, Gustave 14

Escudier, Etienne 14

Etienne, Eugene 14

Filippi, Jean 15

Gaillot, Maurice G. 15

Gauffeny, Emmanual P. F. 15

Gauthier, Jean C. 15

Giet, Auguste A. 15

Goyne, Antoine 15

Grizel, Marcel 16

Gros, Joseph 16

Guinet, Eugene 16

Guyot, Benjamin 16

Hallier, Andre 16

Haumant, Marcel A. E. 16

Hendrick, Pierre H. 17

Hoffenbach, Edouard 17

Houroux, Etienne 17

Hugo, Jean 17

Jacobson, Alfred 17

Jacquin, Alfred 18

Jourde, Georges A. F. 18

Labour, Rene 18

Lagache, Gustave P. A. 18

Lano, Maurice 18

Larra, Joseph 18

Le Bellege, Jean B. 19

Le Cam, Yves Marie 19

Le Coin, Rene H. 19

Le Pelletier De Woillemont, Bernard C. F. M. X. E. G. 19

Leandri, Dominique A. 19

Lebre, Anton 20

Leclerc, Hippolyte A. M. 20

Lenoir, Henri 20

Leplus, Paul 20

Leroux, Maurice 20

Lescadron, Henri J. 21

Liaras, Gaitan 21

Lorans, Maroel 21

Loriot, Jean J. 21

Lucas, Eugene L. E. 21

Magon De La Giclais, Jean 21

Malbe, Fernand 22

*Mallet, Arthur H. G. 22

Marchand, Leon 22

Marchand, Leon 22

Marechal, Adrian 22

Marius, Jean 23

Martelliere, Andre P. 23

*Maxwell, Roger 23

Meni, Jean 23

Merel, Robert 23

Meurisse, Jean L. 24

Michel, Marcel H. 24

*Milleret, Norbert 24

Morel, Julien 24

Pepin, Edmund 24

Perrin, Edouard 24

Petit, Auguste J. 25

Piveteau, E. M. 25

Praly, Louis 25

Prudhomme, Frederic H. 25

Quinton, R. 25

Rault, Jean Emile 25

Ravisse, Henri 26

Redier, Maurice 26

Reiss, Andre 26

Rerat, Armand 26

Ritt, Maurice J. V. 26

Roussel, Jean 26

Santini, Philippe 27

Sardier, Gilbert J. M. L. 27

Sartorious, Emile 27

Simonet, Andre 27

Tessier, Fernand 27

Thiabaud, Claude E. 28

Thiebault, Rene 28

Tribot-Laspierre, Jean R. 28

Trives, Francis M. 28

Vacarisas, Joseph 28

Vallois, Robert 28

*Verry, Louis 29

Viaud, Louis 29

Vivien, Robert 29

Wackernie, Georges 29

Wichart, Georges 29

British Recipients (North Russia) 30

Collison, Herbert L. 30

Howarth, James 30

Smyrden, Richard G. 30

French Recipients (North Russia) 2

*Bourgon, Narcisse 2

Dequerte, Conrad 2

Hasselvender, Alfred J. V. 2

Lorber, J. B. X. 2

Robert 2

Sandeau 3

Tcheimessoff, Serguei 3

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Foreign Recipients of the Distinguished Service Cross ¯ WWI Actions

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Foreign Recipients of the Distinguished Service Cross ¯ WWI Actions

Australian Recipients

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Foreign Recipients of the Distinguished Service Cross ¯ WWI Actions

Brady, Vincent J.

Lieutenant, Australian Imperial Force

13th Field Artillery Brigade

Date of Action: October 18 - 20, 1918


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Vincent J. Brady, Lieutenant, Australian Imperial Force, for extraordinary heroism in action east of Busigny, France, October 18 to 20, 1918. Lieutenant Brady, in command of a forward section of artillery, pushed his guns in advance in close support of the Infantry. In crossing the La Selle River the fire of his guns silenced numerous machine-gun positions and aided the Infantry to advance. This action took place when fighting alongside the American 27th Division.

·  General Orders No. 60, W.D., 1920

Resident of England

Caddy, Thomas E.

Sergeant, Australian Imperial Force

43d Battalion, 11th Infantry

Date of Action: July 4, 1918


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Thomas E. Caddy, Sergeant, Australian Imperial Force, for extraordinary heroism in action at Hamel, Belgium, July 4, 1918. Early in the advance his company was held up by fire from a machine-gun post. Sergeant Caddy with great bravery charged the position, bayoneted the crew, thus enabling his company to advance. This action took place when fighting alongside the American 27th Division.

·  General Orders No. 60, W.D., 1920

Resident of England

Errington, Arthur

Sergeant, Australian Imperial Force

32d Battalion, 5th Division

Date of Action: September 29, 1918


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Arthur Errington, Sergeant, Australian Imperial Force, for extraordinary heroism in action near Bellicourt, France, September 29, 1918. When his company was halted by machine-gun fire, Sergeant Errington with two comrades rushed the enemy position and captured the machine gun. Later the same day he rushed a second machine gun, capturing the gun and killing three of the crew. This action took place in conjunction with the attack of the 30th U.S. Division.

·  General Orders No. 68, W.D., 1920

Resident of England

Hill, John H.

Lieutenant, Australian Imperial Force

50th Battalion, 13th Infantry

Date of Action: September 29, 1918


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to John H. Hill, Lieutenant, Australian Imperial Force, for extraordinary heroism in action northwest of Bony, France, September 29, 1918. While attached to a battalion of the 107th American Infantry, Lieutenant Hill assisted in forming the men for the attack and gallantly led them forward until he was severely wounded in the leg.

·  General Orders No. 60, W.D., 1920

Resident of England

Morisset, Vaux L.

Captain, Australian Imperial Force

31st Battalion, 5th Division

Date of Action: September 29, 1918


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Vaux L. Morisset, Captain, Australian Imperial Force, for extraordinary heroism in action at Nauroy, France, September 29, 1918. During the advance following the capture of Bellicourt, Captain Morisset, acting battalion adjutant, observed that flanking troops had failed to advance, leaving a gap in the line. On his own initiative, he gathered several detachments of troops under heavy machine-gun fire and deployed them, covering the threatened gap. His prompt and courageous conduct contributed to the success of the operations in which the 30th U.S. Division was engaged.

·  General Orders No. 68, W.D., 1920

Resident of England

Padgett, John R.

Lance-Corporal, Australian Imperial Force

44th Battalion, 11th Infantry

Date of Action: September 29, 1918


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to John R. Padgett, Lance-Corporal, Australian Imperial Force, for extraordinary heroism in action in the attack on the Hindenburg Line, September 29, 1918. When an enemy grenade fell amongst his section, Lance-Corporal Padgett picked it up and threw it back toward the enemy. Later he exposed himself to heavy fire in order to carry an American soldier to a place of safety. This action took place when fighting alongside the American 27th Division.

·  General Orders No. 60, W.D., 1920

Resident of England

Parkes, Thomas

Private, Australian Imperial Force

55th Battalion, 14th Infantry

Date of Action: September 30, 1918


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Thomas Parkes, Private, Australian Imperial Force, for extraordinary heroism in action north of Bellicourt, France, September 30, 1918. Private Parkes exposed himself to heavy machine-gun fire in going out in front of our positions and assisting two wounded Americans to a place of safety. This action took place when fighting alongside the American 27th Division.

·  General Orders No. 60, W.D., 1920

Resident of England

Rodakis, Nicholas

Sergeant, British Expeditionary Forces

105th U.S. Infantry, 27th Division (Attached), 4th Battalion, Australian Machine Gun Corps

Date of Action: September 29, 1918


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Nicholas Rodakis, Sergeant, British Expeditionary Forces, for extraordinary heroism in action near Ronssoy, France, September 29, 1918, while attached to Machine gun Company, 105th U.S. Infantry, 27th Division, A.E.F. Organizing troops from different units, Sergeant Rodakis exhibited great bravery and dash in leading them into effective combat, inspiring all by his courage and fearlessness.

·  General Orders No. 37, W.D., 1919

Resident of England

Trewarn, Frederick

Private, Australian Imperial Force

5th Machine Gun Battalion

Date of Action: September 29, 1918


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Frederick Trewarn, Private, Australian Imperial Force, for extraordinary heroism in action near Bellicourt, France, September 29, 1918. On three different occasions Private Trewarn exposed himself to artillery and machine-gun fire in order to assist wounded to shelter. Later on, when warning was received of an impending enemy counterattack, he displayed great coolness and good judgment under heavy fire in selecting positions for his guns. This action took place when fighting alongside the American 27th Division.

·  General Orders No. 60, W.D., 1920

Resident of England

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Foreign Recipients of the Distinguished Service Cross ¯ WWI Actions

British Recipients

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Foreign Recipients of the Distinguished Service Cross ¯ WWI Actions

Auty, Edward W.

Signalar, British Expeditionary Forces

112th Battery, 24th Brigade, Royal Field Artillery

Date of Action: August 30 & 31, 1918


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Edward W. Auty, Signalar, British Expeditionary Forces, for extraordinary heroism in action near Vierstraat, Belgium, August 30 and 31, 1918. Signaler Auty accompanied an officer in a daring reconnaissance in advance of our lines. In an encounter with an enemy patrol near Rossignol Wood two of the enemy were captured. This action took place when fighting alongside the American 27th Division.

·  General Orders No. 60, W.D., 1920

Resident of England

Birkinshaw, Robert S.

Sergeant, British Expeditionary Forces

1st Battalion, Sest Yorkshire Regiment

Date of Action: September 24, 1918


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Robert S. Birkinshaw, Sergeant, British Expeditionary Forces, for extraordinary heroism in action at Selency, France, September 24, 1918. Sergeant Birkinshaw repeatedly led attacks against a strongly defended barricade at the entrance to Selency. The ultimate capture of this position was due to the determination and personal gallantry of this noncommissioned officer. This action took place when fighting alongside the American 27th Division.

·  General Orders No. 60, W.D., 1920

Resident of England

Cameron, Charles

Second Corporal (Acting Sergeant), British Army

468th North Midland Field Company, Royal Engineers (Territorial Force), 46th Division

Date of Action: September 29, 1918


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Charles Cameron, Second Corporal (Acting Sergeant), British Army, for extraordinary heroism in action on the St. Quentin Canal, France, September 29, 1918. Corporal Cameron was in charge of a party of sappers which advanced with the Infantry. He advanced through heavy fire and on several occasions showed contempt for danger in entering dugouts and tunnels which were suspected of being mined by the enemy. During the advance he attacked and captured an enemy machine gun and six men. This action took place in conjunction with the attack of the 30th U.S. Division.

·  General Orders No. 68, W.D., 1920

Resident of England

Dodwell, Thomas B.

Second Lieutenant, British Expeditionary Forces

Observer, Royal Air Forces

Date of Action: August 13, 1918


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Thomas B. Dodwell, Second Lieutenant, British Expeditionary Forces, for extraordinary heroism in action near Bruges, Belgium, August 13, 1918. This officer and his pilot led two other machines on along photographic mission over the area north of Bruges. Over Thourout they were attacked by six enemy planes. While heavily engaged, Lieutenant Dodwell and his pilot saw one of their machines in difficulty and trying to make our lines with an enemy plane close at its tail. Regardless of their own danger from the remaining planes, they dived to the assistance of the crippled plane. Taking advantage of their preoccupation, several enemy planes attacked from the rear; but, in spite of this rear attack, they drove off the enemy plane and allowed the damaged plane to land within our fines. Half of the tail plane was shot away, but Lieutenant Dodwell climbed along the wing and lay down along the cowling in front of the pilot, enabling the pilot to regain partial control of his machine. When nearing the ground, he crawled back into the cockpit to allow the nose to rise, and the pilot made a safe landing. The presence of mind and cool courage of this officer saved the machine from crashing to the ground.

·  General Orders No. 44, W.D., 1919

Resident of England

Foster, Peter

Private, British Expeditionary Forces

5th Battalion, Connaught Rangers

Date of Action: October 11, 1918


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Peter Foster, Private, British Expeditionary Forces, for extraordinary heroism in action near Serain, France, October 11, 1918. Private Foster exposed himself to heavy fire in order to locate the positions of enemy machine guns. Later he led a liaison patrol through heavy fire in order to establish communication with the American unit on his right. This action took place when fighting alongside the American 27th Division.