REFLECTIONParables speak to us today.

This parable reminds us that we have been given much by God. We don’t have the option of not using our gifts to build God’s kingdom. Whatever we invest, the promised reward is to share in the happiness of the master’s kingdom. It is a lovely idea to pursue during this month when our prayers are for those who have died. We pray for them, and for ourselves, secure in the promise that if we invest in the kingdom of God, we can look forward to a life that takes us into the fullness of God’s life itself. It is the perfection of anything we could hope for.

SCRIPTURE NOTE:It is encouraging to think of all the talents which friends and neighbours have and which I don’t have. It is all part of the gifts of the Spirit, which Paul sees as making up the whole Body of Christ. Everyone has a special contribution to make. As for me, it is extraordinary that God created me with all my twists, defects, fears and failures and it is precisely because of those boils, sores, abscesses that God loves me, helps me and guides me to work out my salvation. And it is just possible that there may be friends who can think that God has given me talents which make a tiny contribution to the happiness and goodness of the world. In the longer version of this Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus mentions a man with just one talent who hides it in the ground: the master calls him “wicked and lazy” and has him thrown out. Why is he so severely treated? This is surely someone who resolutely turns his (or her) back on the goodness he (or she) has received and refuses to work with it for the Lord’s purposes or for anyone else’s. Such a talent goes to waste and merely rusts and corrupts. If I know anyone like that, it is just worth asking whether, with infinite and patient kindness, I can help that person to release their talent and bring it to blossom.

Just think for a moment: what is your best talent? Is it a gift, skill or humour which brings joy and happiness to those around you? Are you like the man who buried his talent in the ground, or do you use this skill or gift or wisdom to bring joy to others?


Heavenly Father, pour down on our Church your Holy Spirit, the fire of your love. Give us the courage, the wisdom and the faith to be salt for the earth and light for the world.

Help us to build warm and welcoming communities of faith in our families, ourneighbourhoods, our Parish. May we carry the Good News by word and action into all ourenvironments, especially those which are hostile and hurting.

Together with Mary, the first evangeliser we entrust all our efforts into the care of theDivine Spirit, who fills and renews the face of the earth.


/ Franciscan

Parish Deacon: Stephen Parker
Mass Book pg 155.
Sunday / 19th / 9:00am / (People of the Parish)
11:00 am / (Priest's Intention)
Monday / 20th / NO MASS
Tuesday / 21st / NO MASS
Wednesday / 22nd / NO MASS
Thursday / 23rd / NO MASS
Friday / 24th / NO MASS
Saturday / 25th / No Sacrament of Reconciliation
26th / NO MASS

Thank you for last week's OFFERTORY COLLECTION.

PLEASE PRAY for Fr Kevin, Alan, Alexander, Alison, Anthony Womack, AM, Bernard Kelly, Fr Bill Bergin, Dennis Gerrard, Dorry Kennedy, Edith Di Maio, Ellen Dalton, Ian Baxter, Jean Fahy, Jim Foley, John Denzil Joseph, John Hayes, John Rowan, Sr Julia Duignan, J&E.D, JTD, Karen Kilbride, Kathleen Giblin, KC, Leonora, Liz, Margaret Hanour, Margaret Paget, Mary Hunt, Nancy Lennon, Rachel Grace, Roger Kemp, Fr Roy Pannell, Sofia Rabello, Theodora-Angelica, Tony Mulchrone, Willow Grist and Yvonne Reaney who are sick, Frederick Kenny and Marie Whelan, lately dead and forRichard McNicholas, whose anniversaryoccurs about this time.

Wanted: RAFFLE PRIZES FOR PANTO - please give to Una, Liz or Emma, or leave them in Narthex, clearly marked 'Panto'.

There will be a meeting of all the parish MINISTERS OF COMMUNION (from both 9am and 11am Masses) in The Assisi Hall at 3pm TODAY. This is an opportunity for our Ministers to come together to discuss and review the operation of this important Ministry within our parish. Tea and coffee will be provided. If you are unable to attend, but would like to express an opinion, please contact Kevin Exell.

‘Little Fishes’- Praise and playfor the under fives will be on Monday 20th Novemberat 1.45pm. Meet in the Assisi Hall and then in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel. Contact Clare Byrne for more information. New people always welcome.

There will be no AFTERNOON TEAin November.The next one will be on Tuesday 19th December.

The next PARISH COUNCIL MEETINGwill be on Tuesday 21st November at 8pm in the upper room. If you have anything for discussion, please or speak to a member of the Parish Council. Any member of the Parish is welcome to attend.

Rehearsals for theST FRANCIS PANTOcontinue on Friday.

St Marie’s will be holding anINDOOR CHRISTMAS MARKETbetween 11am and 2pm on Saturday 25th November in the Houlden Hal. They will be selling lots of new (and nearly new)itemssuitableasgifts,alongwithhomemadeartandcraftsandfestive refreshments.

There will be a MEMORIAL MASS for CAFOD supporters who have died at St. Gerard's Church, Thrybergh at 11am on Sunday 26thNovember.

The St Francis Pantois 'WHATEVER HAPPENED TO SNOW WHITE?'It will be on Friday 1st and Saturday 2ndDecember. This is the Parish's big fundraiser for CAFOD so please bring alsong your family and friends.Tickets will be on sale after both Sunday Masses and can also be reserved on the panto website at

A DAY OF RENEWAL WITH HEALING SERVICES will be held at St Charles Borromeo Church from 1pm to 5pm on Saturday 2nd December. The free programme includes inspiring talks, praise and worship, a healing Mass, Eucharistic Adoration and the laying on of hands in prayer. Please share this good news and invite your friends and family for the event to experience the Merciful Jesus.

The HALLAM NEWS for November is available in the narthex.

The WALSINGHAM ASSOCIATIONhopes to run a coach to Walsingham on Friday 8th December. It will pick up from Pond Hill at 7am and return by 7pm. Cost is £17 with optional lunch for £10.50. Contact Francesca Flynn on 2686247 or .

Our Cathedral Church of St Marie is asking every parish to contribute to the ORGAN RESTORATION FUND. £500is suggested from St Francis Parish.Hugh Finnigan and Silviu Cobeanu will perform a short Advent recital of sacred songs, motets and organ tunes at 7:30pm on Friday 8th December here at St. Francis Church. Entrance is free but there will be a collection to raise our parish contribution.

There will be aCHRISTMAS FLORAL WORKSHOP on Saturday 9th December between 10am and 1pmin the Assisi Hall. All materials and flowers to make a seasonal table arrangement provided. Cost £25 (£10 deposit to secure a place). Refreshments included. Bring a pair of floral scissors or secateurs. Contact Liz Bishop of Junglebloom on 2350005, 07986641292 or r more details or to book.

November is the month in which we PRAY FOR THE DEAD. If you would like your deceased family members, relatives and friends to be remembered in Masses throughout the year, you can add your name(individual or family name) to St Francis Dead List. Take an envelope, write on the front ‘DEAD LIST’, add YOUR name (not the deceased members since God knows who they are) and if you wish enclose an offering and post it through the presbytery letter-box.

CHRISTMAS AT KIRK EDGE MONASTERY. Mass will be at 8am each day but there will no longer be a Midnight Mass or Vigil Mass on Christmas Eve.

The DANCE CLUB'S NEXT SHOW, 'The Dream Girls', will take place in February. We are looking for performers (instrumentalists) who would be willing to play one piece in every show. Any age group will be welcome! We also have a particular need for a pianist to accompany Norma, a member of our parish, who would like to sing 'Summertime'.If you can help, please ring Grazyna on 2308196.

"It’s folly that Jeremy Corbyn and MPs want to restrict freedom of speech/prayer outside abortion clinics. Let’s pray for their conversion.” Bishop Philip Egan. Find out what is behind the Bishop’s statement by having a look at the work of the GOOD COUNSEL NETWORKat