Minutes of a Meeting of Brundall Parish Council

Held on Monday 27 March 2017 at 19:00 at the

Brundall Memorial Hall, Lounge

Present :
Chairman: Cllr John Warne
Vice-Chairman:Cllr John Philp
Cllr R Price, Cllr G Nurden, Cllr I S Walters, Cllr P Taylor, Cllr G Buckley, Cllr J Mickelburgh, Cllr JJ Warns
Parish Clerk: S Smyth
7 members of the public
Details / Action
The Chairman, advised everyone in attendance of the location of fire escapes and the procedure to be followed in the event of an evacuation.
The Chairman advised members of the public of the procedure for them speaking at Meetings of the Parish Council.
The Chairman advised members of the public that the Parish Council would be making a sound recording of the Meeting
2017-0034 / Apologies for Absence
Cllr F ThorpeNo information, Cllr K Wilkins–Work, Cllr M Russell - unwell
2017-0035 / Declarations of Interest
Disclosable (DPI) or Non Disclosable Pecuniary Interests (NDPI)
Cllr G Nurden–Non DPIplanning items relating to Broadland DC
Cllr J Philp – Non DPI Agenda item 8 and 11 as Chairman of the Memorial Hall
2017-0036 / Minutes of the Previous Meeting(s)
It was resolved by a unanimous decision that the Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council, held on27th February 2017 be approved.
2017-0037 / Actions from the Minutes (Not on the Agenda)
2017-0013 Footway lighting – Clerk has written to Broadland DC about the Council’s acceptance of footway lighting responsibilities for new developments.
2017-0038 / Public Participation
It was resolved by a unanimous decision to adjourn the Meeting for Public Participation.
The Meeting was reconvened.
A member of the public enquired about the plans to develop Berryfields for recreation and suggested the car park is at the wrong location and should be placed at the nearest point to the entrance.
Mr Finch spoke about the CPO and enquired if a CPO may be effected on the Land east of the Memorial Hall also. Cllr Warns indicated in response that the Council has had to react to events placed upon it by the timing of the submitted planning applications and it happened that Broom Boats submitted first. But a CPO on the LEMH has not been discounted. Mr Finch asked if the Council was for or against housing. The Clerk reminded the Meeting that a Council cannot give such a general assurance as Councillor may prejudice future decisions.
The Meeting was reconvened.
2017-0039 / Chairman’s report
My first duty on behalf of the parish Council is to offer our deepest sympathy to our Clerk Sharon on the sad loss of her mother. I am sureall our thoughts and prayers are with her andwe all will do what we can to lessen the load on her at this time when her focus will be on her family.
On Saturday 18thof March the Clerk and myself had the great privilege of welcoming family members of the late John Cooper, Dr Ian Gray and Dr David Varvel at the St Laurence rooms prior to the formal street naming ceremony at the Pastures development.It was an honour to be able to nameCooper Row, Gray Close and Varvel Close after three such luminaries who devoted much of their professional lives to Brundall people and its environment. Each of the families accepted an invitation to respond at the individual naming and I trust our effortsto commemorate this eventmet with their approval. It was then back to the St Laurence rooms for tea and cakes with much chat and warm reminiscencesbefore going their separate ways.
With our growing village we are experiencing more of the curse of traffic density and its associated problems. This is not only the frequent breeches of the speed limits on our streets but also thoughtless parking which in some cases appears more like vehicle abandonment.As an example, one of our Councillors has very recent photographic evidence of a car left on the street and taking up at least two thirds of the pavement. This thoughtless action puts at riskpedestrians,persons in wheelchairs or parents with prams as it was impossible to negotiate the vehicle without going on the road.The majority of us are motorists andno doubthave experienced parking issues,but must condone selfish parking by what I hope is a minority. I seriously suggest we contemplate publicisingphotographic evidence on our web site when we come across this type of parking. As a longer term project we as a Council may need to start addressing our lack of parking facilities.
As was reported at our last Council meeting, therehavebeen some incidents of fly tipping in the parish and the dumping of garden waste in the Country Park. This is not acceptable behaviour, will not be tolerated and has been reported to the County Council EnvironmentalDeptfor action. We have a very convenient recyclingfacility atStrumpshawfor garden waste or if larger amounts, please hire a skip. Do not dump it for your fellow council tax payer to sort.
2017-0040 / PC representation on the Memorial Hall Trustee Committee
It wasresolved unanimously to re-order the Agenda item 11 so that Cllr Philp could remain outside the meeting for consecutive items.
Cllr Philp left the Meeting and did not return until the discussion and voting was over for items 8 and 11.
This item was deferred so that those absent had the opportunity to decide if they would like to be nominated.
2017-0041 / Youth shelter (Cllr Philp remained outside the meeting)
It wasresolved unanimouslyfor the Clerk to seek two further quotes. / Parish Clerk
2017-0042 / Land Management –5 Members for the New Sub Committee
It wasresolved unanimously to vote 5 new Members onto the Committee:
Cllr Price (Chairman), Cllr Warns (Vice-Chairman), plus Cllrs Taylor, Buckley and Philp.
2017-0043 / Battles over, the Nation’s tribute to end of WWI 2018 celebrations – initial proposals for Brundall
Cllrs Walters reported that the group had met and had liaised with the Brundall Local History Group and the Church. It was explored that the History Group would hold a presentation on 11th November 2018 at the churches of Brundall and Braydeston to display historical items from WWI. / Cllrs Walters/
Price/Philp and Mickelburgh
2017-0044 / CDROB - Report on the status of the request to Broadland District Council Cabinet make a Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO) for the land at Berryfields on behalf of Brundall Parish Council. (The land in question relates to the actual Site Allocations space on the land North of Berryfields adopted by Broadland District Council in May 2016).
Cllr Warns updated on progress. The CPO report is underway. There has been no contact or feedback from Norfolk Homes. Cllr Nurden enquired how the CPO would be heard in Broadland DC, for instance by the Planning Committee. Cllr Warns explained that BDC would be the adjudicator of both the CPO and Broom Boats application. The sub group are awaiting comments from Sport England the Norfolk FA.
Report on the project on the land east of Brundall Memorial Hall
Cllr Warn reported that the sub group had met with QL on 10th March. Prior to the Meeting the sub group had prepared Option 7B and various other layouts with QL including the topic of discussion for the meeting with our final red line plan. The sub group had indicated to QL that it did not wish for any more of the recreational allocation to be “eaten up” by their housing. The other “sticking point”, the emergency access. At the Meeting QL acknowledged a further density of housing in their proposals now included 3 storey buildings. The issues of the Country Park offer were discussed but the Council felt that tarmaced paths were not desirable. The sub group felt that veiled threats for QL to find outside bodies to take on the Country Park had been made. The sub group and QL were unable to make any progress and the meeting ended with no gain from either party. A possible meeting may be arranged for 11th April. / Clerk
/sub group
2017-0045 / Planning
20161483 –Broom Boats Land at Yarmouth Road/Postwick – No further news
20170271– Removal of Conditions 3 and 4 of PP 20160064 to allow trading outside the building and access from rear –78 The Street Brundall NR13 5LH. Neil Harvey. Objected unanimously to the tables to the Front and concerns about access to the toilets via the kitchen areas.
2017-0046 / Finance
Finance –The bills for payment for March 2017 totalling £6280.40plus vat were approved unanimously.
2017-0047 / Clerk’s Correspondence
2017-0048 / Items for the next Agenda Annual Parish Meeting 24 April 2017 (Main meeting date)
Youth Shelter quotes
Nominate a PC representative onto the Memorial Hall Trustee Committee.
2017-0049 / Date, time and venue of next Parish Council Meeting
24 April 2017- Annual Parish Meeting 7pm (with the Main meeting time 6pm to 7pm)
7pm Lounge Brundall Memorial Hall
Meeting closed at 9.30pm
Signed as a true record ……………………………………………..…….. Date …………………………
Brundall Parish Council
Payments for March 17
Parish clerk costs / 3,339.50
Grass cutting monthly contract / £414.02
Cemetery / £29.95
Church Fen / £0.00
Annual Fees / £ 645.00
Allotments / £5.00
Street Lighting / £706.05
Handyman / £408.00
S016 / £229.75
allotments / £4.97
Telephone / £34.16
Office expense / £12.00
Cremers Meadow / £409.00
Chairman's Expenses / £16.00
Total expenditure / £6,253.40
VAT Refund / £12,168.12
Allotments / £5.00
Total Income March 17 / £12,173.12

Minutes of the Meeting of Brundall Parish Council Held 27 March 2017 at Memorial Hall Lounge, Brundall