Anatomy & Physiology

Movement Unit Project & Presentation

Objective: To create a PowerPoint Presentation to “teach” the class how the components of synovial joints allow motion of the human body.

Your presentation will be graded in the following way:

  • One third of your grade will be based on your score on the oral presentation rubric (each group member graded individually based on their speaking part(s)).
  • Two thirds of your final grade will be based on your score on the content rubric.
  • Both rubrics are attached- all members of your group are responsible for the success of your presentation. Individual responsibilities will be determined in your action plan. Any components missing in the presentation will result in loss of points from the individual responsible not all group members. This is to ensure that members of the group are not penalized for group members that do not fulfill their responsibilities. All members need to have equal speaking parts in the presentation.

Articulations & Actions:

Joint / Actions
Coxal- “Run” and “Skate” /
  • Flexion & Extension
  • Adduction & Abduction
  • Circumduction & Rotation

Glenohumeral- “Flap your wings” and “Throw” /
  • Flexion & Extension
  • Adduction & Abduction
  • Circumduction & Rotation

Acromioclavicular- “Shrug your shoulders” /
  • Elevation & Depression

Intervertebral- “Twist your waist” and “Crunches” /
  • Flexion, Extension & Rotation

Atlantoaxial and Atlooccipital- “Nod your head yes and no” /
  • Flexion & Extension

Radioulnar- “Twist your wrist” /
  • Pronation & Supination

Radiocarpal- “Roll the wrist” /
  • Flexion & Extension
  • Adduction & Abduction
  • Circumduction

Talocrural- “Flexion and Extension” and “Roll the ankle medially and laterally” /
  • Dorsiflexion & Plantar flexion
  • Inversion & Eversion

Metacarpophalangeal and Interphalangeal- “Make a fist” /
  • Flexion & Extension
  • Adduction & Abduction
  • Circumduction

Metartarsophalangeal and Interphalangeal- “Point and flex the toes” /
  • Flexion & Extension
  • Adduction & Abduction

Outline of Events

  1. Select your partner(s): Groups can have no more than 3. You may work by yourself. It may be beneficial to work with your dissecting partner(s) since we will be isolating fetal pig muscles for the project.
  2. Preliminary research: Identify the major anatomical components of your assigned articulation.
  3. Action plan: Prior to presenting, each group must submit a typed action plan that identifies the role of each member in development of the presentation (see below). This will count as one classwork grade. If any portion of the presentation is missing, the person responsible for that part will be penalized, not the whole group. This plan can be submitted any time PRIOR to the group’s presentation date.

Action plan needs to include following info…

- Who researches definitions of assigned joint and motions

-Who researches which bones & focal features/muscles/tendons/ligaments

-Who researches which motion

-Who researches application pieces- similar motion within body and compared to external objects; traumatic event or disease and impacts

-Who puts together PowerPoint

-Who obtains visuals for presentation

-Who’s responsible for obtaining fetal pig dissection photo for PowerPoint use

-Who’s responsible for any additional components to enhance presentation (build a model, create video, show x-rays, MRIs from medical procedures, discuss a personal injury, etc.)

  1. Formal research and creation of the final presentation.

Content Rubric

Description of Component / Points Possible / Points Earned
1. Definitions of Movement / - / -
Types of movements identified by name. / 2
Movements are defined. / 2
Type of movements demonstrated. / 2
2. Anatomical Design / - / -
Classification of joint(s)- generally and specifically. / 2
Identification of muscles by name controlling each motion. / 2
Demonstrate/describe the location of muscles. / 2
Use of fetal pig in describing the muscles. / 2
Identification of bones by name involved with each motion. / 2
Demonstration of location of bones. / 2
Defines/demonstrates pertinent focal features of the bones. / 2
Identification and location of major tendons and ligaments (3-4). / 2
3. “Story” of Function (Physiology) of the Movement. / - / -
Sequential description of how the muscles and bones work together to
create movement for each action. / 15
Role of tendons and ligaments- how do they support, aid or restrict the
movement? / 5
Use of visuals/models in demonstrating the actions in order to create the
whole action picture including all of the components. / 10
4. Application / - / -
Identification and description of other locations in the body that have
similar motion. / 4
Identification and description of other things/objects that mimic this
motion. / 4
Identify a trauma or disorder that could affect the joint and explain its
impact on the movement. / 10
Total / 70