
-Weight lifting was included in the Olympics in 1896

-Bodybuilding began in the U.S. in 1938

Weight room knowledge

-Weight belts, Lifting gloves (help prevent calluses on your hands), and wrist straps are all lifting equipment

-How much does the Olympic bar (bench press bar) weigh?

-How much does the EZ bar cur weight?

-Is weight training healthy for both males and females?

-When doing a squat, make sure your knees DO NOT go past your toes

-Weight training increases muscle mass

-Lift with your legs and not your back

-Should you warm up before lifting?

-When lifting do lifts slow and remember to breathe

-What does the abbreviation rep mean?

-If you want to get tone you do Low weight, High reps (Muscular endurance – developed by using lighter weights and performing a greater number of repetitions)

-If you want to gain strength you should do High weight, Low reps (Muscular strength – developed by using heavy weights and performing a minimum number of reps)

-What is a good cardiovascular exercise?

-What have we used medicine balls in class for?

**Muscle Location – Be able to identify where these muscles are on the body

Upper ExtremityLower Extremity

Biceps Gastrocnemius

Triceps Quadriceps

Trapezius Gluteus Maximus

Deltoids Hamstrings

Latissimus Dorsi


Pectoralis Major

Muscles Being Used

LiftPrimary Muscle Being Used

Bicep Curl?

Leg Extension?

Bench Press?

Lat Pull Down?

Leg Curl?

Step up?


Standing calf raise?

Dumbbell Shrug?

Push Downs?

Front Raises?


Proper Terminology

-Stomach muscles are…?

-Your bottom half (butt) is your…?

-Your thigh is your…?

-Your calf is your…?

Fitness Concepts

-F.I.T. = Frequency, Intensity, Time (How many, how hard, how long)

-Specificity – Doing specific exercises to improve specific body parts

An example would be in order to improve your biceps you would do bicep curls

-Progression– start slowly and gradually increase the amount of exercise and keep overloading.

-Overload – Increasing exercise or doing more than you normally do

-Reversibility– any adaptation that takes place as a result of training will be reversed when you stop training. If you take a break or don’t train often enough you will lose fitness.

-Maximum Heart Rate – 220 minus your age

-Target Heart Rate – 220 minus your age multiplied by .6

220 minus your age multiplied by .8

- TABATA is 20 seconds of hard training followed by 10 seconds of rest, eight times.


-To get your metabolism going in the morning you need to eat breakfast

-55% of our calories should come from carbohydrates

-Proteins (which can be found in food) help repair body tissue

-Drink plenty of water when lifting weights to stay hydrated

-Vitamins play a part in maintaining good health

-Carbohydrates, fats, and proteins are responsible for energy production

-There are 6 basic food groups

Weight Training knowledge

-Weight training does not make females bulk up like males, but helps make their bodies proportional

-You should always have a spotter when lifting heavy weights

Course Syllabus

-If you do not wear tennis shoes you will receive a zero because it is a safety issue

-We run the mile or 1.25 miles every Friday you have class

-You are allowed to rent PE clothes from us

Short Answer and Essay

-Short answer is worth 10points

-Essay must be a page long and is worth 25 points

- Be sure you understand the principle of specificity, overload, progression, and reversibility.