NMCS 2018 – Gambling Module
The next questions ask about gambling. Most people enjoy gambling, whether it’s the lottery, sports, cards, bingo, racing, or at the casino. Sometimes however it can affect our health. To help us check your health, please answer the questions below as truthfully as you are able from your own experience. Please circle the best response.
- Have you engaged in any ofthe following games of chance or gambling activities in the past 30 days? (Circle the best response or responses.)
instant or scratch off lottery games / YES / YES / NO
Lotto / YES / YES / NO
raffles, fund-raising events or Reno Nights / YES / YES / NO
bingo / YES / YES / NO
pulltabs / YES / YES / NO
flipping coins / YES / YES / NO
games of personal skill (bowling, pool or golf) / YES / YES / NO
card, dice or board games with friends or family / YES / YES / NO
card games in card rooms or mini-casinos / YES / YES / NO
slot machines, poker machines or other gambling machines / YES / YES / NO
arcade or video games / YES / YES / NO
sports events, fantasy football, MMA, boxing, etc. / YES / YES / NO
horse or dog races / YES / YES / NO
at a casino / YES / YES / NO
telephone or computer wagering / YES / YES / NO
cock fighting/dog fighting / YES / YES / NO
- During the past 12 months, have you become restless, irritable or anxious when trying to stop/cut down on gambling?
Yes No
- During the past 12 months, have you tried to keep your family or friends from knowing how much you gambled?
Yes No
- During the past 12 months, did you have such financial trouble as a result of your gambling that you had to get help with living expenses from family, friends or welfare?
Yes No
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