Sunbury, PA 17801

June 10,2015

The regular monthly meeting of the Shamokin Township Supervisors was held on June 10, 2015 at 7:30 p.m. at the Shamokin Township Municipal Building.

In attendance were Supervisors Rachau, Klingerand Rapp, Secretary/Treasurer McKinney, Solicitor James Bathgate,Roadmaster Jon Clemens,Sewage Officer Ken Young and5visitors.

Supervisor Klinger moved, seconded by Supervisor Rappapprove the May minutes as presented. Motion was passed unanimously.

The Treasurer’s Report was read and approved on a motion by Supervisor Rachau seconded by SupervisorKlinger. Motion was passed unanimously.

Roadmaster's Report

Roadmaster Jon Clemens reported that thepaving was done last week and the seal coating will be done next week. All major road projects will be completed by the end of next week.

Mr. Clemens reported that Seda-COG has concerns about the barrier that were not brought up during the discussion before the road was vacated. They will need to now talk to the landowner.

Mr. Clemens reported that the water problem at Sun Oil is now being repaired. The County has not received enough requests for the Dirt & Gravel Road program and they have an extra $120,000 left. Mr. Clemens stated he would submit papers to apply for this years grant.

Fire Dept.

Mr. Kerry Yordy stated that there were no report for the Fire Company.


There was no report for the COG.

Driveway Water

Mr. Young reported that there was a new house on Larch Road that did not have a driveway permit but now is in the process of getting a driveway permit.

Stormwater Management

There was no report on Stormwater Management.

Fire Company Radios

There was no report on the fire company radios.

Clark's Feed Mill

Secretary McKinney reported that last month she was asked to write a letter to Clark's Feed Mill to tell them that the township has no interest in their washing facility since we have no water or sewer management in that area. Mrs. McKinney read the letter in its entirety and determined that the mill was not asking for a letter but in fact just informing the township of their plans for the facility.

Mr. Young stated that he did writea letter to tell the Sewer Authority that the project will not affect their sewer facility.

Subdivision Approval

A letter was received from Northumberland County Planning Commission concerning a subdivision approval for Richard Urick and Robert Clark.

A letter was received from Light-Heigel Inc. introducing their new SEO Pat Stockard.

CDBG Grant

Information was received concerning the CDBG grant for this year. Mr. Young stated that if there is something we feel we could use this grant for we should apply. Mr. Young stated he would call and find out if there is something we could use the funds for at the fire company including the new radios.

Ag Security Area

Supervisor Rachau moved, seconded by Supervisor Klinger to advertise the addition of the Haldeman Farm to the Ag Security area. Motion was passed unanimously.

Gypsy Moth Problem

The gypsy moth problem was discussed but there it was too late to do anything about it this year and it was thought that the moths would be in another area next year.

Supervisor Rappmoved, seconded by Supervisor Klingerto pay the bills and adjourn the meeting at 8:00p.m.Motion was passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Stephanie A. McKinney
