NOtes on Form 1 Document type definition for the tax year JANUARY 1st 2009 – december 31st 2009

Version Control 9

Notes On Elements 9

Validation 9

Internal Elements 9

Mini Calculations 9

Form1 10

Occurrences 10

Attributes 10

Validation 10

Sub Elements 10

ContactDetails 11

Occurrences 11

Attributes 11

Validation 11

Sub Elements 11

Contact 12

Occurrences 12

Attributes 12

Validation 12

Sub Elements 12

TrustDetails 13

Occurrences 13

Attributes 13

Validation 13

Sub Elements 13

Trust 14

Occurrences 14

Attributes 14

Notes 14

Validation 14

Sub Elements 14

Trustees 15

Occurrences 15

Attributes 15

Validation 15

Sub Elements 15

AssetDistribution 16

Occurrences 16

Attributes 16

Validation 16

Sub Elements 17

AssetTransfer 18

Occurrences 18

Attributes 18

Validation 18

Sub Elements 19

InvestmentIncome 20

Occurrences 20

Attributes 20

Validation 20

Sub Elements 20

UntaxedIncome 21

Occurrences 21

Attributes 21

Validation 21

Sub Elements 21

DepositInterest 22

Occurrences 22

Attributes 22

Validation 22

Sub Elements 22

SavingAccounts 23

Occurrences 23

Attributes 23

Validation 23

Sub Elements 23

IrishResidentCompany 24

Occurrences 24

Attributes 24

Validation 24

Sub Elements 24

Covenant 25

Occurrences 25

Attributes 25

Validation 25

Sub Elements 25

NonExemptPatent 26

Occurrences 26

Attributes 26

Validation 26

Sub Elements 26

NotShownElsewhere 27

Occurrences 27

Attributes 27

Validation 27

Sub Elements 27

IrishRentalIncome 28

Occurrences 28

Attributes 28

Validation 28

Sub Elements 28

Rental 29

Occurrences 29

Attributes 29

Notes 29

Validation 29

Sub Elements 30

Expenses 31

Occurrences 31

Attributes 31

Validation 31

Sub Elements 31

RentalCapital 32

Occurrences 32

Attributes 32

Validation 32

Sub Elements 33

ForeignIncome 34

Occurrences 34

Attributes 34

Validation 34

Sub Elements 34

Dividends 35

Occurrences 35

Attributes 35

Validation 35

Sub Elements 35

EUDepositInterest 36

Occurrences 36

Attributes 36

Validation 36

Sub Elements 37

USDividends 38

Occurrences 38

Attributes 38

Validation 38

Sub Elements 38

CanadianDividends 39

Occurrences 39

Attributes 39

Validation 39

Sub Elements 39

IncomeForeignTrade 40

Occurrences 40

Attributes 40

Validation 40

Sub Elements 40

ForeignRents 41

Occurrences 41

Attributes 41

Validation 41

Sub Elements 42

IntRoyaltiesAnnuities 43

Occurrences 43

Attributes 43

Validation 43

Sub Elements 43

IrishTaxDedEncashment 44

Occurrences 44

Attributes 44

Validation 44

Sub Elements 44

ForeignAccountDetails 45

Occurrences 45

Attributes 45

Validation 45

Sub Elements 45

LifePolicies 46

Occurrences 46

Attributes 46

Validation 46

Sub Elements 48

OffshoreFunds 49

Occurrences 49

Attributes 49

Validation 49

Sub Elements 52

OtherOffshoreFunds 53

Occurrences 53

Attributes 53

Validation 53

Sub Elements 54

ForeignBankAccounts 55

Occurrences 55

Attributes 55

Validation 55

Sub Elements 56

AdditionalDTR 57

Occurrences 57

Attributes 57

Validation 57

Sub Elements 57

This element has 0 sub elements.TradeIncome 57

TradeIncome 58

Occurrences 58

Attributes 58

Validation 58

Sub Elements 58

TradeInfo 59

Occurrences 59

Attributes 59

Notes 59

Validation 59

Sub Elements 60

TradeCapital 61

Occurrences 61

Attributes 61

Notes 61

Validation 61

Sub Elements 61

Losses 62

Occurrences 62

Attributes 62

Validation 62

Sub Elements 63

Review 64

Occurrences 64

Attributes 64

Notes 64

Validation 64

Sub Elements 65


Occurrences 66

Attributes 66

Validation 66

Sub Elements 66

AccountsExtract 67

Occurrences 67

Attributes 67

Validation 67

Sub Elements 67

AccountsInformation 68

Occurrences 68

Attributes 68

Validation 68

Sub Elements 69

Income 70

Occurrences 70

Attributes 70

Validation 70

Sub Elements 71

TradingAccount 72

Occurrences 72

Attributes 72

Validation 72

Sub Elements 72

ExpensesDeductions 73

Occurrences 73

Attributes 73

Validation 73

Sub Elements 76

CapitalAccounts 77

Occurrences 77

Attributes 77

Validation 77

Sub Elements 81

AdjustedProfit 82

Occurrences 82

Attributes 82

Validation 82

Sub Elements 82

Adjustments 83

Occurrences 83

Attributes 83

Validation 83

Sub Elements 84

ExemptIncome 85

Occurrences 85

Attributes 85

Validation 85

Sub Elements 85

Occurrences 86

Attributes 86

Validation 86

Sub Elements 86

Patent 87

Occurrences 87

Attributes 87

Validation 87

Sub Elements 87

OtherExempt 88

Occurrences 88

Attributes 88

Validation 88

Sub Elements 88

SurchargeTrustIncome 89

Occurrences 89

Attributes 89

Validation 89

Sub Elements 89

Surcharge 90

Occurrences 90

Attributes 90

Validation 90

Sub Elements 91

AnnualPayments 92

Occurrences 92

Attributes 92

Validation 92

Sub Elements 92

RentsPayable 93

Occurrences 93

Attributes 93

Validation 93

Sub Elements 93

ClawbackTaxRelief 94

Occurrences 94

Attributes 94

Validation 94

Sub Elements 94

ChargesAnnuities 95

Occurrences 95

Attributes 95

Validation 95

Sub Elements 95

LoanInterest 96

Occurrences 96

Attributes 96

Validation 96

Sub Elements 96

SignificantBuildings 97

Occurrences 97

Attributes 97

Validation 97

Sub Elements 97

CapitalGains 98

Occurrences 98

Attributes 98

Validation 98

Sub Elements 98

AssetDescription 99

Occurrences 99

Attributes 99

Validation 99

Sub Elements 103

DisposalDetails 104

Occurrences 104

Attributes 104

Validation 104

Sub Elements 104

Reliefs 105

Occurrences 105

Attributes 105

Validation 105

Sub Elements 106

AcquisitionDetails 107

Occurrences 107

Attributes 107

Validation 107

Where A = Jan-Nov and B = Dec 109

Lower = 25% unless otherwise stated – Higher = 40%. 109

Sub Elements 109

ChargeableAssets 110

Occurrences 110

Attributes 110

Validation 110

Sub Elements 112

PropertyIncentives 113

Occurrences 113

Attributes 113

Validation 113

Sub Elements 113

Residential 114

Occurrences 114

Attributes 114

Validation 114

Sub Elements 115

Industrial 116

Occurrences 116

Attributes 116

Validation 116

Sub Elements 122

Other 123

Occurrences 123

Attributes 123

Validation 123

Sub Elements 123

Appendix 1 124

Standard Text Characters 124

Whole Number 124

Decimal Number 124

Appendix 2 125

Introduction 125

Mini-Calculation - Irish Untaxed Income 125

Mini-Calculation - Rental Expenses 125

Mini-Calculation - Foreign Rents 125

Mini-Calculation - Undistributed Surcharge 125

Mini-Calculation - Total Consideration On Disposals 126

Version Control

Version / Date / Change
1.0 / 01/01/2009 / Document Created.
1.1 / 20/07/2012 / Updated the following fields to allow them to support the new format registration numbers. The update involves a change to the regular expression used to determine if a number is valid.
Change Details:
Before: “[0-9]{7,8}[A-Wa-w][TWXtwx ]?”
After: “[0-9]{7,8}[A-Wa-w][A-ITWXZa-itwxz ]?”
Sample Numbers:
Existing Format: 1234567T
New Format: 1234567FA
Section / Field
Pg. 10 – Form1 / taxrefnum
Pg. 68 - AccountsInformation / partnerreference

Notes On Elements

The purpose of this document is to list and describe the elements and attributes of a complete XML document that describes a Form 1 2009. The document aims to identify all the necessary validation rules which are required to enable a successful upload of the generated Form 1 2009 XML document onto ROS.


Validation rules are presented throughout the document specific to their associated attributes.

Text input fields will only accept values from the character set that is provided in Appendix 1.

Where Whole and Decimal numbers are entered on the form, these values must conform to the requirements set out in Appendix 1.

Internal Elements

There are a number of sub elements in the Form1 element that are for internal processing only and are not input on the form.

They are:

§  RequestShortNoa

§  OtherCodes

§  Note

§  SummaryCalculation

Mini Calculations

There are 5 mini-calculations throughout the Form 1. Further explanation of these can be found in Appendix 2.



This element is mandatory, with a maximum occurrence of 1.


Name / Type / Field ID / Field on Form / Notes
taxrefnum / String / F1 / 1
periodstart / Date / Must have a value of 01/01/2009
periodend / Date / Must have a value of 31/12/2009
currency / String / Must have a value of E for Euro
formversion / Numeric / This must have a value of 3
language / Language / Must have a value of either E for English or G for Irish
product / String / This is the name of the product that is used to create the XML
numamendments / Numeric / This must not be provided by third-party software


Field ID / Field Description / Validation Rule ID / Rule Description
F1 / Tax reference number / FA.16.1 / This field is mandatory.
FA.16.2 / The field must be a valid IT registration number.

Sub Elements

This element has 16 sub elements:

§  ContactDetails

§  TrustDetails

§  InvestmentIncome

§  IrishRentalIncome

§  ForeignIncome

§  TradeIncome

§  ExemptIncome

§  SurchargeTrustIncome

§  AnnualPayments

§  CapitalGains

§  ChargeableAssets

§  PropertyIncentives



This element is mandatory, with a maximum occurrence of 1.


This element has 0 attributes.


This element has no validation.

Sub Elements

This element has 1 sub element:

§  Contact



This element is optional, with a maximum occurrence of 1.


Name / Type / Field on Form / Notes
agenttain / String / 5
clientref / String / 7


Field ID / Field Description / Validation Rule ID / Rule Description
F2 / Agent TAIN / FA.17.1 / The field must be a valid TAIN number.
F3 / Client reference number / FA.18.1 / This field cannot contain more than 30 characters.
FA.18.2 / The field cannot contain white space only.
FA.18.3 / The field must contain only the standard text characters (see Appendix 1).

Sub Elements

This element has 0 sub elements.



This element is mandatory, with a maximum occurrence of 1.


This element has 0 attributes.


This element has no validation.

Sub Elements

This element has 4 sub elements:

§  Trust

§  Trustees

§  AssetDistribution

§  AssetTransfer



This element is mandatory, with a maximum occurrence of 1.


Name / Type / Field ID / Field on Form /


trustname / String / F417
trustdescription / String / F20 / 1(a)
firsttrusteenameaddr / String / F21 / 1(b)
expressionofdoubt / Boolean / F22 / 2 / Must have a value of true or false.
expressdoubtexp / String / F23
additionalnotes / String / F430


Field ID / Field Description / Validation Rule ID / Rule Description
F417 / Trust name / FA.19.1 / This field is mandatory.
FA.19.2 / The length of the field cannot exceed 50 characters.
FA.19.3 / The field cannot contain white space only.
FA.19.4 / The field must contain only the standard text characters.
F20 / Change of nature of main activity / FA.1.1 / The length of the field cannot exceed 500 characters.
FA.1.3 / The field cannot contain white space only.
FA.1.2 / The field must contain only the standard text characters.
F21 / Change to address of first named trustee / FA.2.1 / The length of the field cannot exceed 500 characters.
FA.2.3 / The field cannot contain white space only.
FA.2.2 / The field must contain only the standard text characters.
F22 / Expression of doubt tick-box / PA.1.1 / If the expression of doubt explanation box (F23) is populated, this must be ticked.
F23 / Expression of doubt explanation / PA.1.2 / If the expression of doubt tick-box (F22) is ticked, this is mandatory.
FA.4.1 / The length of the field cannot exceed 500 characters.
FA.4.3 / The field cannot contain white space only.
FA.4.2 / The field must contain only the standard text characters.
F430 / Additional Notes / FA.20.1 / The length of the field cannot exceed 500 characters.
FA.20.2 / The field cannot contain white space only.
FA.20.3 / The field must contain only the standard text characters.

Sub Elements

This element has 0 sub elements.



This element is mandatory, with a minimum occurrence of 1 and maximum occurrence of 20.


Name / Type / Field ID / Field on Form / Notes
trusteename / String / F24 / 3(1)
trusteeaddress / String / F25 / 3(2)
trusteeappointmentdate / Date / F26 / 3(3)


Field ID / Field Description / Validation Rule ID / Rule Description
F24 / Trustee name / PA.15.1 / At least one Trustee is mandatory, so this field cannot be blank for the first Trustee.
PA.2.1 / If any of the other fields of the Trustee are populated (F25, F26), this is mandatory.
FA.5.1 / The length of the field cannot exceed 500 characters.
FA.5.3 / The field cannot contain white space only.
FA.5.2 / The field must contain only the standard text characters.
F25 / Trustee private address / PA.3.1 / If any of the other fields of the Trustee are populated (F24, F26), this is mandatory.
FA.6.1 / The length of the field cannot exceed 500 characters.
FA.6.3 / The field cannot contain white space only.
FA.6.2 / The field must contain only the standard text characters.
F26 / Trustee date appointed / PA.4.1 / If any of the other fields of the Trustee are populated (F24, F25), this is mandatory.
FA.7.1 / If populated, this field must contain a date in the format DD/MM/YYYY.
FA.7.2 / The field cannot contain a date that exceeds the date of upload.
FA.7.3 / The field cannot contain a date before 01/01/1900.

Sub Elements

This element has 0 sub elements.



This element is optional, with a maximum occurrence of 20.


Name / Type / Field ID / Field on Form / Notes
beneficiaryname / String / F28 / A4(2)
beneficiaryaddress / String / F315 / A4(2)
assetdescription / String / F29 / A4(3)
assetvalue / Numeric / F30 / A4(4)
distributiondate / Date / F27 / A4(1)


Field ID / Field Description / Validation Rule ID / Rule Description
F28 / Asset distribution - name of beneficiary / PA.6.1 / If any of the other fields of the Asset Distribution are populated (F315, F29, F30, F27), this is mandatory.
FA.9.1 / The length of the field cannot exceed 500 characters.
FA.9.5 / The field cannot contain white space only.
FA.9.3 / The field must contain only the standard text characters.
F315 / Asset distribution - address of beneficiary / PA.7.1 / If any of the other fields of the Asset Distribution are populated (F28, F29, F30, F27), this is mandatory.
FA.9.2 / The length of the field cannot exceed 500 characters.
FA.9.6 / The field cannot contain white space only.
FA.9.4 / The field must contain only the standard text characters.
F29 / Asset distribution - description of asset / PA.8.1 / If any of the other fields of the Asset Distribution are populated (F28, F315, F30, F27), this is mandatory.
FA.10.1 / The length of the field cannot exceed 500 characters.
FA.10.3 / The field cannot contain white space only.
FA.10.2 / The field must contain only the standard text characters.
F30 / Asset distribution - value of asset / FA.11.1 / If populated, the field must contain a whole number.
PA.9.1 / If any of the other fields of the Asset Distribution are populated (F28, F315, F29, F27), this is mandatory.
FA.11.2 / If populated, the value of the field must be between 0 and 999,999,999.
F27 / Asset distribution - date of distribution / PA.5.1 / If any of the other fields of the Asset Distribution are populated (F28, F315, F29, F30), this is mandatory.
FA.8.1 / If populated, this field must contain a date in the format DD/MM/YYYY.
FA.8.2 / The field cannot contain a date that exceeds the date of upload.
FA.8.3 / The field cannot contain a date before 01/01/1900.

Sub Elements