BOOKLIST 2nd YEAR 2016/17
R.E. / Retain: Religion for Living Revision Workbook Connie Duffy Alpha Press LtdRetain: Copy and Folder
IRISH / Aois na Glóire 2 (ordinary level) Gill & MacMillan
Aois na Glóire 3 (higher level) Gill & MacMillan
ENGLISH / Fire and Ice 2 Gill & MacMillan
Infinite Sky (One school-one book choice for 2016-17) C.J. Flood
Retain: The Outsiders S.E. Hinton
Ordinary Level / Retain: Active Maths 1
Formulae Tables
Project Maths A4 copy book (5mm square)
Higher level / Active Maths 2 Keating, Mulvaney & O’Leary Folens
Retain Active Maths 1
Formulae Tables, Project Maths A4 copy book (5mm square)
FRENCH / Bienvenue en France Book 2 (third edition) J Dunne Folens
Retain Bienvenue en France Book 1 (third edition) J Dunne Folens
** Rental: Je Comprends Bien
Retain French/English Dictionary from 1st Year
GERMAN / Viel Spaß 1 & 2 C J Fallon
Collins German School Dictionary
SPANISH / Primer Paso 2 Ann Harrow Folens
** Rental Vamos a Escuchar 1 Rosemary Graham Folens
Retain: Spanish/English Dictionary from 1st Year.
HISTORY / Retain: ‘Uncovering History’ (2nd edition) Folens
GEOGRAPHY / Retain: Textbook from 1st Year.
Retain: Geography in Action Workbook
Colouring pencils & ruler
SCIENCE / Retain all 1st Year books
Retain all copies from 1st Year
HOME EC / ‘Learning for Life’ (3rd edition) Carmel Enright & Maureen Flynn Folens
‘Learning for Life’ Workbook (3rd edition)
‘Smart Cooking 1’ (new edition) McGeady & Cribben C J Fallon
White coat required.
· Cross stitch €5
/ Cont’d ……………..
MUSIC / ‘Sounds Good’ Core book Ed Co‘Sounds Good’ Set A booklet Ed Co
Retain: ‘Music Manuscript and copybook
Retain: ‘Descant Recorder’
C.S.P.E / Retain: ‘Make a Difference’ Textbook & Workbook C Harrison & M Wilson Folens
Exam papers to be purchased in September.
S.P.H.E. / Healthy Lifestyles 2 new Catherine Deegan & Edel O’Brien Gill & MacM
ART / Pritt stick (large)
· Art Pack €20
** Book rentals are covered in the photocopying and communication costs.
· Art & Home Ec material costs will be due for payment by the end of September
Books are available from:
Alan Hanna’s Bookshop, 270 Lower Rathmines Road, Dublin 6.
Easons, The Square Shopping Centre.
Edco, The Educational Company of Ireland, Ballymount Road, Walkinstown, Dublin 12.
School Supply Centre, Rathfarnham SC.
Sheerans, Lr Main St. Dundrum
2nd Year 2016/17