The secret diary of ADRIAN MOLE (by Sue Townsend)

  2. Adrian’s father apologizes to him because his wife and he are going through a rough patch and he gives him money.
  3. On his newspaper round, Adrian sees Pandora leave her home; he follows her to the place where she rides her horse, Blossom.
  4. Adrian’s mother comes into his room to tell him that she is very fond of him and that for some women marriage is like being in prison.
  5. Adrian wakes up his parents because he has a massive spot on his chin.
  6. After attending a workshop on self-assertiveness, Adrian’s mother gives him the list of household chores to do.
  7. Adrian has written a poem called “The Tap”. He reads it to his mother.
  8. Mr Lucas, a neighbour, comes to visit Adrian’s parents, who are ill in bed and gives Adrian’s mother a bunch of flowers.
  9. At school, there’s a new girl called Pandora, who sits next to Adrian in geography.
  10. Adrian joins a group called “The Samaritans” at school and goes to visit an Old Age Pensioner, Bert Baxter.
  11. The dog has run away, which makes Adrian glad because it is peaceful without it in the house. His mother rings the police about it.
  12. Adrian’s mother is looking for a job. She phones her future employer.
  13. Adrian asks his mother where his child benefit goes and his mother answers that she squanders it on cigarettes.
  14. Mr Lucas comes to stay in Adrian’s house for a while because his wife has left him and has taken all the furniture.
  15. Adrian finds his mother dying her hair. She asks him not to tell his father.
  16. Adrian, who had sent his poems to the BBC, receives a very kind rejection letter from them.
  17. Adrian’s best friend, Nigel, comes to see Adrian on the new bike he has received for Christmas.
  18. Barry Kent bullies Adrian into giving him his dinner money.
  19. Adrian goes to see the doctor because of his spots but the latter says he should count his blessings.
  20. Adrian goes to the bookshop to buy a copy of “Pride and Prejudice” by Jane Austen.
  21. Adrian sees Pandora in the street kissing his friend Nigel.
  1. I think the police have better things to do than look for dogs, such as catching murderers.
  2. It’s wasted on Nigel. If I had it I would go all over the country on it and have an adventure.
  3. I wish she wouldn’t talk in this yucky voice.
  4. I’m not surprised she laughed. She isn’t an intellectual.
  5. She won’t be any good in a job anyway. She isn’t very bright and she drinks too much at Christmas.
  6. I wonder what other secrets my mother has for him.
  7. This is the worst day of my life.
  8. I have decided against medicine for a career.
  9. I could tell she was impressed. Perhaps she is an intellectual like me. She didn’t look at my spot.
  10. She likes to be called “Box”. Don’t ask me why.
  11. I don’t think I’ll ever get over this shock!
  12. By right it should be mine. After all I AM the child.
  13. So now I know where Pandora lives. But I don’t want her to see me doing a menial job.
  14. Women are let out every day to go to the shops and quite a few go to work.
  15. Just my luck to have an assertive mother. I’m treated like a serf.
  2. Adrian’s parents constantly row with each other because Mrs Mole cheats on her husband with Mr Lucas.
  3. The grandmother sides with Adrian’s mother.
  4. Barry Kent bullies Adrian because he wants to go out with Pandora.
  5. Adrian finally understands that his parents are splitting up.
  6. Bert Baxter tells Adrian war stories.