Advanced Acting

Spring 2013

Faculty Name: H. Richard Greene


Class Hours: MW 12:00 –1:50 UVI B-2

Office Hours:

Office hours are available by appointment. Please e-mail me to schedule

an appointment time.

Course Description:

Script analysis, the active pursuit of objectives, and moment-to-moment authenticity form the keystones of this class. Drawing from contemporary theatre, scene work becomes the visceral vehicle whereby actors explore their process and hone their craft.

Course Objectives:

-  To empower the actor.

-  To experience trusting the text. (The character is the text.)

-  To expand creative boundaries and ignite imagination.

-  To surrender false assumptions and fears that block authentic experience.

-  To support an atmosphere of generosity and collaboration.

-  To take creative risks.

-  To employ artistic self examination, without judgment.

-  To cultivate a positive response to directorial adjustments or notes.

-  To discuss realities of the professional world, and explore tactics for success.

-  To have fun in our process.

Course Requirements:

Socrates: "The unexamined life is not worth living."

1.  The Actor’s Journal: You must keep a typed journal with all entries dated. It should include an analysis of your research and personal thoughts about the authors, the plays, and the scenes that you have worked on. The Journal must also contain a candid discussion of your rehearsal process, in which you identify your creative objectives, the successes you experienced as well as the obstacles you encountered, and how you dealt with your challenges.

2.  PLAYS: You must read the plays from which your scenes are assigned.

3.  Rehearsal: You must rehearse outside of class.


In order to succeed in this class you need to do the following:

·  Show up on time and ready to work.

·  Learn the lines.

·  Bring appropriate wardrobe, props, and music for your scene.

·  Rehearse outside of class with passion and a generous spirit.

·  Participate in all class activities with an open mind and heart.

·  Demonstrate improvement in your ability.

·  Turn in The Journal. It must be bound and in a typed format.

More on Grading:

Scene Performances (demonstrated growth and achievement) – 50%

Journal & In Class Participation – 50%

Attendance, Tardiness and Absences:

Students are required to be on time for all scheduled sessions unless they are genuinely too ill to attend or affected by unavoidable personal or external circumstances. An unsatisfactory record of attendance and punctuality will be reflected in the students grading as follows:

If the student has three or more unexplained absences or lateness during the course their final overall grade will be docked 5 points. One lateness or absence = 2 grade points docked.

Disability Services:

Any student requesting academic accommodations based on a disability is required to register with Disability Services and Programs (DSP) each semester. A letter of verification for approved accommodations can be obtained from DSP. Please be sure the letter is delivered to me as early in the semester as possible. DSP is located in STU 301 and is open 8:30 am to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. The phone number for DSP is 213-740-0776.

Final Examination Date: Friday, May 10th 11:00am – 1:00pm

Note: This syllabus is subject to change.