Running New Department Activity Reports
nVision Training /
Chris Huss
Table of Contents
Department Activity (1 month regular nVision version)
Department Activity (nVision Multi Chartfield Report)
Department Activity for Fund and Program
Department Activity for Fund and Component
Department Activity (1 month regular nVision version)
Navigation: Main Menu > Financial Management > CWU Custom Functions > Reports > nVision Reports
- Create a new run control (to ease historical reporting, don’t re-use your Project run controls for the new department reports).
- Click on the Add a New Value tab and create a new run control (DEPTACT as example)
- Click the Add button
- Select the Report ID (CWEU07 for Department Activity) by clicking the magnifying glass:
- Select the Sub Report ID (CWEU07-1 for Department Activity) by clicking the magnifying glass:
Other versions of the activity report include the entire year’s activity, and have detail of any SF journal transactions in a separate tab (for versions 3 and 4)
- Select the “Select on This Report Field” (Dept for a dept number) by clicking the magnifying glass:
- Select the Through Date by entering it or selecting from the calendar icon (7/31/2015):
- Select or enter the department number in the Report Field Value box:
- Click the + to the right to add additional departments to the request, and the system will run a report for each department included in the request.
- Click the Save button, and then click the Run Button to run your reports, the completed report request should look like this (for the examples in parenthesis above):
- This report can also be run for summary departments, Divisions and Executive levels by changing the Select on This Report Field option. Here are the options available; you may have to do some exploring to find where the group you are looking to run resides on the tree:
- This report will include all funding sources for the department or group of departments, including any Foundation activity. The report will open on a pivot table tab; the other tabs in the report will have the data in the old activity report format, and for the SF versions there will be another tab with the SF detail.
- The report will look like this (Pivot tab that shows when opened):
- Pivot tables can be manipulated using standard Pivot table functionality (not covered in this document), such as dragging and dropping fields from the fields list to the appropriate sections (to add more data or filter data)
- Clicking on the DepAct tab at the bottom will take you to the standard report format which has budget changes at the top section, and expense and encumbrance information in the lower section. The Column AD can be expanded by clicking the + above it to see all the chartfield information for transactions (Fund, Program, Component, etc):
Be aware that there are two sets of headings: the one that is at the top is for budget, and the second set of headings are for actuals and encumbrances.So, when scrolling, the headings on the column may not match up. The expanded version above includes all chartfield information as well as PO, Req, TA, EX, etc. Normal Excel filtering can be used to manipulate and review this data.
Department Activity (nVision Multi Chartfield Report)
Navigation: Main Menu > Financial Management > CWU Custom Functions > Reports > nVision Multi Chartfield Rpt
- Create a new run control (to ease historical reporting, don’t re-use your Project run controls for the new department reports).
- Click on the Add a New Value tab and create a new run control (DEPTACT2 as example)
- Click the Add button
- Select the Report ID (CWEU32 for Department Activity) by clicking the magnifying glass:
- Select the Sub Report ID (CWEU32-1 Department Activity – Fund) by clicking the magnifying glass:
- Select the Through Date by entering it or selecting from the calendar icon (7/31/2015):
- Click on the Select Group Type and select 1 for “Chartfield or Group”: (note the + - buttons to the right of this field, we will use these in the following steps of the setup)
- Select the Criteria Type for Group 1 (Chartfield or Group = department or department group)
- For this example I will be using (TP Consolidated by Department):
These are the available options (similar to the above version of this report):
- Select the first Report Field Value (which will be a department group), this is what shows when clicking the magnifying glass next to the Report Field Value box:
- I will select (FINANCE) for this example – at this point my run control should look like this (but we aren’t done yet):
- To add additional department groups, click the + to the right of Finance in the above screenshot – multiple department groups can be selected as long as they are all at the same level.
- This is a “Multi” chartfield report but we have only selected one chartfield (Department), so we need to ADD (+) the next criteria, so click the + to the right of the Select Group Type (noted in step 5 above), this will add another section to the run control.
- Select the 2nd Select Group Type value (2) Fund or Group:
This should be another section under the data that was entered above (don’t change the 1 from step 5 to a 2).
- Select the Criteria Type for the Fund or group:
- Select (FC) for this example
All available options are:
- Select the Fund Code (149) in this Report Field Value box:
- Additional Funds can be added by clicking the + to the right of this field
- The system will generate a report for each combination of Department and Fund, so entering 2 departments and 2 funds will produce 4 reports.
- The completed Run control for this example should look like this:
- This can be saved by clicking the Save button at the bottom of the page
- Run the report by clicking the Run button towards the top of the page
- The report produced from the above run control looks like this (opens on the Pivot tab):
- This Pivot table shows information by Fund, Dept, Project and Account with Descriptions and amounts (the Full Year version will have more than 1 period of data).
- This report is all of Finance, not just 210530 from the prior example, but I can see the departments broken out in the pivot table, and can use standard excel pivot functionality to filter by any of the existing fields (or add new fields from the field list).
- Here is the above pivot table filtered to 201530 data only:
- The Pivot table includes Expenses only by default, but Encumbrances can be added by selecting them from the pivot table fields list. Budget info is not available in the pivot table but is available on the DeptAct tab of the report.
- This is the DeptAct tab of the same report (part of page 1 of 5 when printed)
- This is showing budget data only (due to loading issues from the new CatPlan system there are multiple rows of data for some budgets – one positive and 2 negative).
- The excel Grouping functionality (+ - signs and the numbered boxes in the upper left of the screenshot can be used to summarize or expand to see additional data).
- By Expanding column AD above it’s possible to see additional chartfield data for all transactions that doesn’t currently show on the one page wide “ready for print” version.
- Filtering Detail data by Other Chartfields in the Activity Report (this will lose the subtotals
- Scroll down to the start of the Actual Information headers (these are not the Headers that are frozen at the top of the page).
- Select one of the headers (Description wokrs), and then from the Home excel Menu Click on the Sort & Filter icon in the Editing Section and Select Filter from the dropdown menu as shown below (this will activate the Filters on the columns).
- Click on one of the dropdown Filters (Program in this example) and select the desired program value (082), if you want to see subtotals, also include the Blanks as shown below:
Once selected, click the OK at the bottom and the report data will be filtered to just Program 082 data with subtotals (the subtotals will automatically adjust to total only the visible data).
Additional Filters can be added to other chartfields as well to further limit the data shown to a specific set of chartfields.
The current report is not designed to print with these columns expanded so it is best to collapse the columns before printing at this time. As we identify which new information is most useful on the printed version, we may adjust this report to print more specific chartfield information.
Department Activity for Fund and Program
Navigation: Main Menu > CWU Custom Functions > Reports > nVision Multi Chartfield Rpt
- Create a new run control (to ease historical reporting, don’t re-use your Project run controls for the new department reports)
- Click on the Add a New Value tab and create a new run control (FUNDACT or PROGACT as example)
- Click the Add button
- Select the Report ID (CWEU32 for Department Activity) by clicking the magnifying glass:
- Select Sub Report ID CWEU32-2:
- Select the Through Date by entering it or selecting from the calendar icon (7/31/2015):
- Click on the Select Group Type and select 1 for “Chartfield or Group”: (note the + - buttons to the right of this field, we will use these in the following steps of the setup)
- Select the Criteria Type for Group 1 (Chartfield or Group = department or department group)
- For this example I will be using (TP Consolidated by Department):
- These are the available options (similar to the above version of this report):
- Select the first Report Field Value (which will be a department group), this is what shows when clicking the magnifying glass next to the Report Field Value box:
- I will select (FINANCE) for this example
- To add additional department groups, click the + to the right of Finance in the above screenshot – multiple department groups can be selected as long as they are all at the same level.
- This is a “Multi” chartfield report but we have only selected one chartfield (Department), so we need to ADD (+) the next criteria, so click the + to the right of the Select Group Type.This will add another section to the run control.
- Select the 2nd Select Group Type value (2) Fund or Group:
This should be another section under the data that was entered above (don’t change the 1 from step 5 to a 2).
- Select the Criteria Type for the Fund or group:
- Select (FC) for this example:
Available options include:
- Select the Fund Code (149) in this Report Field Value box:
- Additional Funds can be added by clicking the + to the right of this field
- The system will generate a report for each combination of Department and Fund, so entering 2 departments and 2 funds will produce 4 reports.
- Click the + to the right of the Select Group Type 2 row to add another section:
- Select (3) Program or Group for the new Select Group Type box
- Select (PC) Program Code from the options the other option allows selecting a type of program activity (Instruction, Research, etc):
- Enter the Program Code in the Report Field Value (082) or select from the magnifying glass:
- The completed run control should have 3 sections and look like this (with the sample data used):
- This run control will run an activity report for FINANCE departments in Fund 149 and Program 082 only. The name of the report will not currently contain all 3 values, and the report itself does not show this in the headers yet, but we will be modifying the report to show the filtering criteria used to run it (and hopefully adding a speedtype option in the future).
Department Activity for Fund and Component
Navigation: Main Menu > CWU Custom Functions > Reports > nVision Multi Chartfield Rpt
- Create a new run control (to ease historical reporting, don’t re-use your Project run controls for the new department reports).
- Click on the Add a New Value tab and create a new run control (FUNDCOMP as example)
- Click the Add button
- Select the Report ID (CWEU32 for Department Activity) by clicking the magnifying glass:
- Select Sub Report ID CWEU32-3:
- Select the Through Date by entering it or selecting from the calendar icon (7/31/2015):
- Click on the Select Group Type and select 1 for “Chartfield or Group”: (note the + - buttons to the right of this field, we will use these in the following steps of the setup)
- Select the Criteria Type for Group 1 (Chartfield or Group = department or department group)
- For this example I will be using (TP Consolidated by Department):
- These are the available options (similar to the above version of this report):
- Select the first Report Field Value (which will be a department group), this is what shows when clicking the magnifying glass next to the Report Field Value box:
- I will select (FINANCE) for this example – at this point my run control should look like this (but we aren’t done yet):
- To add additional department groups, click the + to the right of Finance in the above screenshot – multiple department groups can be selected as long as they are all at the same level.
- This is a “Multi” chartfield report but we have only selected one chartfield (Department), so we need to ADD (+) the next criteria, so click the + to the right of the Select Group Type. This will add another section to the run control.
- Select the 2nd Select Group Type value (2) Fund or Group:
This should be another section under the data that was entered above (don’t change the 1 from step 5 to a 2).
- Select the Criteria Type for the Fund or group:
- Select (FC) for this example:
- Available options include:
- Select the Fund Code (149) in this Report Field Value box:
- Additional Funds can be added by clicking the + to the right of this field
- The system will generate a report for each combination of Department and Fund, so entering 2 departments and 2 funds will produce 4 reports.
- Click the + to the right of the Select Group Type 2 row to add another section:
- Select (3) Component or Group for the new Select Group Type box
- Select (CO) Component from the options. The other option (T3) allows selecting a Group of component types (Courses, Indirect, Startup, etc), this example will show the T3 option used
- Enter the Component Code or Group in the Report Field Value (STARTUP) or select from the magnifying glass:
- The completed Report Request should look like this:
- This report request would include FINANCE department activity for Fund 149 under the STARTUP component (if there was anything there – there is no STARTUP funds in FINANCE so this is just an example of how to build the run control).
- Multiple options can be selected for any of these groups by clicking the + sign to the right of the report field value row and selecting new values
- The system will generate 1 report for each combination of values
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