Policy and Performance Panel Meeting Wednesday 25/02/2015 1.30 – 3.30pm

Brotherton House Boardroom

In attendance:

Monica Wilson (MW) Chair
Edward Down (ED)
Vilma Howard (VH)
Bev Davies (BD)
James Gillard (JG)
Christine Madeley (CM)
Jon Smith (JSm)
George Newton (GN)
Steve Lea (SL) / Officers
Julie Blagden (JB)
Debbie Broadhurst (DB)
Joanne Wilson-Brown (JWB) – Salford University.
Amy Calderdale (AC) – Health Improvement Service.


Neil Blakey (NB)
Sue Charker (SC)
Joyce Scholes (JS)
John Kelly (JK) / Officers
Chris Brown (CB)
Ref / Notes / Action
1.0 / Welcome, Apologies and Housekeeping / Review of minutes from last meeting
1.1 /
  • MW welcomed everyone to the meeting and advised on housekeeping. The minutes from last month’s meeting were reviewed for accuracy and then matters arising.

2.0 / Action Tracker

7.2 /
  • Action 3.2 “CB to provide a breakdown of complaints and exception report for failures in future” is still ongoing
  • Action 5.6 “CB to talk to Keepmoat re having staff details and information being displayed in the blocks” is outstanding.

Review of performance from Julie Blagden
  • JB gave an update on performance for the month and provided detailed information for all areas of performance for the month.
  • JB provided an update of the Action Plan for repairs that was created following on from the Scrutiny project undertaken by the Customer Assembly. Attendees asked for the plan to be updated and a copy made available. See Action Tracker.
  • JB asked attendees to review the rent increase letters that are to be posted out next week. Customers confirmed they were happy with the letters.
Security meeting update – James Gillard
  • JG provided an update on the items discussed by the security panel. The group meets the 1st Monday of every month on Holm Court at 10.30am. There are lots of ongoing issues due to the refurbishment works where there are no immediate resolutions. The issues of lighting and security cameras are topics currently being discussed and an update will be provided in due course.
Joanna Wilson–Brown from Salford University
JWB is undertaking a research project to gain an understanding of the customer experience during the refurbishment works. Customers were invited to attend and take part in the research. MW, BD and ED put their names forward. See Action Tracker – DB to forward the information.
Amy Calderdale – Health Improvement Service
Amy Calderdale attended and explained to the group her role working in the Community. Amy is keen to work with customers and DB will invite her to future meetings and events.
Any Other Business
A customer advised that some of the blocks have been bombarded with leaflets from Whitebeam Court regarding the NIBE system. People are also door knocking on blocks asking customers to sign a petition about NIBE. Customers are feeling pressured into signing the petition and the leaflets are scaring people.
DB advised all attendees to report any incidents of door knocking that make people feel intimidated or frightened immediately to Pendleton Together. In addition if customers have concerns about the NIBE system they should contact PT on the helpline number and we can deal with their concerns.
VH requested that when Keepmoat put notices through doors saying meeting dates and times are changed they need to be explaining the reasons for the change. This will help customers understand what is happening. DB to pass on. See Action Tracker.
MW thanked everyone for attending and advised the next meeting will be held on Wednesday 25thMarch in Brotherton House Boardroom at 1.30pm /