Calais School Committee

Tuesday, May 16, 2017


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The Calais School Committee met on Tuesday, May 16, 20107 at the Calais Middle/High School Library. Attending were: Chairman Robert Greenlaw, John Hill, James Macdonald, Joseph Footer, Lea Farrar and Superintendent of Schools Ron Jenkins.

I. Call to Order/Introductions

Chairman Bob Greenlaw called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. and led the board in a Pledge of Allegiance and a Moment of Silence.

II. Consent Agenda

A. Motion by James Macdonald, second by Lea Farrar, unanimous vote to add an adjustment to the agenda. H. Executive session for employee negotiations.

B. Motion by John Hill, second by Joe Footer, unanimous vote to approve the Minutes of May 2, 2017.

III. Present communications to the School Committee received from the community

None noted

IV. Public Participation

None noted

V. Superintendent’s Report

The Superintendent did not do a written report but he verbally gave the board an update.

VI. Administrative Reports

The Administrative reports are filed with the official minutes.

VII. Old Business

VIII. New Business

A. Motion by Lea Farrar, second by John Hill, unanimous vote to appoint Brent Bohanon as Middle School Student Council Advisor.

Calais School Committee

Tuesday, May 16, 2017


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B. Motion by Joe Footer, second by Lea Farrar, unanimous vote to appoint Thomas Critchley as Volunteer Baseball Coach.

C. Motion by John Hill, second by Joe Footer, unanimous vote to approve the overnight request from JMG May 24 – 25 to Cherryfield to take part in EdGE.

D. Motion by James Macdonald, second by Joe Footer, unanimous vote to accept the resignation of Shauna Dansereau as School Lunch Manager.

E. Motion by James Macdonald, second by John Hill, unanimous vote to accept the resignation of Robert Moholland, Director CTE with regret.

F. Motion by John Hill, second by Lea Farrar, unanimous vote to accept the resignation of Don Barnes, Auto-motives Instructor CTE with regret.

G. Motion by John Hill, second by Joe Footer, unanimous vote to hire Stan Sluzenski as the Director of CTE.

H. Motion by Bob Greenlaw, second by Joe Footer, unanimous vote to award the Fuel Oil and Propane bid to V.L. Tammaro for the amount listed below:

Fixed Price Option$1.795 Fuel Oil/gallon$ 1.19 Propane/gallon

I. Motion by James Macdonald, second by Lea Farrar, unanimous vote to table the

Transportation awarding.

J. By consensus the board tabled the adoption of the 2017-2018 School Budget.

IX. Upcoming Meetings

June 13, 2017

June 27, 2017

Calais School Committee

Tuesday, May 16, 2017


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X. Requested Future Agenda Items

XI. Executive Session

Motion by John Hill, second by Lea Farrar, unanimous vote to enter Executive Session

Pursuant to Statutory Citation [1 M.R.S.A. § 405 (6) (D)] to Discuss Negotiations at 7:19 p.m. Out of Executive Session at 8:09 p.m.

No action taken at this time.

XII. Adjournment

Motion by John Hill, second by Lea Farrar, unanimous vote to adjourn at 8:09 p.m.


Ronald Jenkins, Superintendent of Schools