EIASM Workshop

Public Sector in Common Europe: Trends and Fashions.

Lofoten Islands, 6-8 June, 2004


Monday June 7th

8:15-8:30 Registration

8:30–9 Opening comments

Frode Mellemvik, Bengt Jacobsson, Fabrizio Panozzo

9–10:30 Keynote speech

Barbara Czarniawska

11–13 Session 1: Present Trends and Fashions

(chair: Frode Mellemvik)

Ulrica Nylén: Organizing Across Boundaries

Gudbjörg Erlingsdottir /Karin Jonnergård: Does Haute Couture Become Pret à Porter?

Armin Liebig: The Speyer Quality Award

Gilles David: A Paradoxal Role of Management Controllers in a Public Company

13–14:30 Lunch at Henningsvaer Bryggehotel

14:30–16 Session 2: Reforms and Transformation of States

(chair Bengt Jacobsson)

Matilda Dahl: Organizing Scrutiny. Int Organizatins Making States ”Auditable”

Charlotte West: European Employment Strategy Meets the New Member States

Rolf Solli: Name of the Game: On Best Value and Other Reformmarks

16:30–18:30 Session 3: Learning to be Modern: Accounting and States

(chair: Fabrizio Panozzo)

Konstantin Timoshenko: Reforming Russian State Accounting

Levi Nesbakk: Accrual Accounting at the State Level in Norway

Johann Seiwald: Translating Cost Accounting into Practice

Pawan Adhikari: The Evolution of Double Entry Bookkeeping in Nepal

19:15 Departure for Viking Feast

Tuesday June 8th

9–10:30 Keynote speech

Kerstin Sahlin-Andersson

11–13 Session 4: Managerialism in Public Sector Organizations

(chair: Barbara Czarniawska)

Lars-Göran Aidemark/Karin Jonnergård: Boards of Incorporated Hospital

Pietro Micheli/Mike Kennerly: Performance Measurement in the Publ Sector Org. Leena Treuthardt/Kari Kuoppola: The Finnish Management By Results System

Tommy Jensen: Organizing Public Sectors in a Cultural Economy

13–14:15 Lunch at Henningsvaer Bryggehotell

14:15–15:45 Session 5: How to Manage Public Sector Organizations

(chair: Kerstin Sahlin-Andersson)

Carlo De Pietro: Decentralization in the Healthcare Sector

Inger Johanne Pettersen: Accounting Information in Higher Education Institutions

Svein Arne Östevik/Lars Albinsson: Collaboration Networks in Governments

Anatoli Bourmistrov /Frode Mellemvik: Developing an International PhD-Program

16–17 Session 6: Changing Forms of Governance

(chair: Frode Mellemvik)

Sven Bislev: Self-Government and Selfishness

Sara Bonini/Luca Zan: Culture of Privatisation or Privatisation of Culture

17:30 Dinner at Henningsvaer Bryggehotell

18:30 Bus from Henningsvaer to Svolvaer

19:30–01:30 Coastal Steamer from Svolvaer to Bodo