Abbotsford Minor Box Lacrosse
Annual General Meeting Agenda
Monday, September 21, 2015 – 7:00pm – Chances Casino VIP Room
1. Welcome/Call to Order 7:08
2. Adopt the Agenda for 2015 AGM: Motion by Pam Rasmussen; seconded by Lorna Goulet; passed
3. Approval of Minutes from the September 16, 2014 AGM: Motion by Pam Rasmussen; seconded by Milo Buckingham; passed
4. Executive Reports
* Questions or comments pertaining to reports (all written reports previously posted)
a) President: David Goulet – no questions/comments
b) Treasurer: Rod McLeod (verbal report) –
- question regarding grant – is it yearly? It is applied for each year (and not guaranteed), so budget will not rely on it yearly.
- financial comparative balance sheet and income statement presented by Rod McLeod
c) First Vice President: Erik Hobbs
- sponsorship questions – coordinator is incentive based; various options available
d) Second Vice President: Ken Hoogstraten
- question re: shot clock purchases, but issue with inconsistency of use of Abby Centre
e) Secretary: Brenna Levings – no questions; comment regarding helpfulness of Manager’s Manual and Meeting
f) Registrar: Kia Hamilton
- question re: future growth; projection of 10% (approx. one team); but where will they play?
- suggestion for “petition” to City for signing at reg. session to express our wants/needs for more floor space; work with ball hockey to ask for better/more facilities
g) Scheduler: Clare Ellison
- Can we grow with the floor space we have? Will need to get our outdoor box time back from ball hockey. MSA – can use mini tyke practice time as one more game slot, but would other space for minis to practice (i.e. gym, AgRec, outdoor box?)
h) Head Coach: vacant
- suggestion that Options be clearly communicated to all team head coaches
i) Head Referee: Manny Barkovic
- Mini tyke – need to know the Option that is agreed to by the involved associations (i.e. Abbotsford, Chilliwack, Mission)
- All referees MUST know which Option is being played – Mini-tyke to Novice
f) Equipment Director: vacant
5. Business
a) Proposed budget – Motion to accept the 2015-2016 budget as presented by Rod McLeod. Motion by Pam Rasmussen; seconded by Rick Kampf; CARRIED
- increase in advertising/promotion?
- to increase fundraising – form fundraising committee
b) New Constitution & Bylaws – Motion to accept the new Constitution and Bylaws as presented on Fri. Aug. 21, 2015 via email to all members.
Motion by Pam Rasmussen; seconded by Paul Dickinson; CARRIED
6. Election of Officers
a) President – David Goulet by acclamation
b) Vice President - Peewee to Midget – Rick Kampf by acclamation
c) Vice President – Mini Tyke to Novice – Craig Campbell by acclamation
d) Secretary – Leslie Reed by acclamation
e) Treasurer – Rod McLeod by acclamation
f) Registrar – Kia Hamilton by acclamation
Below positions will be appointed by elected Executive members at a later date:
g) Equipment Manager
h) Head Coach
i) Referee Coordinator
j) Floor Scheduler
The executive committee will also include the immediate past president, should there be one.
6. Adjournment 8:38pm - Motion by Leslie Reed; seconded by Pam Rasmussen
**Executive member meeting to immediately follow AGM