ASTRA User Guide

Issue date: 17 March 2016

Version: Issue 5


AiB Supervision of Trust Deeds, Registration & Advertisement System


User Guide Issue 5

Table of Contents








2.4Other Concepts

3General Functions

3.1User Details

3.2Changing User Password

3.3Changing User Details


4.1Maintaining Users

5User Dashboard

5.1Workflow Queue

5.2Message Queue

6Trust Deed Search

6.1Case Reference Search

6.2Trust Deed Search

7Creating a New Trust Deed – Form 1

7.1Creating a New Trust Deed

7.1.1Personal Details and Also Known As......

7.1.2Current and Previous Addresses

7.1.3Trading As and Previous Trading As Addresses



8Processing, Navigating and Obtaining Details of a Case

8.1Form 3 Process

8.1.1Creating a Form 3

8.1.2Attach Form 3 Supporting Documents

8.1.3Validating, Saving and Submitting a Form 3

8.1.4Upload Documents

8.2Form 4 Process

8.2.1Dashboard Search

8.2.2Creating a Form 4

8.2.3Attach Form 4 Supporting Documents

8.2.4Form 4 Statements

8.2.5Validating, Saving and Submitting a Form 4

8.2.6Export Form 4 to PDF

8.3Form 5 Process

8.3.1Creating a Form 5

8.3.2Attach Form 5 Supporting Documents

8.3.3Validating, Saving and Submitting a Form 5

8.3.4Export Form 5 to PDF

8.4Form 6 Process

8.4.1Creating a Form 6

8.4.2Attach Form 6 Supporting Documents

8.4.3Form 6 Statements

8.4.4Validating, Saving and Submitting a Form 6

8.4.5Export Form 6 to PDF

8.5Form 7 Process

8.5.1Creating a Form 7

8.5.2Attach Form 7 Supporting Documents

8.5.3Form 7 Statement

8.5.4Validating, Saving and Submitting a Form 7

8.5.5Export Form 7 to PDF

8.6Case Summary Screen

8.6.1Accessing the Case Summary Screen


8.6.3Previous Events

8.6.4Navigation to Other Functions

8.7Case Details

8.7.1Case Details: Debtor

8.7.2Case Details: Trustee

8.7.3Case Details: Trust Deed

8.7.4Case Details: Creditors

8.8Form 1

8.9Form 3

8.10Create Notes

8.11View Case Notes

8.12View Case Documents

8.13Create Message

8.13.1Diary Reminders



Following a public consultation on Trust Deeds (TDs) and the subsequent changes to legislation, the Accountant in Bankruptcy (AiB) has assumed responsibility for advertising Trust Deeds from the Edinburgh Gazette.

The legislation requires these adverts to be placed on the Register of Insolvencies (ROI) which in turn requires a change to AiB business processes, enhancements to the ROI and development of a new system to support the business processes.

In addition, this new system replaces the TD process currently undertaken in AiB’s existing case management system.


The purpose of this document is to provide users with a description of the functionality available in the ASTRA system and instructions on how to use this functionality.

The guide provides users with all the necessary information to use ASTRA as required in order to complete the various steps in the TD process. As new functionality is added to ASTRA, the User Guide will be updated to reflect this.



ASTRA is a web based application with the following main features:

  • It allows secure access via the AiB website and standard web browsers such as Internet Explorer, Chrome, Safari, and Firefox;
  • It provides comprehensive functionality, and provides clearly defined roles for all ASTRA Users;
  • It allows maintenance of records in a central database. This means that all users see the latest information relevant to their role;
  • It has a robust security system that provides appropriate access in accordance with the role of an ASTRA user.


ASTRA has roles set up for each main user type in order to make the system easier to use and to ensure that users only see information appropriate to their role.


Navigation through ASTRA is designed to be consistent throughout the system. The following principles apply to all screens:

  • The application is web based and uses a series of screens for presentation and update of data;
  • Each screen has text and active components such as text entry fields, drop down lists, check boxes, hyperlinks and buttons;
  • Some data entry fields are greyed out. This means that the user does not have sufficient permissions to change the data or that the values in these fields are automatically calculated;
  • The screens are accessed by clicking on appropriate links on the top menu. The menu is structured as a hierarchy. Menu items appear or are hidden according to the logged in user’s role;
  • Date entry fields accept dates in the form ‘dd/mm/yyyy’, however pop-up calendars are available to allow easy selection of dates;
  • The user returns to their customisable homepage (User Dashboard) from any point in the system by clicking the AiB logo on the menu bar (on the left).

Where screens include additional navigation options, these are covered in the relevant specific sections of this User Guide.

2.4Other Concepts

This section summarises other key concepts which users need to be aware of when using ASTRA. These are listed below:

  • If a field is marked with an asterisk, then it is mandatory that a user completes the mandatory information before attempting to submit the record;
  • If mandatory information has not been entered into a screen, or data has been entered in an incorrect format, error messages are displayed to inform the user of the mandatory information that must be completed. These validation errors are displayed in red and appear at the top of the screen or next to the mandatory field to be completed. As an example, if the user has not entered the first line of an address, when the user clicks save, validate or submit, a message is displayed informing them that they have not entered the first line of the address;
  • Validation logic is applied to entries in defined fields. As an example an end date must be later than a start date;
  • When a screen form is completed or changed, it is necessary to save the changes by clicking on the save or submit button as appropriate. If the user navigates to another screen without performing this step, any changes are likely to be lost.

3General Functions

This section describes functions which all ASTRA users’ access irrespective of their defined system role.

3.1User Details

Each user is issued with a username and password by their Administrator who adds users to the ASTRA system (as described in 4.1 Maintaining Users).

3.2 Logging On

ASTRA can be accessed using the link on the AiB website:

Alternatively the user can access ASTRA by entering the following address into the address bar at the top of your Internet browser:

Enter the username and password in the appropriate text boxes as shown in Figure 3.1 and click the ‘Login’ button.

Figure 3.1 ASTRA LOGIN Screen

AiB can display system messages on the ASTRA login screen to notify users of important updates and issues.

If a user has forgotten their password, they click on the ‘Forgot your password?’ link and enter the username on the screen as shown in Figure 3.2. A password is then emailed to the user’s registered email account.

Figure 3.2 ASTRA Regenerate Password Screen

If the username entered is invalid, the system displays an error message as shown in Figure 3.3 and does not send out a new password.

Figure 3.3 Regenerate Password Error Screen

In the event that a user cannot remember their username, they must contact their system administrator.

Once the user has successfully logged in to ASTRA, the name of the logged-in user is displayed at the top right of the screen as shown in Figure 3.4. A menu of available options is presented at the top left hand corner of the page. The options displayed are dependent on the roles granted to the logged-in User. In the example below (Figure 3.4) the User is a System Administrator (aib.systemAdmin). Clicking on a menu option displays the required screen.

Figure 3.4 ASTRA Successful Login

3.2Changing User Password

A user registered in ASTRA changes their password by selecting ‘Change Password’ under ‘User’ menu option as shown in Figure 3.5.

Figure 3.5 Navigate to Change Password Screen

In order to change their password the user must complete 3 fields:

  • Current Password;
  • New Password;
  • Confirm New Password.

Once the required information is entered, click the ‘Change Password’ button. If the password change is successful the User Dashboard screen is displayed (Figure 3.6). If the Current Password entered does not match the Current password stored by the system, an error message is displayed. Likewise if the New Password and Confirm New Password fields do not match an error message is displayed.

The next time a user logs in to ASTRA the new Username and/or password become valid.

For security reasons, all Passwords must be at least 8 characters and contain each of the following features:

  • An uppercase letter;
  • A digit (0-9);
  • A non-alphanumeric character (e.g. #,@,?).

Non-adherence to these rules results in an error message being displayed. When choosing a New Password, the system does not allow user to re-use any of their 12 previous passwords.

Figure 3.6 Change Password Screen

3.3Changing User Details

Users maintain their personal details stored in ASTRA, including Name, Address and Contact Details. This is done on the ‘Maintain My User Details’ screen, which is accessed by selecting the ‘Maintenance’ option from the Main Menu toolbar, then by selecting ‘My Details’ from the sub-menu (Figure 3.7).

Figure 3.7 Navigation: Maintenance  My Details

The ‘Maintain My User Details’ screen, as shown in Figure 3.8, allows users to edit all fields, except for their Username and Organisation which are read-only.

Figure 3.8 Maintain My User Details Screen

The ‘Maintain My User Details’ screen offers users a secondary location within the system in which they can change their password (the first is described in Section 3.4). The user must enter their new password and then confirm the new password.

To assist users when entering addresses, a postcode lookup feature is used throughout the ASTRA system. Users input their Postcode into the ‘Postcode’ field then click the ‘Find Address’ button. If a valid UK postcode is entered, the ‘Addresses’ drop-down list is populated with all the addresses in the postcode supplied. The user must then select the appropriate address from the ‘Addresses’ drop-down list as shown in Figure 3.9. If the address is not shown in the drop down list, the user should select ‘none of the above’ which will allow the user to enter the address manually.

Figure 3.9 Postcode Lookup Feature

If the changes made are valid, a ‘Validation Success’ message is displayed at the top of the page (Figure 3.10) and the changes are saved. Otherwise an appropriate error message is displayed highlighting any validation errors that have occurred (Figure 3.11).

If the user does not wish to make changes or wishes to cancel the changes they began making to their details they simply click the ‘Cancel’ button which takes the user to the ‘User Dashboard’ screen. To save any changes made to their personal details, users simply click the ‘Save’ button.


This section describes the processes of adding, editing and deleting of Users, Roles, Organisations and Lists to the ASTRA system.

4.1Maintaining Users

The User Maintenance screen, as shown in Figure 4.1, is only available to users with the necessary Roles and Permissions. AIB Admins see all system users, whereas IP Admins only see system users within their own organisation. The User Maintenance facility is used by Administrators to add, edit and delete users from the ASTRA system.

Figure 4.1 – User Maintenance Screen

This screen allows you to search for a particular user within your organisation by specifying your search criteria and clicking the ‘Search Users’ button. The search results will be displayed, allowing you to select the relevant user account.

Figure 4.2 – Add New User Option

To add a new User to the system, click the ‘Add New User’ button and the ‘Create User’ screen, as shown in Figure 4.3, will be displayed. As with all screens in ASTRA, mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk (*). Failure to complete a mandatory field results in an error message being displayed.

Each new User created is assigned a Role or a number of Roles which are selected from a list of Roles in the ‘Role Details’ section of the ‘Create User’ screen. Each Role has an associated list of permissions which govern user activities throughout ASTRA. After clicking ‘Create’ the user is added to the list of system users as shown in Figure 4.4.

Figure 4.3 – Create User

Figure 4.4 – User Maintenance – New User Added

Existing user details are updated by clicking once on the relevant User in the list on the ‘User Maintenance’ screen (Figure 4.4)and the ‘User Details’ screen will appear (Figure 4.5).

Figure 4.5 – User Details

To update the user details, click the ‘Update’ button, which can be found at the bottom of the screen. The Update User Details screen is displayed (Figure 4.6).


Figure 4.6 – User Maintenance Edit Update User Details

User details are edited by making a valid amendment to the appropriate field and then completed by clicking the ‘Update’ button at the bottom of the page.

If the update is successful, the User Maintenance screen is displayed. If the update is unsuccessful due to validation reasons, an appropriate error message is displayed at the top of the page indicating why the error has occurred. An example of this is shown in Figure 4.7 (below) where a User’s Telephone Number has been removed then the save button clicked, but due to Telephone Number being a mandatory field this triggered a validation error which displays an appropriate error message.

Figure 4.7 – User Maintenance – Edit/Update User Error

Users are deleted by clicking once on the row of the relevant User in the list of Users, which highlights that row, then by clicking the ‘Delete’ button. The Delete User screen for the highlighted User is displayed, as shown in Figure 4.8. The User deletion is completed by clicking ‘Delete’ on the ‘Delete User’ screen. A successful deletion results in the User Maintenance screen (Figure 4.1) being displayed and the deleted User is no longer visible in the list of system users.

It is not possible for a User to delete their own user account from ASTRA.

Figure 4.8– User Maintenance – Delete User

5User Dashboard

After successfully logging in to ASTRA the User is directed to the User Dashboard screen as shown in Figure 5.1.

The dashboard contains a search facility, which allows users to obtain lists of cases at a particular status in ASTRA to create a workflow queue, for example, Notice of Trust Deed - Created. Users can also select their preferred way of sorting the results, for example, Published ROI Date (Oldest First). The list of cases will appear in the Trust Deed Results section of the screen.

Figure 5.1 – User Dashboard

Below the workflow queue there is also a Message Queue.

5.1Workflow Queue

The queues to which a User has access are defined by the User’s Role. For example, an AiB Administrator sees all queues whereas a non-AiB Administrator User only sees queues to which the Administrator has granted their Role access to.

Similarly, the content of the queues is controlled by the Organisation to which a User belongs. An AiB User sees all Trust Deed cases in a particular queue, whereas a Trustee User only sees Trust Deed cases related to their own IP organisation.

If a user moves away from the User Dashboard screen and then returns to the screen, the search criteria previously entered will be retained. To carry out a new search and create a new workflow, the user will be required to reset the search before entering new search criteria.

5.2Message Queue

A Message Queue is located on the user Dashboard, below the Workflow queue, which contains details of the latest messages received (Figure 5.2).

Figure 5.2 – Latest Messages Received

Users can also access their Sent and Received messagesby selecting the ‘Messages’ option from the Main Menu toolbar, then by selecting ‘Received’ or ‘Sent’ from the sub-menu (Figure 5.3).

Figure 5.3 – Messages

The ‘Subject’ column in the Message Queue contains a hyperlink which when clicked takes the user to the ‘View Message’ screen (Figure 5.4).

The ‘View Message’ screen shows a read-only view of the Message Details and a list of viewable attachments which can be opened or saved by clicking the ‘View’ hyperlink. It also contains Message Thread list which shows the messages sent between two users. Each of the messages in the Message thread is also viewable by clicking the hyperlink in the ‘Subject’ column.

Figure 5.4 – View Message

6Trust Deed Search

The ASTRA system allows users to perform a Trust Deed search in two ways:

  • Using the ‘Case Reference’ search box located on the main menu bar (Figure 6.1). This functionality is available to all system users and does not require the user to have any specific permissions;
  • Selecting ‘Trust Deed Search’ from the ‘Trust Deed’ menu item. This functionality is only available to users with the required permission.

6.1Case Reference Search

To use the Case Reference Search users are required to either enter the full case reference number e.g. ‘2014/500000’ or alternatively make use of ASTRA’s wild card search functionality using an asterisk (*) to stand for one or more unspecified characters.

Figure 6.1 – Case Reference Search

Figure 6.2 – Case Reference Search - Wildcards

An example wild card search is shown in Figure 6.2, where the an AiB user has entered ‘2014/50000*’ into the Case Reference search box then clicked the ‘Search’ button which then returned 10 cases in the search results.