Happy Thanksgiving

This month we celebrate VETERANS DAY, the time to salute all veterans of all the wars and say THANK YOU for defending our freedom yesterday. Our prayers are with our young men and women who are continuing to defend our freedom today.

Our 25th Anniversary Celebration is just a few days away. If you have not made your reservations - call Gene LaColla – 703 246 9464 – today. There will be NO tickets sold at the door. This is your lodge and we need your support.

The news on Brother Paul Agosta continues to be inspiring. We hope that by the time you read this newsletter, he will be home regaining his strength and on the road to recovery. Continue to keep him in your prayers as he still must undergo chemo and radiation in the near future. As Susan keeps repeating, “We are going to kick cancer’s butt.” We have missed you, Paul.

November is the month that the nominating committee for the upcoming election is formed. This year the committee is comprised of Fred Michaelangelo, John Asiello and Tony Finocchiaro. If you receive a call from one of these people, consider saying “YES”.

Our Christmas party is just 6 weeks away. December 9 is the night that LaBafana and Santa Claus will be stopping by our lodge meeting. If you are bringing children, grand children or friends 12 or under, please contact John Asiello – 703 321 7840 – so that Santa will have a gift for them. We ask that all children bring a gift to be delivered to the Hospital for Sick Children; adults are welcome to contribute gifts for the hospital also. We will be collecting money for the family that we will be “adopting” for Christmas. We will get the family from ECHO (Ecumenical Community Helping Others) and provide them with the fixings for Christmas dinner and a small gift for each member of the family.




President Dot Saia Lodge Trustees

703 978 8499 Anthony Finocchiaro -- Bob Maida

Vice-President Joe LaMarca Art Moscatello -- Phil Traina

703 475 6962 Yolanda Pelosi

Imm Past President Omero Sabatini Master/Mistress of Ceremonies

703 931 5054 VACANT

Orator Frank Marcinkowski Sr. Marge Finocchiaro

703 323 8447 Sentinel – John Dovel

Recording Secy Dolores Marcinkowski Membership Chair:

703 323 8447 Bob Maida ()

Financial Secy Jo Lowe Members on the Grand Lodge

703 449 0682 Jo Vidiri Nunnenkamp – 1st V-P

Treasurer Gene LaColla 703 556 0094

703 246 9464 John Asiello, Trustee (703 321 7840)

La Bandiera Editor:

Paul Alligood, 703 848 1758 - 1908 Youngblood St., McLean, Va. 22101

Visit our lodge website at WWW.ITALIANHERITAGELODGE.ORG (upper case added for emphasis – not required on the address line). Check the website for breaking news between newsletter editions.


November 5 Lodge 25th Anniversary Celebration 1:00PM Amer Legion, Springfield

December 9 Christmas Party Santa/La Befana 7:00PM At KofC

January 6 Lodge Meeting 7:00PM At KofC

January 17 Council Meeting Fairfax Library 7:00PM


Don’t forget that Sunday, November 5, is the date for our anniversary celebration at the American Legion in Springfield. Details were published in last month’s newsletter. If you haven’t made your reservations, call Gene LaColla at 703 246 9464. The anniversary celebration will take the place of the regular general membership meeting for November.

The holidays are looming. Our Christmas party will be held December 9 at the KofC. If you plan to bring children, send John Asiello their names and ages so age-appropriate gifts can be purchased for them. John’s e-mail is ; his phone number is 703 321 7840.


The LUNCH BUNCH will not meet during the months of November or December. See the January newsletter for the next place, time and date.

Tickets will still be available on Nov 5 before the drawing for the “Italian Angel” created by Susan Agosta and donated to the lodge to use as a fund raiser. The price is $1.00 per ticket or 6 for $5.00.

Check the website, It now has pictures and is updated every week.


Andrea Savoca Nov. 6 Gloria Grandinetti Nov. 14

Kathryn Vitali Nov. 7 Anthony Finocchiaro Nov. 20

Joseph Onofrietti Nov. 13 Lilda Lando Nov. 21


Paul and Susan Agosta Nov. 6

Peter and Janine Andriole Nov. 9

Steven and Ann Lipton Nov. 30

Carl and Millie Malm


There is no bowling scheduled for November or December. Watch the newsletter or website for the next event.


The next meeting of our combined Italian language conversation group will be on Saturday, November 11, at 5PM at Irene Didinsky’s in Potomac, Md. As always, all are welcome. Please contact Betsy Mignani, , 703 830 7699, and let her know which food item you plan to bring for the meal. Directions to the meeting site will be provided. Remember that there is no lodge membership meeting that evening in lieu of the anniversary celebration held the previous Sunday.

25th Anniversary

Italian Heritage Lodge #2517


Reception and Cocktails

1:00 to 2:00 PM

Invocation and Dinner

2:00 PM to 3:15

Program and Presentations

3:15 to 3:30

Social Continues

3:30 to 4:00 PM


Mediterranean Salad

Fruit Salad

Baked Salmon

Lemon Chicken Breast

Garlic Parsley Potatoes

Tortellini Alfredo

Medley of Vegetables

Zucchini with Parmesan Cheese


Assorted Desserts and Anniversary Cake


Freshly Brewed Columbian and Decaffeinated Coffees,

Assorted Herbal Teas, Traditional and Regular.

Regular and Diet Sodas, Water and Ice Tea.

Open Bar

Beer, Wine and Distilled Spirits with Appropriate Mixers.




From 395 North:

South to Exit 169 B – Old Keene Mill

Make immediate right off the ramp on Brandon Ave.

Make a left at first intersection, Bland Street

Second light is Amherst, make left and go over the bridge

American Legion is at the bottom of the bridge on the right hand side – look for the flags

From 495:

Take 95 South Exit and follow directions above

From 395 South:

Go North to Backlick Rd. Exit, follow Backlick

Stay left when road forks and follow past Jennings Toyota on left

American Legion is next building on left hand side

Turn left into parking lot

Do not go over bridge

From Fairfax County Parkway:

Take Backlick Exit and follow directions above

From Springfield / Old Keene Mill Rd:

Follow Old Keene Mill and turn right on Springfield Ave. (just before the signs to 395 between Mobil station and the dentist building)

Follow straight ahead into American Legion parking lot


There are nearly 15 million people who identified themselves as Italian-American in the 1990 census. The Census Bureau estimates that 1 out of 10 Americans has some Italian blood, bringing the total number of Americans of Italian descent to 26 million.

Italian-Americans are the fifth largest ethnic group in the U. S., according to the Census. The four larger groups are: the Germans, Irish, English and African-Americans.

Italian-Americans either make up 15% of the population or number more than 1 million in the following states:

California – 1,500,000 Connecticut – 650,000 Massachusetts – 845,000

New Jersey – 1,500,000 New York – 2,900,000 Pennsylvania – 1,400,000

Rhode Island – 200,000

From The Alfano Digest