2017-05-08 Council Minutes.doc 2



May 8, 2017


Mayor Marvin called the Regular Meeting of the Warroad City Council to order at 5:15p.m.on May 8, 2017.

Those Present: Councilors Dick Soderberg, Kevin Thompson, and Jeff Parker by speaker phone.

Absent: Councilor Michele Vandal

Also Present: City Administrator Kathy Lovelace, City Staff - Amy Friesner, Ron Kleinschmit – Utility Superintendent, Wade Steinbring – WPD, Jeremy Hahn – Airport Manager, Glenda Phillipe – Roseau County, Nat Henderson, Stuart Mickelson, and Brian Marty – US Coast Guard Auxiliary, Mike Strodtman – MN Rural Water, Gerald Phillipe – Warroad Water Shed, and Janine Lovold – Roseau Co SWCD.


Councilor Parker moved to approve the meeting agenda with the addition of 4b- Knox Olafson Fund Raiser, 7e – Authorization to sign Nelson St Project Contracts and 8b – Special Event Application - SPARC. The motion was seconded by Councilor Thompson and carried unanimously.

Fiscal/Administrative Issues:

Approval of April 24, 2017 Council Minutes

Motion made by Councilor Thompson to approve the April 24, 2017 regular Council Minutes as written. The motion was seconded by Councilor Parker and carried unanimously.

Two Council Members to Review May 22nd Bills

Councilor Parker and Mayor Marvin agreed to review the bills prior to the May 22, 2017 meeting.

Approval of Checks/NMPA Payment

Motion made by Councilor Thompson to approve the May 2017 checks totaling $614,379.10 (E1673-1680= $26,341.00, AP #43028-43101 = $218,931.34, Sales Tax #04302017 = $22,450.00, NMPA #20170430 = $307,957.28, PR #6685-6701 = $8,951.83, and PR E-#508090 = $29,747.65). Motion seconded by Mayor Marvin and carried unanimously.

Revenue/Expense Summary

No action taken.


Nat Henderson representing the US Coast Guard Auxiliary informed the council that they are moved into their new office space in the campground office. They thanked council for the space and presented the city a certificate of appreciation for ‘outstanding cooperation and assistance in furthering the purposes and principles of the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary’.

Mayor Marvin thanked them for their presence in Warroad.

No Action Taken.


Police Dept – Authorization to accept resignation and proceed with FT replacement

Police Chief Wade Steinbring asked council to accept the resignation of Officer Rodrick Jackson.

Motion made by Councilor Soderberg to accept the resignation of Officer Rodrick Jackson. Motion seconded by Councilor Thompson and carried unanimously.

Police Chief Wade Steinbring asked council to authorize him to offer a full-time position to Channing Kimble. He was a part of the interview process for the last position filled in January and is currently a part time officer for the city.

Motion made by Councilor Thompson to authorize Chief Steinbring to offer a full-time officer position to Channing Kimble. Motion seconded by Councilor Parker and carried unanimously.

Knox Olafson Fund Raiser

Chief Steinbring stated that there will be a fund raiser on May 16, 2017 to help raise money for Brighter Tomorrows that helped the family of Knox Olafson when he was diagnosed with cancer. The family would like to give back and will hold a ‘Dare to be Bare’ campaign. Volunteers will have their head shaved and ask for pledges. He asked council for authorization to participate in the fund raiser along with some of his officers.

Motion made by Councilor Soderberg to authorize Warroad Police Officers to support the efforts of the ‘Dare to be Bare’ campaign on May 16, 2017. Motion seconded by Councilor Thompson and carried unanimously.


Airport Project Status Report - KLJ

No action taken.

Airport Commission Minutes/ Report

No action taken.


None at this time.


Authorization to hire T.G. as a FT Utility Admin. Assistant

Superintendent Kleinschmidt asked council for authorization to hire Terri Grill for the full-time administrative assistant position at entry-level pay scale. She will be able to start May 15, 2017.

Motion made by Councilor Soderberg to hire Terri Grill for the full-time administrative assistant position at entry level pay scale. Motion seconded by Councilor Thompson and carried unanimously.

Wellhead Protection Plan – Mike Strodtman

Mike Strodtman of Minnesota Rural Water informed council of the process involved in creating a Wellhead Protection Plan. He will be assisting the city in developing a new plan which will be valid for ten years.

No Action Taken.

Update on MPUC matter – Steve Anderson

City Attorney Steve Anderson stated that the next step in the MPUC matter is to set a time and place for a meeting. He suggested the the place be city hall and asked if City Administrator Kathy Lovelace would coordinate the time.

No Action Taken.

NMPA Resolution

Council was asked to adopt a resolution naming Utility Superintendent Ron Kleinschmidt as director and Kevin Hanson as the advisor to NMPA for a twelve month period beginning May 1, 2017.

Motion made by Councilor Thompson to adopt a resolution naming Utility Superintendent Ron Kleinschmidt as director and Kevin Hanson as the advisor to NMPA. Motion was seconded by Councilor Parker and carried unanimously.

Authorization to sign Nelson St Project Contracts

Construction should beginning soon on the Nelson St Project. Council was asked to authorize City Administrator Kathy Lovelace to sign the contract for the project.

Motion made by Councilor Soderberg to authorize City Administrator Kathy Lovelace to sign the contracts for the Nelson St Project. Motion seconded by Councilor Parker and carried unanimously.

other business:

Application for Exempt Permit – Knights of Columbus – July 4th Bingo

Motion made by Councilor Parker to approve the Lawful Gambling Permit for the Knights of Columbus for bingo to be held on July 4, 2016. Motion seconded by Councilor Thompson and carried unanimously.

Special Event Request

A special event request was submitted by SPARC, a non-operating event committee of Marvin Windows, for a family picnic and games to be held on June 22, 2017. A request was made to close the road between the picnic shelters and the campground restrooms for safety. It is anticipated that 500 people could be participating. A concern about access to the fish cleaning house if the road was closed was voiced.

Motion made by Councilor Thompson to approve the Special Event Request for SPARC to hold a family picnic and games on June 22, 2017 with the request that they post signage for an alternate route to the fish cleaning house. Motion seconded by Councilor Soderberg and carried unanimously.


There, being no further business, Councilor Thompson moved to adjourn the Regular Meeting of the Warroad City Council of May 8, 2017. The motion was seconded by Councilor Soderberg and carried unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 6:05 p.m.


Mayor Bob Marvin


Kathy A. Lovelace, City Administrator

Minutes prepared by: Amy Friesner, city staff