1. The contractor shall take total responsibility of painting application on supply & apply basis, shall commence the painting works within 10 days of from the date of receipt of the Letter of intent.
  1. Contractor shall under take the painting jobs in phased manner as per the availability of the TW Gantry without hampering normal working of the TW Gantry. Contractor may be allowed to carry out cold works such as application of paint, etc. during operation of Tank wagon Filling Gantry (TWFG), entirely on discretion of BPCL.
  1. Painting of the steel structure may involve hot work, while doing surface cleaning, all efforts to be made to provide safety of the Gantry facilities and barricading etc of the work are to be done with placard “ WORK IN PROGRESS “
  1. All hot work at site will need specific permission only and under constant supervision of the qualified contractor’s representative at all the times during execution.
  1. Contractor will be entirely responsible for security / safety of temporary stores / porta cabin developed for storing paints / tools and other equipments at site.
  1. The electricity will be made available for power tool cleaning / spray etc required for painting work, free of charge, contractor will ensure that electricity is used for painting works only.
  1. Portable water required for surface cleaning shall be provided at free of cost to the contractor only at TW Gantry and advised to use the water prudently and avoid any wastage of water. All arrangement to take water from the nearest feeder point available at TW Gantry will be entirely responsibility of the contractor and also, clean up the area after using the water for cleaning.
  1. At few places, the contractor will need to provide proper scaffolding for painting of Pipe Line. The contractor will bear in mind that all safety measures like special supports, platforms, accesses, ladders etc to be provided and Bamboo scaffolding is prohibited in BPCL.
  1. Workmen to be provided with safety belts, helmets, safety shoes etc. while working and during execution of work. No additional compensation will be given. The contractor may at own discretion include all the over head cost in the quote.
  1. The painting materials supplied for the job and the contractor shall be strictly confirm to the specification specified in the tender as per the approved paint manufacture’s list enclosed with tender enquiry. The contractor shall guarantee that the chemical & physical properties of the paint materials used are in accordance with specification contained herein.Similarly, strict compliance to be adhered on preparation of paint mix as per the manufacturer’s recommendation.
  1. Contractor shall, if so required arrange to test & analyze the painting material supplied him, at his own cost risk in all respect, at authorized agencies specified by the site Engineer.
  1. The painting jobs required to be carried out at operational petroleumTW Gantry , situated inside BPC premises respectively, with various facilities such as loading arms, Product Pipe Lines etc and live cable laid in trenches & cable trays etc. Utmost precautions are to be taken while carrying out the painting works.
  1. The painting job under the provision of this contract is specific and to be implemented on coastal location, more over on petroleum handling terminal. The contractor will have to give performance guarantee on quality of paints as well as workmanship of the painting works as under. Further, if successful tenderer is a contractor and not a paint manufacturer, he will obtain corporate guarantee from the paint manufacturer whose paint will be utilized for the job

The performance guarantee should be provided by contractor in standard BPCL format

  1. The retention period is for 1 year from the date of completion. Hence the bank guarantee for 1 year for amount of 20% of contract value to be submitted to BPCL.
  1. Corporate guarantee for balance 2 years from paint manufacturer as per BPCL format for indemnity bond.
  1. During the guarantee period the paint manufacturer will carry out joint inspection ever six months along with BPCL engineers. All repairs during the guarantee period will be under taken by paint manufacturers / contractor at their expenses. The extent of corrosion will be monitored as per standard Re3 during joint inspections by paint supplier / Contractor and BPCL engineer.
  1. The tender who are not paint manufacturers are advised to specify name of the paint manufacturers, whose products are considered for this tender.
  1. The tenderers are also advised to consider paint manufacturers as per approved / recommended list enclosed only (Annexure I). Paint supplied from any other manufacturer will not be considered.
  1. The Painting job on TW Gantry structures will be carried out in a phased manner maintaining without any hindrance to normal operation of the TW Gantry . Best effort will be made from corp. side to make TW Gantry available regularly, However, at some occasions such as loading and unloading of Tank Wagons, while handling critical operation, contractor may need to close the job, entirely on the discretion of the of corporation. No compensation in this regards will be paid.
  1. It is to be noted that all type of petroleum products are handled at the TW Gantry , safety aspect have to be given paramount importance, while carrying out the job. The list of safety precautions will be given along with work permit. Strict compliance would be the contractor’s responsibility. Further safety norms to ensured for NIL accidents during the execution of the painting work, especially men working at height. Contractor may accordingly, include the over heads in their quote, no additional compensation will be made on this account.
  1. The contractor will arrange all necessary equipments for checking quality of work, like ELKO meter (DFT meter), profile meter etc. including calibration and other equipment / facilities on his own cost.
  1. The tenderers are requested to study the specification enclosed with tender. These are broad specification for reference purpose only and as per site conditions and relevant paint manufacturer’s recommendation / other codes / practices, minor amendments may be implemented entirely on discretion of Engineer In-charge, on method of application, no compensation will be paid on this account.
  1. On completion of the job contractor will arrange to keep all waste & debris removed from the site/TW Gantry at designated place within BPCL Kandla area or to be taken taken out along with him without any additional cost to BPCL. The contractor will maintain and ensure utmost vigilance and high standard of safety practices while carrying out the job at site.
  1. The estimated time period of 120 days is given to the contractor considering all constraints as stipulated above. Work is to be carried out and completed within this time period and no further extension will be given to contractor.
  1. Tax at source (TDS) and WCT will be deducted as per the prevailing Govt. norms applicable at the time of payment.
  1. Payment shall be made on the completed painted surface area in all respects as per the painting scheme specified in the tender, measurements shall be taken in accordance with the relevant IS standard for arriving painting surface area.
  1. All the rates quoted by tenderer should include all taxes, duties including service tax however, BPCL reserve the right to get furnished the invoice/bill indicating separately service tax component while releasing the payment to the contractor.
  1. It is to be noted that registered contractors with BPCL are exempted on submission of EMD and unregistered contractors will need to submit the EMD as per clause no. 13 of GCC

Regarding security deposit all contractors will comply clause no.13(a) of GCC i.e 5% of tender value subject to max of Rs.1,00,000/- and same will be retained till completion of job.

  1. It is further to be noted any other specific condition not given in tender and need to be implemented as per job requirement, relevant IS, BIS code / statutory norms will be followed.
  1. It is to be noted that if any difference of the opinion / understanding occurs in general terms & condition and special conditions of the contract, only special conditions of the contract will be prevail.