Year 9 Scratch programming
Digital Portfolio
Criteria / Above the Standard / Proficient / Capable / Developing / Needs Improvement / NSICT for Visualising Thinking/ Thinking-Reflection, evaluation and metacognition/ ICT for Communicating
Creating your blog. /
- You created, organised and maintained your own blog.
- You were able to use posts to submit all your work in the best formats.
- Your blog was well presented and personalised making good use of all tools.
- You demonstrated evidence of new ways to set out your blog experimenting with new tools.
- You created your own blog.
- You were able to use posts to submit some work.
- You were able to organise your blog using themes, headings links and widgets.
- You were able to use posts to submit all your work in different formats:includes images, ,html,links…..
- Your blog was well presented and personalised
- You createdyour own blog.
- You were able to use posts to submit work.
- You were able to organise your blog using examples of themes, headings links or widgets.
- You createdyour own and used defaults.
- You were able to post some work.
- You attempted to create a blog but not set up properly yet.
Make constructive comments about what they have learned (metacognition) /
- You made constructive comments outlining your thoughts and ideas.
- You were able to reflect on what you have learned using a strategy such as PMI to analyse your thoughts
- You identified and discussed any solutions to problems encountered and suggested improvements.
- You made clear comments outlining your thoughts and ideas.
- You were able to reflect on what you have learned using a strategy such as PMI.
- You identified and discussed any solutions to problems encountered.
- You made comments outlining your thoughts and ideas.
- You were able to reflect on what you have learned.
- You identified problems encountered.
- You made comments on your posts.
- You attempted to reflect on what you have learned.
- You made comments on your posts.
ICT for Creating Students created a portfolio of their Scratch programming
Evidence of using software tools to create products (folio work) / You used all the basic software techniques (see capable) and included examples of:
- Resetting the program
- Use of flowing speech
- examples of parallelism
- more complex use of Boolean expressions
- features that support game creation including use of arrows, use of scores and broadcasting tool.
- Resetting the program
- Use of flowing speech
- examples of parallelism
- use of Boolean expressions
- features that support game creation
- different types of events
- different use of motions
- different types of looks
- different types of sound
- different types of controls
(SEE CAPABLE) / You demonstrated some use of basic Scratch tools.
Investigating Evidence of planning and testing / You demonstrated clear evidence and used ICT tools to
- test programmes
- design and plan
- create clear flowcharts for events
- comments to explain events
- a testing table
- tools to design and plan
- flowcharts
- comments to identify what events do.
- a testing table
- tools to design and plan
- flowcharts
- comments to identify what events do.
- testing table
- planning
Completed pieces to demonstrate use of tools and creativity in design / You thoroughly completed all folio pieces including:
- 10 steps
- About Me
- Dance party
- Games- including mazes and one other.
- 10 steps
- About Me
- Dance party
- Games- including mazes and one other.
- 10 steps
- About Me
- Dance party
- Games- including mazes and one other.
File structure /
- .Files were named and conventions used.
- Appropriate and correct formats were always used for all types of data..
- Made use of blog tools to display downloaded files for easy identification.
- You indicated the development of graphics/programmes in your naming convention.
- .Files were named and conventions used for all types of .
- Appropriate formats were used.
- Made use of blog tools to display downloaded files for easy identification i.e. linked to text, used html….
- Files were named and conventions used.
- Appropriate formats were mostly used.
- Files were named but did not make good use of conventions.
- Did not use appropriate graphic formats.
- Files were named but did not make good use of conventions.
- Few graphics included
St Columba’s College, Essendon March 2015