2016-2017 Syllabus

Mr. Arceniega

Course Title: 6th Grade World History & Cultures

Instructor Contact Information:

Mr. Arceniega


World History Textbook

Course Description:

Geography is concerned with the physical and cultural realities of our world. A study of geography begins with knowing where things are located on a map. More importantly, geography requires knowledge of why things are located in particular places and how those places influence our lives. To provide a framework for such questions, students will investigate the following themes-earth, water, sky, life forms, human population, gender, race, language, culture, religion, politics, economy, resources and impacts. By using these themes as a basis for understanding geographic information, students will gain a better appreciation of cultural and environmental differences around the world. Students develop and use a variety of skills including accessing, organizing, analyzing, applying, presenting (oral and written), and reporting information in the context of course content. Students engage in a variety of learning experiences, projects, presentation (including multimedia), simulation exercises, debates and performance tasks.

Classroom Rules

-No cell phones in class.

-Be respectful. Treat someone the way you would like to be treated.

-Avoid being late.

-Follow directions

-Be a leader

Course Outline:

A. Quarter 1
1. Introduction
Global Environment
The World Today
Geography Terminology
2. Pre History: Early Humans
3. Mesopotamia
4. Plains Native Americans-Role of the Bison / C. Quarter 3
1. Africa & Middle East
Ancient Egypt, Kush, Canaan
Hebrew/Israelites & Judaism
Ancient India
Hindihism & Buddhism
B. Quarter 2
1. East Asia: China, Korea, Japan
Early History of Asia
Heritage of South Asia
South Asia in Transition
South Asia in the World Today / D. Quarter 4
1. Europe
Geography and Settlement of Ancient Greece
Rise of Democracy
Geography & Early Development of Rome

Progress Reports

Progress reports will handed out to the students every three weeks. Each progress report must be signed by a parent/guardian and handed back to the teacher for an assignment grade.

Procedures for Absences (Make-Up Work): VERY IMPORTANT

All assignments are due at the end of the hour on the assigned due date. If the student has an excused absence, the assignment will be due at the beginning of the next class session, unless otherwise arranged with Mr. Arceniega. It is the student’s responsibility to get their assignments and notes for the days they are absent. A majority of the class assignments will be worked on in class.

For Pre-Arranged and/or School Sponsored Absence: All work is due the day the student leaves, unless otherwise arranged by the teacher. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain future assignments and schedule make-up exams BEFORE he/she leaves. Also, I will be setting a definite due date for long term assignments and projects. Long-term assignments due during an absence must be turned in on the day the student returns to school.

Test: All missed tests will be made up in class. Students will need to make arrangements with his/her teacher. If a student knows they will be absent, please communicate with their teacher.

Late Assignments:As a Hellgate student, the student is responsible for handing in their assignments on time. Any work received late will only receive 50% of the possible points.

Parent/Guardian Expectation

Please help by making sure you routinely supervise homework, regularly ask about your child's day at school. Make sure you communicate with your child about due dates, class expectations & projects. We as a team of teachers and parents should set a high standard on grades & composition.The majority of assignments, lesson plans, and study sheets will be posted in my personal website and emailed to you. In the website, parents will be able to print out assignments, study sheets, or lesson plans your child may have misplaced.


Students and Parents will be signing up on the remind app or site. Remind is a communication tool that helps teachers connect instantly with students and parents. Send quick, simple messages to any device. Also, both students and parents can communicate with the teacher via text. All three participants will not receive one another’s cellphone number which makes this communication tool very safe.

Supplies needed:


College Bound Notebook to use for note taking in class.

One binder for handouts, worksheets, and instructions

“If you don't make a total commitment to whatever you're doing, then you start looking to bail out the first time the boat starts leaking. It's tough enough getting that boat to shore with everybody rowing, let alone when a guy stands up and starts putting his jacket on.”
--Lou Holtz--

Parent Signature______Phone#______Date______

Email #1 ______

Email #2 ______

(Please Print)

I would recommend you write your email address. Emailing you weekly lesson plans and upcoming events will be very helpful throughout the year.

Student Signature______Print______Date______

Email #1 ______

(Please Print)