POL105Lecture 102.11.98
Unfinished business from Lecture 9
- Review (see lecture 9 notes –
- Private goods – rival & excludable
- Public goods -- non-rival & non-excludable
- Common Property Goods
– rival & non-excludable
- Coordination Goods -- non-rival & excludable
- Collective Action Problems
- Free-rider problems – public goods
- Common property problems
- Externalities
- Solving Collective Action Problems
- Entrepreneurs & Hegemons
- International Organizations & Institutions
- Bargaining – mutual interest
- Repeated Interaction
– costs of not cooperating rise over time
- Overview of dominant IR theories
- Show overhead from Knutsen p. 258
- Key concepts for each paradigm
- Realism
- Power
- nation-state
- security
- Rationalism – Liberalism
- issue areas & non-fungible power
- nation-state plus other actors
- international cooperation & coordination
- Radicalism – Revolutionism
- economic power
- class / center-periphery
- inequality & exploitation
- Summary of Modern Perspectives of
International Relations
Post-Modernism/ Post-Structuralism/
- 1980s & 1990s
- Difficulties with contemporary history
- The Information Age
- post-industrial society
- shift from a manufacturing to a service economy
- computer software, accounting, lawyers
- McDonalds & Burger King
- Information
–the web
- Globalization & Globalism
- A Global Village -- international travel
- Telecommunications & the Web
- Growth of International trade & finance
focus on international finance
opening of capital flow restrictions
stock market internationalization
international banking
- Consequences of Globalism
- The techno-optimists -- Liberals
- The techno-pessimists – Luddites & Radicals
- Technological neutrality
- Post-structural / Post-modern Perspectives in
World Politics
- Many varieties of post-modernism – general overview
- Nietzsche
- Skepticism about human reason & morality
- No universal truths
- world views -- good & bad social contexts
- role of power in shaping what is good & bad
- Wittengenstein
rules & language (discourse analysis)
action & structure are mutually constituted in the practices of a society (feedback)
- Quine
- analytic/synthetic distinction
x y
bachelor unmarried man
ungkar ugift mann
- Habermas
communicative action – coordination of actions not to achieve desired outcomes, but through acts of reaching an understanding.
Reaching an understanding (verstandigung) (forståelse) =
reaching an agreement (einigung)(enighet)
Importance of speech and action in reaching an agreement -- communication
- Foucault
relativism – insanity – what is insane?
Focus on power
The Order of Things
- Derrida
- scientific / non-scientific
- scientific / historical
- scientific / philosophical
- scientific / literary
defining what is not
there is nothing but the text
textual analysis -- deconstruction
start here 9.november.1998
- Archaeology of Knowledge
- Foucault
– focus on power, institutions impose power
- Knutsen
-- excavate a site of knowledge
- Genealogy
- Genealogy
- history is genealogy – history is a product of where we have been before – events beget events
- genealogy provides an understanding of historical causation
- Der Derian
- genealogy of diplomacy
- an understanding of alienation and estrangement (entfremden & entäusserung)
(fremedgjørelse & beslagleggelse??)
- De-construction / semiotics
- Derrida
-- reverse the hierarchy and undo pairing
- Ashley
-- deconstructing Waltz
- Constructivism
- Relativism vs. Empiricism
- Relativism
- Empiricism
- Paradigmatic ambiguity