Warrior Women,

We hope this finds you all doing well. This is the first of many documents you will be receiving from your Westmont Coaching Staff (most in email form) and this is one of the most important: your SUMMER TRAINING PACKET. Some people dread it, others check the mail everyday until it arrives, either way this is your road map for the summer and the best way to help prepare you for our upcoming season. Read through the ENTIRE packet- if you have questions- please contact Coach Kiely. Make sure to mark August 8th on your calendar as the day we start training camp- details to follow.

Inside this packet you will find the following documents:

1- Professionalism:

-Our Core Values and Expectations

-2010 Roster

-2010 Schedule

2- Running:

-Westmont Fitness Standards

-Summer training schedule

-Summer Running Document

3- Weight Training:

-P3 workout (returning players)

-Summer Weight Training (incoming players)

-Movement Descriptions (incoming players, goes with above doc)

4- Alternative Training:

-Jump Rope

-Beach Workout


-Water Workout

Our standards at Westmont are high and our expectations for this upcoming season are great- but it starts now. There are going to be days this summer that feel great and training will be easy. These days are easy. There will also be days that hurt, that are hard, that call you in every direction other than training. These days are not easy but what we choose to do and how we choose to train on these days defines who we are going to be this season.

You all have three areas to focus on prior to your arrival here next fall:

1-The Athlete

2-The Player

3-The Teammate

1. THE ATHLETE- We expect you to be stronger, quicker, faster and more durable than you have ever been before. You will do this through the following steps:

a. Warm up/Cool Down: this is a REALLY important part of your workouts and the most difficult to be disciplined about.

b. P3 Training: Following this regularly

c. Sprinting and Running: Following the workouts we have sent you

d. Fitness Standards: Respecting the team standards, meeting them/working toward them and knowing that a failure to do so will result in minimal playing time.

e. Diet: focusing on a proper diet ALWAYS (especially pre/post work out)

f. Rest: getting proper rest

g. Respect: Ultimately, leading a very “professional and responsible” lifestyle that gives your body the best chance of being the most successful.

2. THE PLAYER- We expect you to become the best soccer player you have ever been by doing the following:

a. Play: play as much as you can with the best competition you can find

b. Individual Time: Spending time juggling, dribbling, receiving and striking the ball so that you can develop better individual technical skill.

c. Watch and Study: The World Cup is on this summer…WATCH IT!!!

3. THE TEAMMATE- We expect you to be ready to be a part of the most unique team environment in all of college athletics. An environment that demands excellence and loves in outrageous ways. Here is what you can do over the summer in preparation:

a. Commit: You must commit to the summer workout and to growing as a player and person. Remember, the easy days help get us going, the hard days are what define us.

b. Hard Work: we are a program that works hard, find ways to do that over the summer so that when you arrive in the fall you are ready.

c. Service: We are a team that looks to serve whenever possible. Look to serve one another this summer in creative ways.

d. Thankfulness: We are a team that chooses to be thankful.

Know that the Coaching Staff is here to support you in any way we can. At the end of this journey, however, know that some tough decisions will have to be made about who starts, who the first ones off the bench will be, who travels (potentially), perhaps even who makes the team, etc…But know this also…we expect all of you to embrace this challenge. It’s an exciting opportunity to do something great. Seize the moment- it will never be like this again.

Peace be with you and each of your families and we look forward to seeing you in August!


Your Coaching Staff



Sprinting and Running

This summer’s training packet is an 8 week program with a 9th week at the end for you to use in preparation for camp. It’s short lived in a mere 8 weeks but it’s intense. It has been designed so that if followed correctly you will be in the right shape heading into camp. Once you arrive in August we will have these three fitness tests:

  1. 1.5 mile
  2. 300 yard sprint
  3. 40 yard sprint

Summer Training Groups:(these are the leaders you report to)

Roxanne Love: Skyla Lauda, Bailey Esquivel, Samantha Kleen, Bridget Duffy,

Jenny Martinez

Candace Marques: Aolani Rueff, Kyah Schneider, Nicole Yankey, Amanda

Deisen, Missy Robertson

Britney Scannell: Kayla Barkett, Melanie Greene, Haley Yurtin, Denae

Crump, Leeza Henderson

Jenna Nelson: Brooke Johnson, Jameisha Washington, Talia Sheets, Alison

Hensley, Lindsey Smith

Lateral Speed and Agility (LSA): Block 1

  • 1 Set = completing each drill x4
  • Complete 1 set without the ball and 1 with the ball (if doing 3 sets do 2 w/o ball)
  • Complete cone weave, cone slalom drill, ajax with ball (x4)

Sprint Workouts

300- Yard Sprint

  • Place two cones 25 yards apart
  • Up and back equals one, do it six times (total of 300 yards)

40- Yard Sprint

  • Place two cones 4 yards apart (use a measuring tape if possible)
  • Sprint as fast as you can the distance of 40 yards

40-Yard Shuttle

  • Two markers 40 yards apart
  • Up and back equals one, do it three times (total of 240 yards)
  • Complete in 45 seconds
  • Rest intervals 45 seconds
  • Extra rest every three (15 seconds extra rest)

40-Yard Ladder

  • Five markers at ten yard intervals
  • 10 and back, 20 and back, 30 and back, 40 and back,
  • Work interval equals rest interval
  • Extra rest (15 seconds) every three
  • Complete in 42 seconds
  • Extra rest every three (15 seconds extra rest)

Super Set

  • 120 yard sprint in 20 seconds
  • 40 seconds to get back to the start
  • Rest interval on the line 25 seconds
  • 6, 18, half in 35 seconds (like a shuttle)
  • Rest interval 1:15 (1 set is the 120 AND the shuttle)


  • Find a track you can run on
  • Sprint the straight away (100 m) at 75%
  • Walk the curves

Speed Program

  • This will help you sprint for 90 minutes and still have your legs for a game the next day.
  • If done properly and consistently (explosively and as fast as you can go) this will also improve your speed through the summer.

GO ALL OUT ON EVERY SPRINT! Do not pace yourself.


CONCENTRATE ON EXPLOSIVE STARTS! Lean forward at 45 degrees, drive your knees, pump your arms, keeping elbows at 90 degrees, hands open and moving from the chin to pockets. Keep your stride smooth and powerful through the sprint.

Rest Periods for Week 1- 4

30 seconds for 20’s

45 seconds for 40’s

60 seconds for 60’s

75 seconds for 80’s

90 seconds for 100’s

Rest Periods for Week 5-8

20 seconds for 20’s

30 seconds for 40’s

45 seconds for 60’s

60 seconds for 80’s

75 seconds for 100’s

Week 1-2Week 3-4Week 5 Week 6

8 x 20 yds10 x 20 yds10 x 20 yds12 x 20 yds

6 x 40 yds8 x 40 yds8 x 40 yds10 x 40 yds

4 x 60 yds6 x 60 yds6 x 60 yds8 x 60 yds

2 x 80 yds4 x 80 yds 4 x 80 yds4 x 80 yds

1 x 100 yds2 x 100 yds2 x 100 yds3 x 100 yds

Week 7 Week 8

14 x 20 yds18 x 20 yds

10 x 40 yds14 x 40 yds

8 x 60 yds10 x 60 yds

6 x 80 yds6 x 80 yds

4 x 100 yds4 x 100 yds


(ALWAYS play when you can but if that’s not an option complete this session)

Technical Skill Work

Ball Control and Agility

1 minute - Jog while dribbling ball with quick touches, changing direction and speed. Do this in a

confined space where many changes and touches are necessary.

1 minute - Head juggling

1 minute - Kick the ball up (10 ft), collect with the inside and/or outside of your foot and have a directional first touch (i.e. away from imaginary pressure) Try to collect the ball right after it bounces - repeat.

1 minute - Thigh juggling

1 minute - Kick the ball up (10 ft), collect the ball with your chest and have a directional first touch (i.e. away from imaginary pressure), settle the ball to your feet, and move off quickly - repeat.

1 minute - Foot juggling with no spin on the ball. (alternate feet)

2 minutes -Starting in a sitting position, throw ball up, get up and stop the ball before it hits the ground, settle it to your feet, and move off quickly - repeat using head, chest, each thigh, each foot in that order to collect the ball. With your foot, settle the ball using your laces. Your foot should only be a few inches off of the ground.

Technical Speed, Pure Speed and Endurance

1. Dribble in a figure “8”, usinginside then outside of your feet. This should be completed over a space of 10 yards. Work for 1 minute.

2. Rest by juggling for a 1 minute. (alt. feet)

3. Set a marker out about 25 yards from a starting point:

  • Sprint dribble to marker (this should be as fast as you can)
  • Sprint backwards to starting point
  • Sprint to ball
  • Collect ball and sprint dribble back to starting point
  • Repeat 3 times

4.Rest by juggling for 1 minute.

5. Set ball on the ground to your left and set a marker out to your right about 10 yards. Move 10 times from side to side, as in a side shuffle, without crossing legs. Move as quickly as you can.

6. Rest by juggling for 1 minute.

7. To a ten-yard marker and back. 1. Two leg explosive jumps 2. Single leg explosive jumps. Do this for 1 minute.

8. Rest by juggling for 1 minute.

9. Karaoke (lateral running criss-crossing legs) to ten-yard marker and back. Move 10 times from side to side as quickly as possible.

10. Rest by juggling for 1 minute.

11. From the starting point:

  • Pass the ball to the 25-yard marker (accuracy)
  • Sprint to the ball
  • Collect ball and accelerate to starting line
  • Recover on a jog for one length
  • Make 3 passes

12. Juggle the length of the field. Sprint after the ball every time you drop it.

Shooting and Heading

For this section of the exercise, a soccer kick wall, the side of a gymnasium, a tennis wall, racquetball

court, etc., will be necessary. Use both feet.

1. Technique work: Get 10 yards from the wall and shoot the ball first time at the wall making sure the foot is pointed, knee is over the ball, center of your foot is striking the center of the ball, and that all the power is derived from a quick snapping motion of the lower leg. (2 minutes)

2. First time shooting with power: Back off 20 yards and shoot the ball first time at the wall. Strike the ball as hard as you can regardless of the bounce, height, speed, etc. that the ball comes to you. Pick a spot on the wall to shoot at each time and keep the ball low. (6 minutes)

3. Receiving and shooting: again at 20 yards, strike the ball with power, and as it comes off the wall collect cleanly and quickly fire another shot at the wall. The point of the drill is to develop a sound clean trap and quick, hard shot. (6 minutes)

4. From one to two yards away, first time head juggling against the wall. (1 minute)

5. Back off between 5 and 7 yards, throw the ball up against the wall and as it comes off head with power getting your entire body into the heading motion. (2 minutes)

6. Get within 5 yards of the wall -- toss the ball against the wall to force you to jump to head the ball back at the wall. Catch the ball after you have headed it each time. Make sure your toss forces you to the peak of your jump. Remember your technique and head with power. (3 minutes)

This entire fitness program should take approximately 45 minutes to an hour. It is important that you go through the entire program without pause other than at planned rest intervals.

Ideally, a short 4 a side game would be a fine way to finish your training. If you are alone, this will be impossible, and I would suggest working on a weak aspect of your game. Also never underestimate playing 1v1: there is nothing better and even a short series of 1v1 contests against anyone you are with will be very helpful. Four 3-minute 1v1 games with rest in between would be excellent. If your opponent is superior (an excellent male soccer player) make your goal small (a cone) and his large (a regulation goal). If you are superior, do the same in reverse or play 1v2. Playing males is why most women on the U.S. Olympic team are as good as they are 1v1. Playing 1v2 is why George Best, in his day, was the best male dribbler in the world; he claimed 1v1 was too easy for him.

Test Days

Every two weeks you will report your times for three tests. The tests are as follows:

  1. 1.5 Mile
  2. 300 yard sprint
  3. 40 yard sprint

You will complete all of these tests in a workout session and in the order listed above. Make sure you complete the Dynamic Warm up and that you are sufficiently warm before starting the tests.In addition, you will want to do these tests BEFORE your strength workout for the day…ie. do them when you are fresh.

You MUST report your times every other week on Saturday to your training group leader. Each leader is to get times to the entire coaching staff by Sunday at 8 pm.

Technical Skills Tests

(it would be a good idea to practice these if you have the equipment)

DRIBBLING – dribble through cones (length of 10 yards), up and back as many times as possible in 30 secs.

JUGGLING – need to juggle the ball 60-70 times (alternating right and left foot) in 3 minutes



  • Timed activity
  • Working 18 yards out, will alternative checking from the left and right, turn and face.
  • Flags placed two yards inside post. If you hit down the middle (4 yards) then it is worth 2 pts. If you hit between the post and flag on either side then worth 1 pt.

-Finishing –

  • Timed activity
  • Alternating right and left foot, outside the 18 yard box
  • Cone at top of D, player must go around cone everytime
  • First strike must be the inside ball

-Long Balls

  • Timed Activity – hit five with right foot for a time and then hit five with left foot for a time.
  • Hit a moving ball, has to hit a flat goal on the fly (30 yards out). Flags two yards inside goal post. A flag placed 6 yards beyond 30 yard line. Balls start here.
  • If ball hits in the middle 4 yards then worth 2 pts, if ball hits between flag and post on either side then worth 1 pt.
  • Take a touch and must strike ball before 30 yard line


Mon / Tues / Wed / Thur / Fri / Sat / Sun
Dynamic Warm-up / X / X / X / X / X / X
P3 Work out (weight training) / X / X / X
Speed Program
Tempo Runs / X 12
Lateral Speed and Agility (LSA) / X 2 sets
Sprint Workout / X 2 rep
Self Coach Program/Play / X / X
1.5 Mile
Fitness Test


Mon / Tues / Wed / Thur / Fri / Sat / Sun
Dynamic Warm-up / X / X / X / X / X / X / Report times
P3 Work out / X / X / X
Speed Program / X
Tempo Runs / X 12
Lateral Speed and Agility (LSA)
Sprint Workout / X 2 rep
Self Coach Program/Play / X / X / X / X
1.5 Mile
Fitness Test / X


Mon / Tues / Wed / Thur / Fri / Sat / Sun
Dynamic Warm-up / X / X / X / X / X / X
P3 Work out / X / X / X
Speed Program / X
Tempo Runs / X 14
Lateral Speed and Agility (LSA) / X 2 set
Sprint Workout / X 2 rep
Self Coach Program/Play / X / X / X
1.5 Mile
Fitness Test


Mon / Tues / Wed / Thur / Fri / Sat / Sun
Dynamic Warm-up / X / X / X / X / X / X / Report times
P3 Work out / X / X / X
Speed Program
Tempo Runs / X 12
Lateral Speed and Agility (LSA) / X 2 set
Sprint Workout / X 2 rep
Self Coach Program/Play / X / X / X
1.5 Mile
Fitness Test / X


Mon / Tues / Wed / Thur / Fri / Sat / Sun
Dynamic Warm-up / X / X / X / X / X / X
P3 Work out / X / X / X
Speed Program / X
Tempo Runs / X 14
Lateral Speed and Agility (LSA) / X 2 set / X 3 set
Sprint Workout / X 2 rep
Self Coach Program/Play / X / X / X / X
1.5 Mile / X
Fitness Test


Mon / Tues / Wed / Thur / Fri / Sat / Sun
Dynamic Warm-up / X / X / X / X / X / X / Report times
P3 Work out / X / X / X
Speed Program / X
Tempo Runs
Lateral Speed and Agility (LSA) / X 3 set
Sprint Workout / X 3 rep
Self Coach Program/Play / X / X / X
1.5 Mile
Fitness Test / X


Mon / Tues / Wed / Thur / Fri / Sat / Sun
Dynamic Warm-up / X / X / X / X / X / X
P3 Work out / X / X / X
Speed Program / X
Tempo Runs / X 16
Lateral Speed and Agility (LSA) / X 4 set
Sprint Workout / X 3 rep
Self Coach Program/Play / X / X / X / X
1.5 Mile / X
Fitness Test


Mon / Tues / Wed / Thur / Fri / Sat / Sun
Dynamic Warm-up / X / X / X / X / X / X / Report times
P3 Work out / X / X / X
Speed Program / X
Aerobic Acceleration / X 16
Lateral Speed and Agility (LSA) / X 4 set
Sprint Workout / X 4 rep
Self Coach Program/Play / X / X / X
1.5 Mile
Fitness Test / X
Skills Test