MINUTES OF MEETING held on 20 June 2016 @ Balmedie Primary School

Chair: David Watson; Secretary: Vacant; Vice Chair: Alan Smith; Treasurer (temp): Alan Smith Planning : David Wallace Minute Secretary: David Wallace

Members Present: D. Watson; A. Smith; D.Wallace ; Drew Robertson; Richard Miller; Alastair Lesley; Phil Mann, Ian Edwards. Scott Wilkinson (new member)

Formartine Area Councillors Present: Alan Hendry, Cryle Shand, Jim Gifford

Apologies: None Absent, no apologies; C.Murray, R.Livingston

Visitors: Edna Booth, Nicola Brown, Joe Cowan

The Chairman welcomed all present to the meeting, asked that all mobile phones be put on ‘silent’ and that all matters be addressed through the chair; also that any declarations of interest in agenda items be made known.

Chairman then reported the resignation of the Secretary, Scott MacIntyre from immediate effect. No reason or explanation was provided by Scott in support of his decision. A new Secretary will be sought in due course . In the meantime D.Wallace will take the meeting minutes.

The Chairman also requested all attendees to introduce themselves. P.Mann introduced Scott Wilkinson to the BCC and proposed that he be opted on to the BCC. The proposal was seconded by Richard Miller and carried by all members.

·  Declaration of Conflict of Interest

·  As members of the Blackdog Residents Association P.Mann and S. Wilkinson declared an interest conflict in the Flooding issue raised by Blackdog resident Mrs.Edna Booth

·  Police Matters (no Police attendance at meeting and no report provided)

Cllr Hendry reported on his meeting with the new Police Inspector for the area which has resulted in an increased level of police patroling in the area.

·  Minutes of Meeting from 16 May 2016

·  The reference to Planning Approval on the Balmedie Leisure Centre issue related to the 2’s Playgroup Area will be removed as no Planning Approvals are required.

·  Minutes were then proposed by: D. Robertson and seconded by: R.Miler

·  Matters arising from the previous minutes

·  D.Wallace reported that the Planning Application for the errection of 3 Houses with Garages at Middlemuir, Whitecairns which was supported by the BCC at the previous meeting has been DECLINED by ACC Planning Committee.

·  Treasurer’s Report

·  A.Smith provided a status update on the Statement of Accounts. No issues raised.

·  Planning

·  D.Wallace provided details of all the planning applications made in the past month and any decisions made on BCC area applications. No actions raised on either .

·  The Bruntland Landfill issue was discussed along with the recent Enforcement Notice from the Aberdeenshire Council Planning Service . As this issue is being persued at that level there was a view put by D.Wallace that we should leave it with them as the BCC input on this issue in the past has been totally ignored.

·  Landfill Projects (Project Status Report attached)

·  D.Watson met with Taylors Environmental Ltd. and AB Scotland to help determine how future projects will be administrated and managed. The proposal is that Financial Management will be conducted by AB Scotland . The BCC will have a role in project management within SLCF and will continue to handle the initial administration of Project Funding Applications prior to handing them over to AB Scotland who along with Taylors will determine Project Funding Approval . BCC will no longer be an “Approval Body” going forward..

·  Belhelvie Football Pitch, Potterton Football Pitch and Play Park plus 2 x 7 Side Pitches in Balmedie – contractor chosen and work to commence within the next few weeks.

·  NOTE; If any local group have an environmental project for which they would like to put forward for funding, please contact Belhelvie Community Council at the e-mail address provided at the bottom of this page or alternatively call 01358 742118.

·  Correspondence

·  Liquor Trading License application for 14 Chapelwell Wynd , Balmedie was approved by the Area Liicencing Board. This will allow Internet Trading for Wine & Spirits to be conducted from these premises.

·  Revised H&S Risk Assessment provided by A.Smith will be passed electronically to S,Wilkinson for finalization prior to issue to the Village Tidy-Up Groups.

Any Other Business

·  NEW ISSUE: Blackdog resident Mrs.Edna Booth presented a statement along with photographs relating to the flooding of her garden at Hareburn Terrace. Her view is that the landscaping work done in connection to amenity improvements funded by the BCC 3 years ago has compounded her flooding problem which has worsened recently due to the wet winter and spring. She effectively wanted to know what the BCC was willing to do with regards to resolving the problem. D.Watson stated that the flooded area and the area of land where the groundwater is coming from are privately owned and therefore not the responsibility of the BCC to put right. A.Hendry suggested a professional Drainage Assessment be conducted to fully determine the root cause of the flooding and along with Jim Gifford said they would be willing to bring it up within the ACC. P.Mann has already a meeting lined up with Brian Shand from the ACC Environmental Services and committed to discuss the issue with him in an effort to resolve the problem. A.Hendry to request an update from Alan Davidson –Aberdeenshire Council Planning Officer on the Wester Hatton planning situation.

·  NEW ISSUE: P.Mann raised the problem of the damaged bridge leading down to Blackdog Beach with a view to affecting a repair. The bridge effectively sits on private land and as such the initial approach should be made towards the landowner. No one seemed to know who initially erected the bridge.

·  NEW ISSUE: P.Mann also stated his intention to challenge any future building of a Medical Centre in the area in favour of it being located in Blackdog on the grounds that its build would be on the back of the planned development there. His remarks are hereby noted although the phased development could take up to 20 years to complete and the need for a local area medical centre is required now and land has already been set aside by the Aberdeenshire Council for that purpose in Balmedie.

·  Meeting closed at 22:02

Date of next Belhelvie Community Council meeting – Monday 18th July 2016

At Belhelvie Community Centre, 7.30pm

All Visitors Welcome

Future Meetings dates are as follows;

Month / Date / Venue
May / 16th May 2016 / Balmedie Primary School
June / 20th June 2016 / Balmedie Primary School
July / 18th July 2016 / Belhelvie Community Centre
August / 15th August 2016
September / 19th September 2016
October / 17th October 2016
November / 21st November 2016
December / 19th December 2016

New E-Mail address for correspondence is

Community Website is as follows;

Belhelvie Community Council – Minutes of Meeting